1. No it won't. At least TBC will have some resil.

  2. So does this mean that TBC will be postponed till 1st week of november?
    That is the current ETA. We'll keep you guys updated.

  3. Its not only this . I hope Warmane staff wont be naive and belive this posts abouth " we wanna vanilla experience" . People simple wanna more time to catch up in leveling. Not even 10% of players that write " we wanna raid 60 lv content " etc will do that. People are selfish you know , they play 1-2 h per day or even less , but they come to forum and wanna have same items , level etc like players that are hyped play in more serious way.

    To be clear i dont say this players are worste then players with 60 lv already, but more you play more you get.. simple as that. You dont play that much , then why you wanna be equal ?
    Errr... Sorry but some of us can only play a few hours a day because we have a life and cant spend a few days no lifing to get max level and Bis.. some of us have families and jobs to do so yeah some of us would like some more time to level to 60 to experience vanilla content -.-

  4. some of us can only play a few hours a day because we have a life
    If I had a dollar for every time I see this stupid, ridiculous argument I'd have enough money to buy an island.

  5. Errr... Sorry but some of us can only play a few hours a day because we have a life and cant spend a few days no lifing to get max level and Bis.. some of us have families and jobs to do so yeah some of us would like some more time to level to 60 to experience vanilla content -.-
    I understand this. Rigth now i have loads of time. too much time to be honest that i can spend on playing. so for me its not an issue. but sometimes it has been i have had work and other things so i could only spend a few ours a few days a week online.
    But just because i dont have time to play more than a few hours each day i can't complain and ask to have "the game" slowed down or changed in any way so it will suit my gametime

    It is very simple. if i have less time to play than i cant expect to get as much out of the game as the ones that can spend more time playing. as someone already said "the more you play the more you get" and that is true and it is that way it should be to

  6. If I had a dollar for every time I see this stupid, ridiculous argument I'd have enough money to buy an island.
    Its not all. They spend less time in game, but they wanna have all the levels and gear that player with x3 /played time. Its like playing counter strike 3-4 hours per weeek and cry that pro players got better aim because they play more, or crying abouth salary " oh no someone work more , and he got more money then me. Its not fair i wanna more cash right now! " or another example.. from LIFE , because they like "life thing". This girl got better body then me.. because she goes to gym.. , what a btich! I sit whole day on *** watching tv , and i wanna have same body.

    People need really to grow up

  7. Please release TBC earlier, vanilla is too much of a joke at this state

  8. Its not all. They spend less time in game, but they wanna have all the levels and gear that player with x3 /played time. Its like playing counter strike 3-4 hours per weeek and cry that pro players got better aim because they play more, or crying abouth salary " oh no someone work more , and he got more money then me. Its not fair i wanna more cash right now! " or another example.. from LIFE , because they like "life thing". This girl got better body then me.. because she goes to gym.. , what a btich! I sit whole day on *** watching tv , and i wanna have same body.

    People need really to grow up
    Participation awards without the participation. A new low.

  9. So simple good and bad news in one post.

    But common.. Warmane made Lordaeron a "flagship" realm , and now what ? , you gonna focus on onther reeealms and "quality" of Lordaeron will go down ?. Not to be harsh or something because i really like the server etc. But its sounds like some ****ed up marketing play to simple get more players here.

    You cant hype something like that and then slow down and focus on something else.. common. You made some promises , and i hope you gonna keep them.
    Stop crying for **** sake!!!

  10. We'll keep you guys updated.
    Do you have access to what kind of percentages are involved with max level characters?

    Would be nice to see if there are really so many 60's being bored at 60 compared to people enjoying the game at a slower pace.And if either style has a extreme volume compared to the different style maybe plan progression speed according to that data.

    If its anything like this : 30% under level 30,40% under level 40 and 20% under level 50 i think it would fair to tell everybody at level 60 that they rushed in vain and deserve more waiting pain.

    Or the other way around, if the majority of the players is capped at 60 picking their noses that the slow levelers can have Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms for themself because the darkportal opens up a little sooner.

  11. literally all these people crying to have TBC released earlier need to stop freaking crying i hope you know once we get to TBC its the same damn crap in vanilla and also you know how long we are spending on WoTLK? years so stfu and be glad go do something else for ****'s sake like go outside lol.

  12. You cant hype something like that and then slow down and focus on something else.. common. You made some promises , and i hope you gonna keep them.
    You must be new here.

    The other WotLK realms have had **** scripts for ages because even though they were hyped for a long time as the best WotLK server (which it hasn't been in years btw), the dev's focus was on releasing the cluster****s of bugs that is Molten Cata and MoP. If anything, Warmane's focus should be on bringing the improved scripts to as many people as possible. It might keep more players here than just the pants-on-head ******ed part of the east european community.

  13. Nobody is responsible that you like to afk or waste time with professions and not level up
    Nobody is responsible that you afk or cry on global and waste time till you find a a group for a dungeon and not level up
    Nobody is responsible that you just started now, server launched 15 days ago.
    Nobody should suffer a prolonged total unbalanced of current state of server because you like to stroll out in an unbalanced character, it may be fun for you, its not for anyone else.
    Yea because **** people who actually have fun at the game instead of taking it as a job.

    You can always join the ****lords who camp lowbies after they realised they were ******ed enough to rush 60 for no reason.
    Edited: October 11, 2015

  14. Yea because **** people who actually have fun at the game instead of taking it as a job.

    You can always join the ****lords who camp lowbies after they realised they were ******ed enough to rush 60 for no reason.
    ur probably one of the rats i camp at nesingwary
    allah kek

  15. ur probably one of the rats i camp at nesingwary
    allah kek
    leave the noobs alone

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