1. PvP?

    So far how is pvp, whitch side win more or its balanced?

  2. Hmm.. A good question. I think horde is more dominant at the moment judging by the speaks of other players. I am playing on alliance and I have played a few battlegrounds while leveling to the level 60. Well every single one was a loss.. So yeah I'd say horde is better, but I might be wrong.

  3. It seems to come in...waves...
    The first 2 days I played I won maybe ~35% of games as alliance. Then for the next 3 days I won like 90%. Today I won like 50%.

  4. Im alliance. Playing bgs while leveling, horde is owning.

  5. at lvl 60 ,alliance has 10 paladins and 5 hunters , beat that if u can.

  6. 0k I will roll ally then, I dont wanna win all time :)) Ty for fast answers :))

  7. Make sure to roll either a human paladin or warrior, or maybe even a hunter. Those are the 3 classes most in-need currently.

  8. Make sure to roll either a human paladin or warrior, or maybe even a hunter. Those are the 3 classes most in-need currently.
    2 true haha

  9. No way, I hate those classes, I am rollin resto/ele shaman as usual :)

  10. To shed a bit more light on the topic at hand ill throw in my two cents:

    when freshly hit 60 horde was compleatly dominate, winning around 90% of games possibly due to many factors one being that they had more presence in battlegrounds thus getting their gear faster and as soon as that happened there was no way for alliance to catch up on the gear difference. Saying that however since there is a maximum amount of gear you can get with honor and now both sides are almost compleatly geared it seems to have balanced out with the edge going to the alliance now due to a few factors, one being that we have a race (human) that has a 2 min CD on trinket... while not gamebreaking yes this is an advantage as pvp is so bursty if u get caught in a stun you basicly die.

    to address the **omg warrior/hunter/pally op** topic, every class in some way is overpowered and i have been on multiple occations almost global-ed by all classes in the bracked when appropriate gear/skill/spec is opposing me


    Mage - Fire - sheep into fireball/fireblast/blastwave/insta-flamestrike --- dead
    Rogue - Sub - Shadowstep Ambush hitting for 2k on plates
    Warriors - Prot - Shockwave + revenge is usualy enough to kill someone if it crits
    Paladins - Ret - Judgement + divinestorm + crusaderstrike inside a stun on a 1 min cd
    Shamans - Enhancee - Pop wolves, stormstrike, earthshock, insta chainlighting
    Priest - Shadow - Dispertion, silence, stun (disarm), combined with high dmg dots
    Warlock - Destro - was hit for a 3.6k Cayos bolt crit today lol almost craped my pants
    Hunters - Serpent sting/Silencingshot/chimera shot
    Hunters - BM - pet solo's you in 4 hits lol
    Druid - boomkin - 2 dots, starfall,gg

    TLDR; every class is OP in pvp at the moment, dont worry it will all balance out in the end just remember pvp doesnt matter all that much till 80 as the honor will be reset when TBC comes out and when Wrath comes out so people dont get a headstart!

    and glhf

  11. im doing bgs while lvling (as ally) and im winning maybe 75-80% but ive heard on 60 cap horde is dominating

  12. i feel like it's balanced now. AV weekend horde absolutely destroyed alliance. now it's pretty much 50/50, atleast the times that i've played on my warrior on the alliance side

  13. Hunters - BM - pet solo's you in 4 hits lol
    This made me laugh so hard =)))) . I'm not being ironic, i'm actually laughing !

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