1. One last thing, something that I find disgusting and gross is when people drag any other topic to the table. Being more specific, "yeah 150 died it's sad but 300 die elsewhere", I don't even want to ask for your reason of posting that. I beg you to stop doing that, it's just wrong.
    Maybe because people like yourself generally don't give a damn until mass media covers something like this in Paris. Then all of a sudden you, your facebook friends and a crap load of other hypocritical and ignorant turds start coloring their avatars in French colors and ****, showing sympathy and whatnot. Then a day after ISIS attacks capitol of Lebanon, killing dozens and injuring hundreds. But hey, I don't see anyone making a topic about this? Did you offer your pray for lebanon, your condolences? No you didn't but it doesn't even matter, since a week or two from now, you and 95% of other people with this PvP bullcrap hashtags wont give a flying **** about it anymore. The hypocracy and ignorace that you showed here is what makes people say things that you find disguisting. I pesonally find all this false care disguisting. I find your talk about religion disguisting.

    You wanna do something, you wanna change something? If so, then stop posing like this on a gaming forum, get out and get **** done. Otherwise, shut the hell up and keep your fake sympathy for yourself.

  2. All of us are ignoring tragedies like this everyday and you should not color your FB pictures coz of that, its a dirty marketing.. believe me. If you want to support stand up and go outside Im sure that someone in your city is doing some activities about this topic.

  3. But no one gives a s.... about what is happening in Middle East.
    Exactly. Always in a war or in a whatever conflict between people. Thanks to media coverage, many people connects those countries with terrorists, and who can blame them?

    Media: War @ [insert a country from Middle East]
    USA: There's war? We must go in there and do our military stuff.
    Russia: USA went in? We go too.
    Europe: Big boys and their big egos.. Guess we need to help.
    ISIS: More reasons to terrorize innocent people!

    Should just build up a wall to surround Middle East and let them do their wars. Once the wars ends (if they ever will), the walls are torn down.

  4. ...
    Media: War @ [insert a country from Middle East]
    USA: There's war? We must go in there and do our military stuff...
    You're so naive... If there was a war, it was probably sponsored and started by the US/UK government/military/corporations/Jews (yes, I said it, ban me for telling it like it is), so they can go and free the **** out of their oil field... sorry, I meant bring freedom and modern day civilization to those poor primitive people. I mean look at them, they don't even know how to dress yet, wrapping themselves in bed sheets and all.
    /sarcasm in case you didn't notice

    And the part about the wall around the Middle East... I don't know how to say it in a more polite way so I'll just call you a dumb hillybilly turd. Your whole post shows you got no idea about how the things roll in the world but that part was especially stupid.

  5. Call me stupid when the fact still remains that middle east is just frigging war, i don't care who there fights for w/e reasons. keep it there for all i care, no need to take it to all around the world with terrorist attacks.

    I still stand behind the wall thing. let them fight there, film it, make bets who wins who. If they are so stupid that they want to kill others over a frigging religion or on views about other people, let them. just don't take it out on innocent people.

  6. Call me stupid when the fact still remains that middle east is just frigging war, i don't care who there fights for w/e reasons. keep it there for all i care, no need to take it to all around the world with terrorist attacks.

    I still stand behind the wall thing. let them fight there, film it, make bets who wins who. If they are so stupid that they want to kill others over a frigging religion or on views about other people, let them. just don't take it out on innocent people.
    You don't think much lel, you wouldn't be saying that if your mother or brother was killed, and you had to run off your own land so that some rich guy on the other continent can have more money, so that his kid can play WoW while you run for your life.

    Don't say stupid things like "middle east is just a friggin war" try to think, ask yourself who is responsible for that war and why are they killing people in Europe in the first place and why France. They didn't start doing that for no reason, something caused it.

    I don't wanna say killing is right, but I don't think they have any other options, they can not fight such a great military force like US, so they do what they can do to stop them invading their land.

    They are getting slaughtered on their own land so some dude can get richer and THAT is wrong.
    Edited: November 17, 2015

  7. They didn't start doing that for no reason, something caused it.
    Their religion, that tells them anyone who isn't a muslim must be killed.
    It must be removed. Just as nazism was.
    The US was not attacking them before 2001.

  8. You people kill more of my brain cells than any of these tragedies on a daily basis, and I don't see anyone mourning for them.

