1. Had to be said.

    Most people skip dungeons unless they have a lot of quests there. On the previous Lordaeron, I'd do dungeons if I was bored or needed a piece of gear, here, farming a dungeon multiple times requires you to spam global after every single run, it's just an unnecessary annoyance. 5 min queue, 20 min dungeon, had fun, back to the grind, bob's your uncle. Now doing dungeons feels like more of a grind than actually grinding

    Even now, when there's tons of people leveling, getting a group together takes 15-20 min. What about after a few months, when the low level population will inevitable plummet as people reach 80?

    The "feature" works exactly as opposed to intended. The social interaction on global is obscured by "LFM <dungeon> NEED <heal/dps/tank> <level>+". You can't follow chat on global without special addons that hide the LFG/LFM spam, which leads to 0 social interaction.

    About the in-party social interaction, it's the EXACT same as it was with RDF, but we've now added "can summ?" "help summ" "lock make port" to our vocabulary. The in-party interaction comes down to "k" "rdy" "mb" "stupid dps" "stupid tank" "stupid heal" "gg" "go" "ress".

    The "amazing adventure" to the dungeon is : Ride zeppelin while browsing internet, go on flight path while browsing the internet, run to dungeon, summon, go in, go back to your leveling zone. That's it. Call me crazy, but that's really not epic at all...
    About the "porting to dungeon is non-immersive": Yes, 2 people will go on that "amazing adventure" while the other 3 do exactly what they'd do if RDF were enabled.

    And since I don't like complaining without offering a solution, here's how to fix it:
    a) Enable RDF as Blizz intended it to be on 3.3.5 (won't happen afaik)
    b) Make it a grouping tool, disabling the teleport and bonus xp/satchel. Instead of grouping and teleporting, make it so you can join a group, then you'd have to go (well, 2 of you would have to go) on that "epic adventure" anyway. There's literally no downsides to this. It clears global, it makes finding groups 10x easier, literally NO cons .
    100% agreed

    however my idea to fix this would be to greatly increased exp gain from dungeons so that the time spent making group and getting ppl there is worth

    i might be wrong but right now i think it's more effective to lvl through questing, imo no rdf is a good feature but more thought and work had to be invested

  2. Well prob those who are used to higher exp rates have that problem and the ''luxuary'' RDF leveling as well :P
    My last alt went from 1 to 100 in about 14 hours played time in retail. Using like 6 xp potions to make it to 85 and leveling normally from that point on

    So not only players used to higher xp... Anyoen who didn't play wotlk or before will find it slow, even cata was like 1 day played to reach 70 if you had heirlooms

  3. Here's my arguing point. To make it easy: I want RDF in the server: Here's why.

    If I wanted a grind-filled, hardcore, and NO GROUP-FINDING Adventure I'd go play Vanilla WoW. Why? Because that is what Vanilla-WoW was composed of. If I take away the grind from Vanilla and give the server 10x; It doesn't really feel like it's vanilla. Sure, everything else is there still...but it's missing a piece that made it vanilla. Same goes with WoTLK.

    I wanted to play Wrath of the Lich King because I wanted to play Wrath of the Lich King. Meaning? I want the features that made WoTLK, WoTLK. If you take one of those features that made it 'it' then is it really the same? No. It's missing a feature that it had. If my Dad gives me say...Apple Oatmeal(Love this flavor) but I wanted Blueberry..is it the same? No. Sure, it's still oatmeal but it's missing the feature that literally made it Apple Oatmeal.

  4. Here's my arguing point. To make it easy: I want RDF in the server: Here's why.

    If I wanted a grind-filled, hardcore, and NO GROUP-FINDING Adventure I'd go play Vanilla WoW. Why? Because that is what Vanilla-WoW was composed of. If I take away the grind from Vanilla and give the server 10x; It doesn't really feel like it's vanilla. Sure, everything else is there still...but it's missing a piece that made it vanilla. Same goes with WoTLK.

    I wanted to play Wrath of the Lich King because I wanted to play Wrath of the Lich King. Meaning? I want the features that made WoTLK, WoTLK. If you take one of those features that made it 'it' then is it really the same? No. It's missing a feature that it had. If my Dad gives me say...Apple Oatmeal(Love this flavor) but I wanted Blueberry..is it the same? No. Sure, it's still oatmeal but it's missing the feature that literally made it Apple Oatmeal.
    You do realize RDF was introduced in the TOC patch so we actually played most of WOTLK without it?
    RDF is poison for the community, it makes finding people for dungeons easier true but the trade off is that a lot of people start acting like total *******s because of the anonymity it provides in it and cause they can just requeqe if something doesn't go exactly their way and that's a fact i was their on the release of the RDF in wrath in this was exactly what happened.
    Edited: November 10, 2015

  5. Yeah, enable RDF so I can afk in Stormwind while I queue for easy exp.

  6. Do you not read what Radvo said? It's literally the same thing either way. "Going on an EPIC Adventure" isn't anything but "summon pls" "nice dps" "ress pls too lazy". There's no sense of adventure and the only kind of communication even bothered within the chat is when there's a forum of wipe and the moment of complaining or the Party Leader explains the fight.

    It's the same either way, a double-sided knife. Either way you're getting stabbed. There's no difference except for the fact that the game forums the party for you. It makes it easier and the communication is still the same:

    RDF leader might explain the fight.
    Complaining when you wipe.
    DPS-Chart poster.

