1. Frostwolf

    Not sure what's happening, but constant DC's? Can't play more then a few minutes without the server crashing and rolling back?

  2. Yes same thing here crash while in 2s 3 times now

  3. Cant connect, is it just me?

    Let me know! (politely)

  4. as usual when molten releases some unfinished and buggy content .. it crashes every 5 minutes and the content is poorly scripted ..
    see feedback report, spells bugged, oneshoting ppl, crashing server, 10man is scripted the same as 25man .. etc

  5. as usual when molten releases some unfinished and buggy content .. it crashes every 5 minutes and the content is poorly scripted ..
    see feedback report, spells bugged, oneshoting ppl, crashing server, 10man is scripted the same as 25man .. etc
    Yea pls pls cry more.
    I think Molten is on a good way. I know you would like to have 1 update all 8 Months like it was in the past.
    Just wait until they fix the **** and be happy they update. If you cant without wow for a few hours then its your problem.

  6. They just disabled pet battles again.. that's why

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