1. Makes sense because PVE gear have no downscale in PVP... but well what i said had 1 mistake in fact, they can release it without having negative impact in PVP if they fix the downscale...
    But for your logic why would PVE ppl use PVP gear if pridefull got released first then SoO is released? Just because it does more dps right? and in the situation i described would happen the same thing because everyone want to deal the most damage possible with the gear available
    To be honest pvp gear will still be over the TOT HC gear... Because of the PVP power... But whatever it would be a mix PVE/PVP build then.... Dude if Prideful gets out EVERYONE uses Prideful + Prideful is MUCH easier to get then TOT HC gear.... Simple facts really.... It's not the gears fault, it's freaking unbalance and classes that do it... Still i'm more of a guy who wants people to EXPERIENCE the RAID before PVP gear gets out.

  2. Once again, the topic becomes trash, because you guys do not understand why I wrote it at all. I wanted a simple yes or no answer from a staff member, they should know, what's going to happen in a week and we deserve to be informed about it. If it's not coming out maybe there is some ETA? If there is none there must be some plans for the future?
    PvP players who were playing on mop since wipe are fully geared, I have reached over 2.4k in arenas and I don't like the idea of pushing it up again just to get 2.5k when there is no gear or any new content in game. I'm a guild master of one of the very few guilds here, that is looking to play rated battlegrounds. There is completely nothing being done about fixing bugs related to rateds. We have been playing like that for months and we don't even get any information about what's going on.

    I don't care at all about your argues and your theories. You can only assume one thing will happen or another.
    Tiago has a very good point about ToT hc, that pve gear will dominate pvp if it gets released before prideful or before the scaling gets fixed. Even now people are using ToT normal trinkets in pvp as they are twice more powerful than regular grevious trinkets. ToT HC upgraded items will be 549 ilvl or I'm missing something here?

    Generally IMO releasing prideful gear with SoO having even few bosses scripted would be a good idea. If SoO is completely unprepared ToT HC is not ready, nothing has been done for past two months, ok I understand, we got used to that in some way. I still have hope that devs have made enough progress with SoO to release it though and that is why I made this topic to find out, if we move on or stay where we are for next 3 months.

  3. To be honest we don't have Thunderforged items yet in normal or heroic soooo it's not 549 ilvl we are talking about... Yeah arena raiting has no worth in todays standards... That's why i don't like arenas to begin with... You shoot for NOTHING! Absolutly NOTHING! Meh RBG has been in that state for a long time altho i remember it was popular but i think that was before the Molt-down. Meh we have different opinions but i hope they do the right thing... Which is TOT HC > SOO/Prideful but that's just my 2 cents... Also i don't think we will get more of a offical statement yet cause it's too soon to tell when Prideful or EVEN Soo to come out.

  4. My best guess would be that we'll have to wait for Prideful a while more, because I don't think they'll be releasing it as a "surprise". There was some talk about releasing SoO(/Prideful? can't remember) gear with the 1st boss while the last season was coming to an end, but the community voted a big-arsed "NO" for that. I'm expecting next season to be Grievous too

  5. My best guess would be that we'll have to wait for Prideful a while more, because I don't think they'll be releasing it as a "surprise". There was some talk about releasing SoO(/Prideful? can't remember) gear with the 1st boss while the last season was coming to an end, but the community voted a big-arsed "NO" for that. I'm expecting next season to be Grievous too
    Yeah they would never do it out of the blue and release Prideful... They would announce it or have some information about it.

  6. Why don't you all just accept the thing that FW is like a PTR realm for them? They plan to have servers like Lordaeron for every expansion in the future. They just don't want to bother with MoP that much for now. You all read that they mention new core. But if they plan to move everything on that new core, they need to begin from the bottom. That's why they started with the WotlK in a first place. We just need to wait and wait.
    EDIT: Don't bother with asking, even they don't know what and when. This is what I got from Obnoxious
    "No, I can't. It would take one of the Developers or Administrators directly linked to development to give even a rough statement or answer any of those questions. Even if I was privy to details of how development is going, which I'm not, I still wouldn't be the one to give out time expectations."
    Edited: September 15, 2015

  7. Are we getting prideful gear next week?
    ofc not


  8. Hello there,
    I know, that this question was asked many times already, various answers have been given, but I couldn't find any reliable one from staff member, so let me ask again.
    Will you release prideful gear in next Season?
    I guess that I don't need to explain the basics of this operation to Warmane staff, but some PvE people may not be quite aware how it actually works.
    We have had Grevious gear for so long, that I have full gear, spare gear just in case and 30k conquest points on my main. If Prideful gear is not gonna get released and we will have Grevious still, it will be 3 months (at least) more until the next season as only then releasing new gear would actually make sense.

    First boss of SoO was released without loot weeks ago, perhaps until now some more bosses are scripted and we could get few bosses in SoO and prideful come out next week.
    I don't even want to hear people saying we didn't get ToT HC on the way, because we are missing like 60% of the previous content and we moved on anyway. I'm not an expert in MoP PvE, but I think as for now only heroic mop raid is MSV. Devs would have to script ToES and HoF heroic before releasing ToT heroic using your logic. With current pace of progress that is done it would take not months but years to complete.

    I guess that mine post or any other cannot really affect the decision that I believe is already made, but we would really like to know what it actually is. What is the plan for next content release?

    ps. don't forget about the professions
    So your logic is we got grievious for so long and i want pridefull. So we can have the last tier of pvp gear and just let the pvp die .
    Why would you want end content right now you do realise you'll play at least 1 year in pridefull gear before they start to work or release any new expansion here ?
    Be ****in patient and chill if you 're full geared and dont pvp for rating play alts or take a break from the game .

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