1. bugs that affect classes by a lot in pve:
    warlock 2 piece pve bonus not working correctly (spawned minnions not doing proper damage)
    summone pet- (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=99221/fiery-imp)
    warlock summon doomguard spells summoned minion not having propper hp
    spell- (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=18540/summon-doomguard)
    rogues vendetta spell being removed by other rogues (i cast it and if other rogue casts it too i will lose the debuff and they will get it instead)
    all pet classes have huge problems with pets (after entering combat they just stand in place for no reason player must manualy press petfollow and then petattack for him to unbug) this bug applies to any class that have controll of their pet (bug first apeared after new pathfinding system was introduced)
    seems like its about it not talking about retri palys aoe spawning multiple tentacles couse i dont rly get to see that bug being exploited all that often or in my opinion a bit bugged hit rating which couses you to miss way more often than you should anyway thanks for being active dev and for listening for community.
    rip my english :P

    edit: and please fix the mob for this quest it opens soo many fixed quests for deepholm (he falls out of the ship and stays flying around on the ground before path finding fix pet classes could kill him by sending pets now he cant be killed and whole quest line gets ruined)
    Edited: October 24, 2015

  2. http://cata.openwow.com/spell=2565

    Shield Block is supposed to increase Critical Block instead of Block, if over 100% avoidance+block, but it does not.


    Protection Warrior T13 4-set is not working, using Shield Wall has NO effect on other raid members

    Mastery is not working either

    also heroic leap causes Wow Error
    Edited: October 24, 2015

  3. This is what I mean, it looks like 3 ticks from ignite, but it's not 3 ticks, but just 2

    I'm a 404 full pve mage, and currently even with good effort I can't get good dps, and Mind you, I never used those mastery trinkets or the one from ultraxion, I don't even have them

  4. personally I don't see anything gamebreaking about rolling for an alt if noone in the raid needs the item, better alt than disenchant, but selling for gold is an issue
    Its gamebreaking

    1. It doesnt work on Retail
    2. People just roll for their lower chars in raids
    3. People are selling Loot in Global like Alyz loot

    Edited: October 28, 2015

  5. It did, it does (and it will?) tick 3 times when refreshed. You can google ignite images and you'll see.
    Anyway, I just see conflicting and incorrect information back there.
    Further posting about is not needed, so don't go off-topic.

  6. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Ignite_%28old%29

    Spoiler: Show

    The following examples assume no talents except a full 5 points in Ignite, giving a DoT equal to 40% of the crit damage. In the first example, a Fireball crits for 1500, applying an Ignite that will deal 600 over the next 4 seconds. Assuming no further spell casts and ignoring Fireball's own DoT, the combat log (time-tagged here for convenience) will show as follows:

    0:00.00 - Your Fireball crits <Target> for 1500 Fire damage.
    0:00.00 - <Target> is afflicted by Ignite
    0:02.00 - <Target> suffers 300 Fire damage from your Ignite.
    0:04.00 - <Target> suffers 300 Fire damage from your Ignite.

    Total damage is 2100 as expected (1500*1.4). Next, consider two consecutive crits from Scorch, which has a cast time of 1.5 seconds. The first Scorch crits for 1000 damage, Igniting for 400, and the second crits for 1100, Igniting for 440. The second Scorch lands 1.5 seconds after the first, which is before the first Ignite has a chance to tick. This pushes the damage back, adding both Ignites into a single DoT for 840.

    0:00.00 - Your Scorch crits <Target> for 1000 Fire damage.
    0:00.00 - <Target> is afflicted by Ignite.
    0:01.50 - Your Scorch crits <Target> for 1100 Fire damage.
    0:03.50 - <Target> suffers 420 Fire damage from your Ignite.
    0:05.50 - <Target> suffers 420 Fire damage from your Ignite.

