1. Everytime i enter warmane site the teaser appears on the screen so thats prevents me to do other stuff in the site cause i cant see the backgroud.

    Can someone pls tell me how can i disable the lordaeron teaser.

  2. (e.g., if you want to enter Ulduar 10 players, you require to have The Fall of Naxxramas 10 players; similarly, you need to have The Fall of Naxxramas 25 players if you wish to enter Ulduar 25 players; and so on). It is really a hardcore progression approach because you have to make raids with players that fulfill these requirements, independently when they started their journey on Lordaeron, to be able to move forward [content-wise].
    There's one major problem: WotLK really only has two tiers of content. Unless you force players to do Sartharion+3D 10-man with the raid only having 10-man gear (an arbitrary set of conditions), completing T7 is such a non-issue that requirements to do it might as well not exist. Same goes for T9, with TO(G)C being easier than Ulduar even when doing them with the same gear. And ultimately, unless you require Yoggy+0 or Algalon kill in order to progress, in real practise players could go through normalmode Ulduar as well in two weeks max while final hardmode achievement requirement would keep many guilds eternally stuck even though they'd be perfectly capable of doing easier T9 content.

    Without completely redesigning or at least retuning T7 and T9 (I'd love that, but it wouldn't be "Blizzlike"), there's simply no "journey"/tier-to-tier progression to be had in WotLK. You either choose to stick with Ulduar and do the hardmodes legit (despite far superior gear being available from far easier content), or you'll faceroll your way to ICC and try to progress its hardmodes instead. The only real incentive to do T7 or T8 is them being the final content available, regardless of if you have a progression system or not.

  3. Firs of all I want to say that I haven't played Wow from ages. Yesterday I found about the upcoming new blizlike Lardareon and I immediately took several days offwork starting from 25th.
    Now I have two questions that I didn't read about in the past 20-30 pages back, so I'm sorry if I'm asking something already have been discussed....
    First of all queues - probably in the beginning and the big interest they will be near 1k. So does donation will help skip the queues?
    Now I have to admit that at my age my memory is not so sharp anymore so can you suggest any worthy warth of the lich king database... Cuz... Well you know why :)

  4. Hello,
    I have a question and I'm sorry if it has already been requested.
    Multiboxing will be accepted on this realm? If yes, there will be an account limit per physical player ?

    Thanks and sorry for my bad english

  5. Hello,
    I have a question and I'm sorry if it has already been requested.
    Multiboxing will be accepted on this realm? If yes, there will be an account limit per physical player ?

    Thanks and sorry for my bad english
    Yes and the official like 10-12 chars i think it is per account per realm. Multiboxing has always been allowed.

  6. Will the quest for shadowmourne work or will be still bugged?

  7. Will the quest for shadowmourne work or will be still bugged?
    I heard they said somewhere that they will script Valan'yr and Shadowmourne..

  8. Realm's Progression Options

    Just asking because the time between one map and the following one will be only one month so I don't know if it's really worthy to clear those vanilla and TBC raids.
    It is quite true. I proposed in previous posts two different approaches that IMHO could make the realm's progression really worth it. One is hardcore Eternal Progression, which basically implements a form of player restriction (e.g., achievements, gear iLvl, etc) to move forward through the game content. The other one does not impose any requirement on the players and makes progression of the realm dependent on time-boxes determined by the realm's release date (e.g., 1-3 months for each expansion, 1-2 years for each expansion, etc). Take a look at these, if you are interested, and share your feedback about them in this thread.

    I would really like it, and enjoy it if you made it feel like there is new expansion every 2-3 months, with release of outland, than northrend. But for it to work, you would need working dungeons and raids for Outland first. I really want to relive that hype of getting new expansion :D
    This sounds really interesting, considering it's 2-3 months of Vanilla and TBC you have enough time to max Professions, gather Gold and also connect with other people.
    IMHO, anything less than 1 year release delay between the expansions would not make the most out of Lordaeron's potential. I mentioned here some advantages/reasons for it. Why rush to reach WotLK end game content when you already have it available in Deathwing or Ragnaros? Wouldn't you prefer a 1-2 years delay between releases to fully experience the end game content from classic, TBC, to WotLK expansions instead? Bare in mind longer release delays may also bring more players to the realm [more time to spread the word/more hype on every expansion release] and encourage them to go through the hardcore leveling process [it would not be just another blizzlike 1x WotLK realm]; lets us know what you think about it.

