1. We did it earlier today when we heard it was fixed and tanks never went under 90% hp given they had good gear. I think my void can tank it atm (2 heals no priest). Therefore what Kemii suggests sounds plausible and reasonable.

  2. We was making time run for mount today, made it, sadly no mounts ( drop is bugged or turned off ) and drop's from chests are ****
    Am i the only one recalling the staff (or was it malaco on stream?) mentioning that they would make the mount available with tbc and make it unavailable again once wotlk releases?

    I know it's rather easy with wotlk talents on 70 if you have at least some decent gear/a good group but it would still be nice if the people who are active during the tbc phase to aim for something and reward them for playing on the server early on.

    Oh well, guess it attracts more people to buy the mount with $$ later on..
    Edited: November 16, 2015

  3. Fixed it for you np np

    Now we need Warmane to fix the Gargoyles in Hyjal that make everyone crash and get 1 fps and the A'lar bug ^^

    Please upvote https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/11638 and https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/11561 so people can do Hyjal without frying their video cards and or getting locked out
    Alar is working fine, we are gonna release a video of that fight as well.

    Otherwise, i can assure you that Halazzi WAS NOT doable the first week without any tactics which would help you reset your CD´s, because we tried it for 6 hours and with 3 heals and we are not completely clueless. Now its easier because he was probably fixed, but before that it was a pain.

    But we deeply apologozie to everyone we offended with this video, where we just wanted to show our way to do it while he was hitting for 50k in 0,4sek.

    @Mods: Maybe there are some posts which should be removed, not sure.

  4. A'lar is working fine. He's referring to the bug where if you wipe the encounter does not reset.

  5. A'lar is working fine. He's referring to the bug where if you wipe the encounter does not reset.
    I think that its not only an Alar bug, but a general bug which also affects Maggy and BT, probably some future raids as well. Because they dont reset when all people are dead or outside of the raid.

  6. any healer setup will work now. your healers are just bad or your tank just got some unlucky hits against him
    Our healers are not bad. Plus i never said we had some problems there, like i wrote before. We made time run without problems with like 8 min left, dont remmember correctly. All i said boss was hiting "hard" on tank with good gear 4-6k hits on 14k+ hp tank with way over def cap.

    Both heals we run this ZA are not tank specific healers like disc, so there is a diffrence.

  7. I think that its not only an Alar bug, but a general bug which also affects Maggy and BT, probably some future raids as well. Because they dont reset when all people are dead or outside of the raid.
    Haven't noticed it anywhere else but A'lar though, our guess was that there's something wrong in the scripts that prioritizes the movement of the boss over having an aggro target. BT takes like 30 secs with everyone outside to reset and Mag's 2 min activate timer just doesn't reset when the encounter is reset. Kara, Gruul, ZA and SSC don't seem to have any problems at all.

    But should deffenitely be looked in to.

  8. Haven't noticed it anywhere else but A'lar though, our guess was that there's something wrong in the scripts that prioritizes the movement of the boss over having an aggro target. BT takes like 30 secs with everyone outside to reset and Mag's 2 min activate timer just doesn't reset when the encounter is reset. Kara, Gruul, ZA and SSC don't seem to have any problems at all.

    But should deffenitely be looked in to.
    Akama can bug in BT, regarding Mag i just saw him once buging, otherwise its only Alar who is causing real trouble (though he resets if you get him to the second phase). Only the first phase is causing trouble, because of the aggro mechanics this phase has.

  9. We did it on 2 healers without kite XD

  10. We did it on 2 healers without kite XD
    Guess you have missed the part when it was fixed ;)

  11. can any admin/dev confirm that ameni war bear drop again from 4 chest event?
    We did that run today and chest drop are rly random.
    First drop was normal, second was weapon thats normal. But from third chest we droped cloak and from last one we droped cloak again and that is not corect. From 3rd is normaly one of rings and from last like every one know is mount which one are disable from wrath.

  12. can any admin/dev confirm that ameni war bear drop again from 4 chest event?
    We did that run today and chest drop are rly random.
    First drop was normal, second was weapon thats normal. But from third chest we droped cloak and from last one we droped cloak again and that is not corect. From 3rd is normaly one of rings and from last like every one know is mount which one are disable from wrath.
    Drop is turned off. Many guilds did time run already and none got the bear. If you saw someone on bear its simple from cash shop

  13. Drop is turned off. Many guilds did time run already and none got the bear. If you saw someone on bear its simple from cash shop
    The drop is not turned off, the mount was removed from the loot table with the release of patch 3.0.
    http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=33809 is not on the coin shop (yet).

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