  9. Their religion, that tells them anyone who isn't a muslim must be killed.
    It must be removed. Just as nazism was.
    The US was not attacking them before 2001.
    This is wrong. Their religion does NOT tell them that they have to kill them. That's why you see so many muslims that are lovely and peaceful people.
    The little scheme here is to instigate the hatred of the several communities that were oppressed by the European Union and the US through several conflicts that happened in the middle east. ISIS is literally a so called organization that is radicalizing people and making them believe that violence itself is the only way possible. They are feeding the weak minded with things that aren't showed with the two sides of the coin.
    And this is why you see things like this happening. It's not a religion issue; It's a brain wash issue. You can't properly blame a religion for all of this - You need to blame the violent propaganda that ISIS is doing to feed the rebellion with people that have way too many issues.

    I'm an atheist myself and I've read several religions "rules". None of them instigate violence. But there will always be extremists. Now it's the muslims - Years ago were the christians.

    Unfortanely all of this situation is way too complicated to handle; Killing the snakes head won't solve the issue either 'cause someone else will take the charge and continue with this terror. Political negotations won't work either. It's a conflict that lasts for way too many years 'cause there will always be extremists in each side of the barricade.

    Should just build up a wall to surround Middle East and let them do their wars. Once the wars ends (if they ever will), the walls are torn down.
    By the way... You do know that ISIS were the ones messing with Europe to start with right? And you do know that they threatned the US when the US took their troops out of the middle east right?
    This is why Saddam Hussein and Muammar al-Gaddafi said several times: " As long as I live, there is no sort of rebels. As soon as I die, a lot of worms will show up. "
    Edited: November 17, 2015

  10. Their religion, that tells them anyone who isn't a muslim must be killed.
    It must be removed. Just as nazism was.
    The US was not attacking them before 2001.
    Where did you read that about killing non muslims?


    There is nothing like it in Quran, same as Bible, altho Bible is more violent than Quran, but that is another subject.

    About US attacks in the Middle East, who called them down there? The **** started cause of them, and Ill tell you why its very simple actually,

    Prior to Gulf War when US attacked Iraq something crucial to US economy happened there, Iraq started selling Oil in ECU (European Currency Unit) later knows as Euro, rather than US dollars, that was a huge blow to US economy, cause of a thing called PertoDollar (google that).

    So US had no choice then to use its military to protect the Dollar and their way of life.

    That is, in short, why we have such a screwed up world, not cause of muslims cause they never touched anyone.

  11. This is wrong. Their religion does NOT tell them that they have to kill them. That's why you see so many muslims that are lovely and peaceful people.
    The little scheme here is to instigate the hatred of the several communities that were oppressed by the European Union and the US through several conflicts that happened in the middle east. ISIS is literally a so called organization that is radicalizing people and making them believe that violence itself is the only way possible. They are feeding the weak minded with things that aren't showed with the two sides of the coin.
    And this is why you see things like this happening. It's not a religion issue; It's a brain wash issue. You can't properly blame a religion for all of this - You need to blame the violent propaganda that ISIS is doing to feed the rebellion with people that have way too many issues.

    I'm an atheist myself and I've read several religions "rules". None of them instigate violence. But there will always be extremists. Now it's the muslims - Years ago were the christians.

    Unfortanely all of this situation is way too complicated to handle; Killing the snakes head won't solve the issue either 'cause someone else will take the charge and continue with this terror. Political negotations won't work either. It's a conflict that lasts for way too many years 'cause there will always be extremists in each side of the barricade.
    A few videos, I'll let you take your conclusions:

    I can't disagree that only a minority are terrorists, either way. But, what motivates someone to sacrifice himself to kill innocents? What motivated the attack in 2001?

  12. But, what motivates someone to sacrifice himself to kill innocents? What motivated the attack in 2001?
    Constant murder of their brothers, mother, fathers, children, wives etc... happening for decades. The fact that a much stronger invading force is rushing them off their land, killing their families and friends and justifies all that by saying Islam hates other religions.

    It is not about religion at all it is ALL because of money.

    And how do you know it was them who attacked in 2001? You know what False Flag is? Not first time they have done that.

    And these videos you posted, how is that any different than Christianity and the Holy Bible?
    They Stoned people in the Bible too, Killing them for blasphemy,
    the holy church led a war called The First Crusade that killed millions in the name of God, cause they were non believers,
    they burned women cause the ignorant ******s believed that they are witches.

  13. I think it's time to close this thread now, since discussion is going way of topic. Threads like these always cause religious discussions, and we all know that they never end well.

  14. What about Christianity indeed. What about it? Was it what bred Islamic fanatics?
    The talk isn't about what Christianity did. Was what they did right? No. Does that in any way makes what Islam fanatics do "fine" or "justified"? Neither.
    So if your argument will go down to "well, but other people did it too," the only counterargument needed to set you aside is "two wrongs don't make a right."

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