    He is right, that is why blizzard removed attunements in WOTLK and even before that they removed many attunements at the end of BC, in patch 2.4 you no longer needed the attunements for entering Black Temple or Mount Hyjal
    True, they removed them. Nonetheless, they still enforce gear restrictions on players. I personally would like to have attunements in WotLK as well; it makes feel progress really role-play-epic. However, to be realistic here, at the least it would be nice to have some sort of mid-long term realm progression. Wouldn't you agree?

    Tbh I would also like to change the standard gearing process from Ragnaros and Deathwing which goes FoS / PoS farm till u die and then ICC. It's too fast and got boring already tbh =D
    I could not agree more with you. This is another good reason to support any of the proposed realm progression options.

    It's gonna be progressive so naxx > ulduar > toc > icc
    Hopefully, you are correct, I think this would be the right way to go with Lordaeron. However, I have not seen an official confirmation of it so far. Would you link one here if you are aware of it?

    There's one major problem: WotLK really only has two tiers of content. Unless you force players to do Sartharion+3D 10-man with the raid only having 10-man gear (an arbitrary set of conditions), completing T7 is such a non-issue that requirements to do it might as well not exist. Same goes for T9, with TO(G)C being easier than Ulduar even when doing them with the same gear. And ultimately, unless you require Yoggy+0 or Algalon kill in order to progress, in real practise players could go through normalmode Ulduar as well in two weeks max while final hardmode achievement requirement would keep many guilds eternally stuck even though they'd be perfectly capable of doing easier T9 content.

    Without completely redesigning or at least retuning T7 and T9 (I'd love that, but it wouldn't be "Blizzlike"), there's simply no "journey"/tier-to-tier progression to be had in WotLK. You either choose to stick with Ulduar and do the hardmodes legit (despite far superior gear being available from far easier content), or you'll faceroll your way to ICC and try to progress its hardmodes instead. The only real incentive to do T7 or T8 is them being the final content available, regardless of if you have a progression system or not.
    The idea behind the Eternal Progression is to force a game path on players (e.g., by requiring achievements, gear iLvl, or alike) regardless of the intrinsic raid difficulties or personal preferences. In this case, the sole incentive for the players would be to fully experience the game features at a current level to unlock any newer content from higher levels. It may differ from the retail version of WotLK and it may be a bit tyrannical, as Obnoxious hinted in a previous post, but, despite all of that, it is IMHO a very hardcore progressive realm set-up worth considering.

    Have you seen the other approach I mentioned? It is similar to Kaer's initial 1-2 month time-boxed releases, suggested in OP, but on steroids because the time delays between expansions could be extend up to years. What do you think of that one? Could you suggest any other alternatives for the problem you mentioned? What about a hybrid of both of these approaches, like a player mentioned in this thread? Keep us posted. Cheers!

  9. Lordaeron will be a Wrath of the Lich King server. Not a vanilla server, not a Burning Crusade server.

    We will go through content gradually both to let people have a sense of progression through content, with some new things coming over time and people not being able to simply rush to the end, as well as to let Developers change their full focus to the likely more intricate and challenging content to script as close to perfection as possible.

    People are largely misinterpreting and misusing "hardcore" and "progressive." Again, Lordaeron will be a Wrath of the Lich King server, and one with a very definite design base. While certain things could possibly be tweaked or adjusted, I don't see Kaer's vision being deformed to match player ideas that wildly deviate from what we want to offer here - just look at RDF if you believe me wrong.

    There's nothing in the proposed design about forcing players to do content to "unlock" further content, much less to keep players who came to play Wrath of the Lich King trapped in a different content "for 1-2 years," and I don't see that having a chance of changing. If we were to actually want a "true" progressive server, we'd likely not stop with Wrath of the Lich King, and not start before Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria were just as functional.

  10. Well that is unfortunate cause that quest is an awesome experience for any healing class that does it.... I mean the quest takes a long time to do so it wouldn't create any unbalance imo. I hope at least shadowmourne quest line shows up at least because i always wanted to do it and i'm sure the healers would also like to try out the quest but if it's not gonna be scripted well that's a shame.

  11. Well that is unfortunate cause that quest is an awesome experience for any healing class that does it.... I mean the quest takes a long time to do so it wouldn't create any unbalance imo.
    This is incorrect too.

  12. This is incorrect.
    Is there any particular reason for this?

  13. This is incorrect too.
    So you mean that the weapon is gonna give a lot of balance issues or what? I don't get what part of it is incorrect? I mean i think the legendary weapons should be obtainable through the quest chain that they were coming from... I mean it's gonna take a LONG time for one player to actually acquire it. I mean there must be some reason i suppose?

  14. Is there any particular reason for this?
    Yes. Due to English grammar "will" used for future time, as i know.

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