1. lordaeron population < frostwolf population

    so I've been watching the pop count from the main page and throughout opening day, the population of frostwolf was always on top of lordaeron's.

    even at peak 4k, frostwolf had like 4.1 and as I write this its 1744 > 1478

    i'm actually surprised, as I thought that opening day would be kinda crazy.

    and please staff, don't take this the wrong way , I don't mean anything bad it's just an observation.

    anyway, congrats on the world's most complete and hardcore wrath server. I've always wished you success on this, coz I truly believe that success for warmane means that it'll spread to all the xpacs.

    Edited: September 26, 2015

  2. A lot of people will not be playing since they are aware the starting weeks are gonna be chalk full of issues and lag.

    Personally I will wait a month before I even think about getting on this server.

    Ofc for the try hard's who want the realm first in everything, well.... Thats their problem entirely.

  3. MOP will always have more population than Lord imo.

  4. Remeber that the cap for lordaeron is setted to 4k
    yeah thats a good point

    I think lordaeron is "stealing" some players from MoP so in the next days there is gonna be like 300-400 less players on Frostwolf than usual
    actually I think most hard core MoP players have left for other servers with more content already

    I personally am way to lazy to lvl up yet again(for the 100th time), even at x20 rates. that's why I got the inta 90 WoD thing and even so, I left it at 96ish when I realized it could take like a year (?) to get the insane title. I've way too many other things to do than to grind lvls and rep.

    in any case, tho I'm not "happy" frostwolf has been neglected. i'm glad there's a glimmer of hope that the lord core will become the foundation of the other xpacs (if it's as wonderful as they make it sound).

    we just have to wait for the staff to work on that + the whatever-the-technical-thing-is they need to upgrade frostwolf to 5.4.8

    it's practically hallow's end and the feast of winter veil is right around the corner.

    so maybe 2016 will be frostwolf's turn


  5. I love how on every "Will there be a Vanilla/Burning Crusade servers?" question they answered with "No. That's a regression, we will never go back!". Then they suddenly release a wotlk server with 100% focus on it. Not mad, even though I'll never play Wotlk, just saying.
    Giving us a new MoP patch and prideful gear upon season reset, would've been a way bigger community progress though.

  6. MOP will always have more population than Lord imo.
    That is really debatable... The population might grow steady overtime to make it even more popular then MOP but we will see :)

  7. Yet no one takes into consideration that there are TWO more WotLK realms with ~5000 people online together on them next to people on Lordaeron.

  8. Imagine a FW with a Lordaeron focus, it would be OVER 9.000 people on server, but no, one more WotlK realm is needed!

  9. July 2, 2016  
    MOP will always have more population than Lord imo.

    You are wrong, as you can see.

  10. July 3, 2016  
    You are wrong, as you can see.
    The thread has almost 1 year old. Good job reviving it.

  11. July 3, 2016  
    Best Necro EU. This guy deserves a prize.

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