    Total damage is 2940 as expected (2100*1.4). Note that the first Ignite did not tick at t = 2.0 as it did with the first example. The second crit restarted the Ignite debuff, with all remaining damage added into the new DoT, and split evenly between the ticks. Now, consider two consecutive Fireball crits, the first critting for 1500, Igniting for 600, and the second critting 3.0 seconds later for 1600, Igniting for 640. Here, Ignite ticks once before the second crit, leaving the remainder to be added into the next Ignite.

    0:00.00 - Your Fireball crits <Target> for 1500 Fire damage.
    0:00.00 - <Target> is afflicted by Ignite.
    0:02.00 - <Target> suffers 300 Fire damage from your Ignite.
    0:03.00 - Your Fireball crits <Target> for 1600 Fire damage.
    0:05.00 - <Target> suffers 470 Fire damage from your Ignite.
    0:07.00 - <Target> suffers 470 Fire damage from your Ignite.

    Total damage is 4340 as expected (3100*1.4). Note that the second crit restarted the Ignite again at t = 3.0, leaving 3 seconds between the first tick and the second. The 300 damage that would have been the second tick of the first Ignite is added to the 640 for the second Ignite, a total DoT of 940 which is split into two ticks of 470

    Also. If wouldn't mind if you leave it at 3 ticks, It means I'm gonna do more Damage with Combustion, I'm just helping out getting Retail-like mechanics. at Least how it was on Cataclysm. :)

  7. You don't want to be looking at wowwiki as source on information, its bad.

  8. https://youtu.be/IPGgFMk2uMM?t=205
    Here you can clearly see that ignite had 6 seconds debuff. 6 seconds is 3 ticks total. So info about only 2 ticks is wrong. After reapply total amount of ticks would be 3.

  9. Firelands:
    Not an Ambi-Turner is unachievable
    Glory of the Firelands Raider cannot be completed, because of not working achievement Not an Ambi-Turner
    Firelands achivement cannot be obtained if the only boss you don't have is Ragnaros and you kill him on Heroic difficulty, it still doesn't counts.
    Heroic: Ragnaros doesn't counts as Ragnaros slain for Firelands achievement.
    Also Only the Penitent

  10. https://youtu.be/IPGgFMk2uMM?t=205
    Here you can clearly see that ignite had 6 seconds debuff. 6 seconds is 3 ticks total. So info about only 2 ticks is wrong. After reapply total amount of ticks would be 3.
    In that video what you saw was DOT clipping, It wasn't a consistent 6 seconds, It was the remaining timer of the Current Ignite + 4 new Seconds of the new Ignite.

  11. In that video what you saw was DOT clipping, It wasn't a consistent 6 seconds, It was the remaining timer of the Current Ignite + 4 new Seconds of the new Ignite.
    As it works now. And result of that clipping is 3 total ticks after ignite reapplied. 1 tick from old + 2 ticks from new.

  12. Hi green_dev, since it got deleted, can you tweak warlocks cooldown Pet, The Doom guard? Currently it has only 9k HP and it gets easily wiped by any AOE from any boss fight. It's quite an old bug. And quite easy to fix.

    If you want an idea on how much HP it had Here's a player that was complaining on the blizz forums claiming that Doomguards were stuck on Cataclysm's HP. probably on Mist of Pandaria Expansion since it was posted on 2013 and cataclysm was around 2011

    "Hey Blizzard, our CD demon's health is still stuck in Cataclysm. 160k for infernal/doomguard makes it too easy a target to destroy"
    Taken from - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7709580987

  13. i think there is still mount speed bug, so exploiting something like morchok hc where u just keep kiting korchrom with mount speed is rly ******ed (mount up-->pull boss-->u will get dismounted but speed remains same)

  14. Dungeon: Lost City of the Tol'Vir
    BOSS:High Prophet Barim
    Problem: Harbinger of Darkness is spawned at the wall and we cannot attack it because of LOS,

  15. New gurthalak fix is applied. Any feedback are welcome.

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