1. So what you can dispel DoTs? Does that mean Polymorph sucks cause you can dispel it? That doesn't make any sense, shadow priest is really strong if played well and is one of the top PvP classes in WotLK.

  2. OP asked what class to roll, but this thread turned into bragging about which is OP and which is not -.-
    You can get glad with any class, so it doesn't really matter if you play X or Y.

  3. He asked which class/spec is "funny" and OP.

    Simple answer - ROLL A WARRIOR, IT'S BOTH OP AND "FUNNY".

  4. how da fck you can dispel polymorph ? its full cc , only someone else can dispel it for u. Lol do I really have to explain basics to u guys ?

  5. That's you who said the fact you can dispel SP's DoTs makes this spec bad what's utter bull****.

    "Other lowest tier class would be , would be shadow priest , again simply becouse your damage over time can simply be dispeled , pretty self explanatory."

    First of all SP has 30% chance to resist any dispel effect on DoTs. Second of all only priests and paladins can dispel your DoTs and you can hard CC them so they won't do that just like with Polymorph. Shamans and druids can dispel poisons so it means Assasination sucks just because of it?
    Edited: September 15, 2015

  6. God 30percent resit , doesnt matter when u fight holy paladin who doesnt even have cooldown on his dispels. :D Only , thats not only thats like most of arena teams. paly easy dispel , priest easy dispel , warlock dispel with cooldown , dk shield silence you , rogue cloak it ... :D fancy right ? No fcking good class relies on silly dots , thats why paladin dispel is near useless, maybe only when fighting priest or warlock. Assassination sucks becouse of many things like lack of mobility , But you pretty much right assassination also sucks becouse druids shams and holies can easy dispel their wound poison, even thou first point is much more significant. As i explained about 1v1 duels , less counters too you , better ur class , well then obviously assassin rogue is lower tier , becouse he will meet balance druid in arena or duel doesnt matter he will dispel his wound and easy outheal.
    Yeah and what kind of fcking authority you playing to me , come to pvp realm and trie to win against my champs with ur ret or priest , got 8 chars and i really cant remember when i manged to loose to fcking ret .

  7. Okay, Assasination and SP is bad (lol)... Think what you want, whatever. :D

    PS. Never said Retribution is that strong in 3.3.5a, I agree it's not that good there but at Lordaeron's launch when no one is going to have good amount of resilience paladin is going to be fine IMO and it has great syngergy with mage if played right.

  8. Hey whatsup community,

    i have a question to the PVP classes in Lordaeron..

    What do you think which class is most funny and strong in PVP, which class can you recommend me????

    I cant decide.. :(

    Sorry for my bad english and thanks for your answer :)
    I opened a Thread because of this post, somewhere in that text I think I answer your question :)
    The Thread's name is: Should I try a different DPS class? Should I try to be Healer? May be a Tank?
    And this is the link if you want to take a look: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread....-May-be-a-Tank

    Good luck.

  9. I'm gonna play as a feral druid, i am looking for a great discipline priest mate for 2's, 3's.

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