1. PvP is so fun..

    What the actual f*ck are we supposed to do?

    This is EVERY game. I haven't won a game at 70.

    WSG is 3-0 every game.
    AB is 1600-0 sometimes we can cap a base for a couple seconds.. so it's 1600-100 heh

    Seriously.. the human racial is so f*cking overpowered, especially because it's impossible to grind 40k for the horde 2 minute pvp trinket.

  2. theres the 8k honor 2 minute trinket

    the PvP dedicated ppl mostly roll human, on horde side PvP are simply another means to get gear which at this moment arent rewarding enough compared to hc grind

  3. 8k 2minute trinket? Where?
    I don't see any 2min pvp trinkets. Only battlemaster trinkets in A52

  4. Humans op yes but that racial is not winning them bg's it's absurd to even imply so.

    1-60 bgs were ruled by horde mostly I heard (I started late so can't know)

    But now on 70 human racial suddenly went superior.

    The problem seems to be horde quits to early therefor they get outnumbered. jk ally just got more rat palas to kill all enemy and homo

  5. 10v7 on a 15v15 BG... no one is doing BG's at the moment. Only WSG is filled, everything else has 30+ minutes queue and less than 10 players inside.

  6. who cares about tbc pvp while playing wotlk realm

    people are farming gold/rep/profs

  7. who cares about tbc pvp while playing wotlk realm

    people are farming gold/rep/profs
    who cares about tbc gold/rep/profs while playing wotlk realm

    people are slaying sandbox dragons

  8. 218 honor from 2x bgs . great gameplay :)))

  9. Coming from Vanilla where WotF pretty much guaranteed that all you would see were Undead rogues/locks/mages and horde would dominate bg's, all I can say is it's pretty sweet to be playing alliance in wotlk.

    Thanks for playing!

  10. It's completely normal tbh... Look at that screenshot, 6 human paladins in a 10 man team. Paladins are very strong at lvl 70 compared to other classes (they can kill anyone in one stun) while being hard to kill since they have stuff like buble and hand of freedom that can remove even stuns.
    Can't really talk about pvp before 80. However, a big part of wotlk was wintergrasp and I hope we do get a properly working wintergrasp , that way those who don't even want to bg can just farm wintergrasp on cooldown

    I also doubt pugs will ever change, alliance pugs will dominate at 80 because most of those who want to pvp only went alliance

  11. Have you played wintergrasp on blizz ?

    Its sooooo bad and laggy and not fun overall

  12. and whats the problem? i actually hate it when my team is full of melees because its super garbage i rather have 10 mages , affli , sl , boomkins than 10 rets

  13. Have you played wintergrasp on blizz ?

    Its sooooo bad and laggy and not fun overall
    some of my most memorable times in wotlk were in wintergrasp
    i dont remeber lag, at least not in my realm (mag eu)

  14. some of my most memorable times in wotlk were in wintergrasp
    i dont remeber lag, at least not in my realm (mag eu)
    Yeah I agree... I never had much of a problem with lag on retail in WG. Most of the time the issue was actually getting called in because it filled up so quickly.
    I remember a cool strategy for the attackers to quickly win game was to mass everyone on flying mounts and "airdrop" in from the northern border directly into defender's base.

    This guy's framerate is absolutely horrendous, but there's a vid here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixykc6ZRnFM
    Actually happens to be the realm/faction I played on.
    Edited: November 17, 2015

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