The following examples assume no talents except a full 5 points in Ignite, giving a DoT equal to 40% of the crit damage. In the first example, a Fireball crits for 1500, applying an Ignite that will deal 600 over the next 4 seconds. Assuming no further spell casts and ignoring Fireball's own DoT, the combat log (time-tagged here for convenience) will show as follows:
0:00.00 - Your Fireball crits <Target> for 1500 Fire damage.
0:00.00 - <Target> is afflicted by Ignite
0:02.00 - <Target> suffers 300 Fire damage from your Ignite.
0:04.00 - <Target> suffers 300 Fire damage from your Ignite.
Total damage is 2100 as expected (1500*1.4). Next, consider two consecutive crits from Scorch, which has a cast time of 1.5 seconds. The first Scorch crits for 1000 damage, Igniting for 400, and the second crits for 1100, Igniting for 440. The second Scorch lands 1.5 seconds after the first, which is before the first Ignite has a chance to tick. This pushes the damage back, adding both Ignites into a single DoT for 840.
0:00.00 - Your Scorch crits <Target> for 1000 Fire damage.
0:00.00 - <Target> is afflicted by Ignite.
0:01.50 - Your Scorch crits <Target> for 1100 Fire damage.
0:03.50 - <Target> suffers 420 Fire damage from your Ignite.
0:05.50 - <Target> suffers 420 Fire damage from your Ignite.
Total damage is 2940 as expected (2100*1.4). Note that the first Ignite did not tick at t = 2.0 as it did with the first example. The second crit restarted the Ignite debuff, with all remaining damage added into the new DoT, and split evenly between the ticks. Now, consider two consecutive Fireball crits, the first critting for 1500, Igniting for 600, and the second critting 3.0 seconds later for 1600, Igniting for 640. Here, Ignite ticks once before the second crit, leaving the remainder to be added into the next Ignite.
0:00.00 - Your Fireball crits <Target> for 1500 Fire damage.
0:00.00 - <Target> is afflicted by Ignite.
0:02.00 - <Target> suffers 300 Fire damage from your Ignite.
0:03.00 - Your Fireball crits <Target> for 1600 Fire damage.
0:05.00 - <Target> suffers 470 Fire damage from your Ignite.
0:07.00 - <Target> suffers 470 Fire damage from your Ignite.
Total damage is 4340 as expected (3100*1.4). Note that the second crit restarted the Ignite again at t = 3.0, leaving 3 seconds between the first tick and the second. The 300 damage that would have been the second tick of the first Ignite is added to the 640 for the second Ignite, a total DoT of 940 which is split into two ticks of 470