1. Release TBC faster, it became a total jerk-off for us lvl 60's
    It's gonna release on the 5th this Month, chill your balls.

  2. Hello,
    I read the topic, I think the idea of power purchased items if have in normal mode it's a bad idea. There will be no merit to have a weapon 284 for example. For if one possesses in 271, there will be the righteous has bought the shop.
    Sorry for my english, I'm french.

  3. Is there an ETA on the launch time thursday?

  4. Is honor going to be reset on TBC release?

  5. Is honor going to be reset on TBC release?
    Yes it will be :)

  6. could i get a staff confirmation please

  7. could i get a staff confirmation please
    Read the honor threads on Lord subforum... Yami confirmed it.

  8. When will the Lich King content be released ? Its says after 2 mounths.....so that means 25.11.2015 ? Is this right ? Im a new player and wish to start play here...but if no lich king content released why play ....

  9. But why dungeon finder is disabled

  10. After Wotlk "patch"(at the begining of Cata) Will this core be used at other wotlk realms?
    About timing:
    As for me, better will be if timing will be 2 weeks(players will be able to do atleast 2 raids at curent patch) per local patch(like 3.1 => 3.2).
    Dungeons complexity:
    It`s not right to make dungeons a bit harder couse of using wotlk machanik. Most of spells had different formulas at 3.0.2 patch and 3.3.5a(also, making TBC at wotlk core it`s nonsens)

  11. Hope they will activate faction change soon. Allies ppl who need a good FR guild are ****ed :x
    Faction change will not be available for Lordaeron

  12. am I only one that feels this topic (1st post) should be edited/actualized?

    "Character naming policy (names such as ifakursis, lickmylala or ieaturazz being strictly forbidden)" - one of a big lol

    "Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor release at launch
    Outland release 1 month after launch
    Northrend release 2 months after launch
    Death Knight release 2 months after launch"

    not even closee

    UNCONFIRMED FEATURES - are pretty confirmed

    also add info about honor resets and more.

    i mean now you need to read quite a lot of forum threats to get info about this realm....

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