1. thats normal i use on my war defensive stance+shield wall and got hit from dks for 300k many times...
    DKS has 100% crit chance on obliriate and FS..if ure down with defensives spells + his burst dmg can be akward..but rogues are different

  2. KEK just l2p and stop qq, i don't see rogues owning in arena with a healer, you get rekt if you play with a prist or dudu, rogue needs to play with frost mage to be able to get some decent rating, qq moar cuz you suck, warriors are so brutaly op that it's not even funny anymore, same goes for affly locks and bugged resto druid you would need 2 rogues to kill a resto dudu now go make 40 key binds stop clicking and l2p, spam 1 dot sit in bear form and you never drop below 80% hp (skill)
    Teach me senpai :D..staying in bear form while sub rogue dancing means u`ll never die?:)

  3. dont stay in the fire - nothing more to say.
    Learn how to pvp.
    or learn how to abuse bugs

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