1. Too bad I dont have an alliance character to join in on that, its nice to play with this many people who actually know wat they're doing haha
    Anyways, if we manage to get a decent large grp of horde do you think you guys would be interested in a 20v20 or a similar setup world pvp fight?
    I like Tol Barad fight bro :DD It could be one of the best places for it if there wasnt stupid guards

  2. stop it pwnstar ur scaring ppl :(
    Not sure wat u mean by that sentence

    I like Tol Barad fight bro :DD It could be one of the best places for it if there wasnt stupid guards
    yea tell me about it haha, when I used to play on another server, tanaris was the pvp center of the entire game all day. Now the only decent world pvp fights I get is, well, nowhere lol even random bgs are boring

  3. Oh nice video! I loved the ending too.

    Man, i wish i was online at the time, feels like i missed a hell of an event. Kinda inactive lately : /

    Edit: Also, Tdot, you may talk a lot in the forum and your raids may fail, but at least you try and keep things interesting in a dying server. I respect that.

    So continue hating and bringing war to the alliance. Cheers.
    Edited: October 22, 2015

  4. Too bad I dont have an alliance character to join in on that, its nice to play with this many people who actually know wat they're doing haha
    Anyways, if we manage to get a decent large grp of horde do you think you guys would be interested in a 20v20 or a similar setup world pvp fight?
    That's unfortunate to hear man, but I agree - it's loads of fun, I had a blast recording it all!

    I'll ask my GM about the 20v20 World PvP event you mentioned, and I'll get back to you with his response :D It sounds like a great idea and something which, if controlled (I.E. Having exactly 20 Alliance and 20 Horde) and executed correctly, perhaps somewhere big and open like Mulgure, it could be so much fun. It could be a last man standing type of event. I'll definitely follow this up and get back to you :)

    Oh nice video! I loved the ending too.

    Man, i wish i was online at the time, feels like i missed a hell of an event. Kinda inactive lately : /
    Thanks dude, I'm happy to hear you liked the video! :3

    I hope watching the video gave you some motivation to want to return to WoW and take part in these events. You'd always be more than welcome to join in on Infected PvP raids and such!

    EDIT: Just realised who you are haha - I sincerely hope you become more active. Would love to see you alongside us in events like these :D
    Edited: October 23, 2015 Reason: Thank you Cleavra :3

  5. Thanks dude, I'm happy to hear you liked the video! :3

    I hope watching the video gave you some motivation to want to return to WoW and take part in these events. You'd always be more than welcome to join in on Infected PvP raids and such!

    EDIT: Just realised who you are haha - I sincerely hope you become more active. Would love to see you alongside us in events like these :D
    Hey thanks :)

    Been busy with RL stuff lately but will come back to alliance aid soon

  6. I'm actually in Fatality and all of this bull**** I'm seeing on the forums about Tdot makes me want to leave Fatality, come on dude you are making us look like ****s, taking multiboxers to SW then wiping, talking **** on the forums when it says in our rules don't pointlessly trash talk people. To me it kinda looks like that rule isn't in play for you?

    EDIT: Oh and all the god crap, it really makes Fatality look like a bunch of RP loving Mortal Kombat worshiping trash talkers.

  7. I'm actually in Fatality and all of this bull**** I'm seeing on the forums about Tdot makes me want to leave Fatality, come on dude you are making us look like ****s, taking multiboxers to SW then wiping, talking **** on the forums when it says in our rules don't pointlessly trash talk people. To me it kinda looks like that rule isn't in play for you?

    EDIT: Oh and all the god crap, it really makes Fatality look like a bunch of RP loving Mortal Kombat worshiping trash talkers.
    You made my day :D

  8. I was told this multiboxers run there accounts on a potato. I also find it funny when gods have die by me and my gf many times. I still remember the day Medan got killed by Alexandra and he continue to /w some crazy Sh*t, thinking it was me playing.

    Spoiler: Show

  9. Surprised that Tdot either has not seen the video yet or taking all this time to try to write a "witty role-play" reply to this post.
    *Crosses Fingers*

  10. I hear he got banned on forums :V

  11. Nice vid, much fun ;)
    Thanks man! Glad you thought so :D

    Surprised that Tdot either has not seen the video yet or taking all this time to try to write a "witty role-play" reply to this post.
    *Crosses Fingers*
    Well.. he did reply on the first page trying to justify his loss haha :)

    Too bad I dont have an alliance character to join in on that, its nice to play with this many people who actually know wat they're doing haha
    Anyways, if we manage to get a decent large grp of horde do you think you guys would be interested in a 20v20 or a similar setup world pvp fight?
    As a follow up to our previous conversation regarding the 20 vs 20; I spoke with Kaspi and he suggested making it a 40 vs 40 - Alliance VS Horde - on a grander scale, than just a 20 vs 20. I've sent you a PM here, on the forums, with some details to follow up on this and to perhaps get it set up sometime soon for the nearby future.

  12. That video should be Infected's recruitment video for their guild. D: Makes me want to join them LOL

  13. That video should be Infected's recruitment video for their guild. D: Makes me want to join them LOL
    Not only was infected, we were various guilds.

  14. Ghetto Rats now recruiting ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮

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