    It's all the same. Like what this guy said before me, "It's easy exp" but you're gonna be sitting in SW for a VERY long time if you presume leveling only through RDF will help. I tried. Sure it retail, maybe(With BoAs) but no, definitely not here. Questing and queing is a better choice then questing, stopping, waiting for a summon or going on an "epic" adventure to the summoning stone.

  7. A thread full of tears, this is beautiful. The rdf is closed, do something else or quit crying, thank you.

    For you OP: Yes it can get boring to level/grind at times but then again, this is just a game. You can go and do something else for a while if it bores you or just switch server and raid on your other toons/PvP for some diversity.
    Edited: November 10, 2015

  8. I personally would like to see a way of having RDF help form the group for you but you have to get to the Dungeon still on foot or be summoned at stone.
    When Global chat is on peak time it moves so fast many people are just miss seeing LFM posts.

  9. Yeah, enable RDF so I can afk in Stormwind while I queue for easy exp.
    No, keep RDF disabled so I can wait in Stormwind for a summon for easy exp.

    What's the difference ? That instead of pressing a button and the system matching me with players I have to stare 10 minutes into a forever-scrolling global until I find a group? How is reading global hardcore? Honestly....

  10. the nostalgic feels are overwhelming. yes sometimes i do get sick of questing but thats after an hour or 3. then i take a break or go to work. lvling feels so much more rewarding. thats why im hoping theyre gonna apply this to every lvling server especially my main Frostwolf. tho i havent been on frostwolf for the past 3 weeks cause im leveling only 1 char on Lord, and having lots of fun.

  11. I haven't had to point this out in a while, assuming it was because had understood it finally, but guess I was wrong.

    Lordaeron wasn't designed as a server to cater to everyone's preferences. It had clear defining lines of what we wanted it to be, and we were fully aware some of them might keep certain players away. In straight words, it isn't a server for everyone, and if the defining factors for it don't fit your wants to the point you dislike playing in it, it simply means you're part of the "not for" group. We have other servers with RDF, with higher rates and so on. They will eventually receive the same core and accompanying fixes that are in Lordaeron. Trying to "mold" Lordaeron towards your personal preferences because you don't want to wait for the others to be fixed isn't something that I see as having any positive result.

  12. I haven't had to point this out in a while, assuming it was because had understood it finally, but guess I was wrong.

    Lordaeron wasn't designed as a server to cater to everyone's preferences. It had clear defining lines of what we wanted it to be, and we were fully aware some of them might keep certain players away. In straight words, it isn't a server for everyone, and if the defining factors for it don't fit your wants to the point you dislike playing in it, it simply means you're part of the "not for" group. We have other servers with RDF, with higher rates and so on. They will eventually receive the same core and accompanying fixes that are in Lordaeron. Trying to "mold" Lordaeron towards your personal preferences because you don't want to wait for the others to be fixed isn't something that I see as having any positive result.
    more or less in line with blizz answers, ashran is utter garbage yet they still deny it and keep telling you it's great and fun etc, same thing here, no rdf as ppl pointed out is not working as intented, so instead of fixing something that is clearly not working let's pretend it works and ppl will forget about it

    it does worry me for the future considering how detached from the reality of the server the staff is, obv you cant make the necesary decisions when you have no idea what the situation is

  13. more or less in line with blizz answers, ashran is utter garbage yet they still deny it and keep telling you it's great and fun etc, same thing here, no rdf as ppl pointed out is not working as intented, so instead of fixing something that is clearly not working let's pretend it works and ppl will forget about it

    it does worry me for the future considering how detached from the reality of the server the staff is, obv you cant make the necesary decisions when you have no idea what the situation is
    Yes, it's obviously not working for 8000 people, plus queue, who are all detached from reality and pretending.
    I guess they should all listen to you and follow your individual opinion, despite their own.

  14. It's an inconvenience, not enough to make us not play, but certainly an annoyance.

    So far, I've yet to see anyone outside of staff members saying they wholeheartedly agree with the RDF being fully disabled. I see a lot more people, however, who are agreeing that having RDF solely as a grouping tool, no teleports, no bonus items/xp, nothing else, would be the best for everyone...

    I was like "yeah, that would be cool" at start, but slowly, after realizing it's the exact same ****, only people are even more annoying than before and global is now impossible to follow, I've come to the conclusion that it was the worst feature of the realm....

    =Saying the other realms have RDF is void, as there are no people who will do dungeons on a x5/x7 realm. We wanted to enjoy dungeons on a steady, x1 pace, and before saying "you can still do them", refer to my previous post about why the system sucks now.

    I enjoy Lordaeron. I haven't played WoW for almost a year and now I'm playing it daily. But it would be so much more enjoyable for everyone if grouping didn't take hours and global was a place of chatting, not:

    Spoiler: Show

    LFM WC 15+ TANK
    LFM DM 18+ HEAL
    LFM DM 18+ HEAL
    LFM DM 18+ HEAL
    LFM DM 18+ HEAL
    LFM WC 15+ TANK LAST SPOT fastfast
    **** [Dirge]

  15. It's an inconvenience to you, it's something to like for others, and it's part of the design for Lordaeron.

    Saying there's RDF active in other servers isn't void in any way. No one is doing it? Well, why wouldn't the people who want to do dungeons join up to do it there with RDF then? This is the exact same case as people complaining about GearScore - go ahead and make it happen, and if it still doesn't happens I can only assume there weren't that many people wanting it after all.

    Its up to each individual player to make the decision of whether Lordaeron is the server for them or not. No one in the Staff is saying "you have to play the way we want," since no one is forced to play on Lordaeron if they don't like the way we designed it.

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