1. Dem pallies hintards and warriors doe.

  2. Dem pallies hintards and warriors doe.
    It aint easy being the best fam 8-D
    (J ****ing k I hate this twink tier cancerous ****)

  3. I would love to have those PvP titles here on Lordaeron as well. ;)

  4. I don't see the harm the pvp titles could cause. They are a nice reward. I agree with you guys.

  5. +1 Would be great feature for pvp community, and i dont see any reason why it shouldn't be implemented.

  6. Bring back dem titles, let us Swifty our way to the top.

  7. would really like to see this feature so it motivates people even when geard to pvp.

    and its just cosmetic like the donation mounts sobody gets hurt.

    but if it gets implented then like it used to work in vanilla and not just 100hk= this title 500hk next title

  8. haha we dont even get call to arms.....GL with the titles

  9. I don't care, but if people want them I can't see what reason there is for anyone to object... server full of custom content anyway.

    Not likely to happen since their actions show they are on some kind of crusade against pvp; go to the effort of removing C2A, go to the effort of moving s2 set + weaps to AP.... no similar effort in forcing BT attunement or progressively releasing raids cause i120ish pvp weapons and i136 offset for pvp with i164 weapons and i150+ everything else for pve is just fine.

    PVPers always got **** here, it used to be because of negligence and cluelessness, now they buy AT staff and seem (by their actions with tbc content) to be on a crusade against pvp.

    Maybe we get titles as a bone being thrown to the dogs of pvp, just to pretend they care, but all the meat is gone, it's just a bone. **** you pvpers, you WILL EAT OUR PVE MEAT OR GET BONES LIKE DOGS!

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