1. how to gear up

    hi guys, whats the fastest/ cheapest way to get rdy for raiding fast?

    -do instances,and buy gear with jp / vp
    -do bgs / arenas for fast ilvl gains

  2. get 522ilvl pvp set from arenas/bgs and then just run ToT10/25

  3. you people are telling him to go leech in bg on other people back, he will do exactly what all nab pve do, standing around or mount running doing nothing to farm gear cause he can't do anything worst AFK in bg.
    Arena forget about it, don't wasted your time, you will never win cause everybody are all full gear.

  4. do some BGs+rdf hc dungeons to get justice points then you will have PvE/PvP gear with ilvl around 490 then you can start raid in HoF or ToES or MSV
    Edited: November 17, 2015

  5. As someone who is a PVE "nab" i have geared 9 classes (2 have also off-spec) all by doing only rbg's, i can say that doing bg's is the best and fastest way to gear up for raids. Im not a pvp "pro" like cujo here but i do try to win every bg, still there are times when you get the worst possible team and there is no other option but to sit as a ghost in the middle of the bg. Get full tyranical and buy grievous trinkets and off-hand / shield then join pugs in ToES and HoF untill you are ready for ToT. Doing arena just to raid ToT after for the same ilvl makes no sense to me.

  6. Doing arena just to raid ToT after for the same ilvl makes no sense to me.
    ToT items can be 8 ilvl higher.
    Also, and more relevant, a 522 weapon from arena gives a huge boost when compared to the 496-504 from ToES or HoF.

    But yeah, PvP is the fastest way to go. With a splash of PvE if you can find ppl who don't want 510 ilvl for ToES NM.

  7. My brain is hurting reading some of the comments on this thread.

    Keep PVP and PVE separate
    The balance is already fked up.

    1. Begin with CONTENDERS gear. This is available on the AH for 2k-8k for 8 pieces. Remaining pieces take from Green gear (level 88) vendor in Townlong.

    2. PVE 489 ilvl (used in pve) = PVP 496 ilvl (used in pvp) * = implies equivalent here
    Decided what you are going to do in game : PVP or PVE. Based on that, join a good guild that does Premades or Dungeons respectively

    PVP :
    Keep queuing solo BGs or Premade BGs, each win will give u 150 Honor and 75 honor per loss.
    This means, in order to get a 2250 honor item, you require 15 Wins or 30 losses. First win bonus accounts for 1 extra win, therefore updated wins/losses are 14/28. Average time of a BG is more or less 15 minutes. Therefore 1 HP item is approximately equal to 3.5 to 7 hours of continuous queuing ( I am ignoring first win bonus and Temple BG that gives extra honor)
    PVE :
    MSP normal gives 300 JP per run (with almost 0% chance of failing if you are doing it with guildies).
    This means, in order to get a 2250 JP item, you require 9 runs (84 JP/boss, 3 bosses per dungeon). Average time a JP run takes in MSP normal is also 15 minutes (even lesser if you have a geared guildy with you). Therefore 1 JP item is approximately equal to 2.25 hours of continuous JP runs.
    3. Raids for 522, Arenas for 522
    Both require a minimum gear cap and skill cap in order to comfortably collect. Enough said.

    Clearly, JP farm is a faster alternative, but people will tell you to join BGs since all it takes is a press of a button. So if you are planning to PVE atall then.
    1. Dont be lazy. Join a PVE guild, make a team and farm 2-3 items per day
    2. Dont join BGs if you are doing it ONLY to farm honor as you being ungeared in a bg drastically reduces the chance for 14 other people to win the BG. It hurts u and everyone who is there to win.
    3. In serious raids (especially TOT), raid leaders DONT allow PVP gear since damage output is relatively low (thanks to lack of secondary stats on items AND the low hit cap needed in PVP).
    4. PVE currently allows you to get 530 items as BIS instead of the 522 max in PVP. Thats probably the only reason why I have a 530 Bad juju on my rogue, since its a lot better proc than the PVP trinket and affects my resilience only by 2%
    Edited: November 17, 2015

  8. You are completely wrong.

    Ignoring honor bonuses from first win, temple, the actual honor you get for killing people and getting objectives, really?
    Also, 15 minutes average for a BG is pushing it. Esp. if it's one-sided in any way.

    MSP doesn't give 300 JP.

    You shouldn't keep pvp and pve separate, there is no need to.

    Also, it's funny how you "calculate" having a guildgroup for dungeons while not having guildgroup for a BG (which means they will win pretty much every BG quite fast).

    3. In serious raids (especially TOT), raid leaders DONT allow PVP gear since damage output is relatively low (thanks to lack of secondary stats on items AND the low hit cap needed in PVP).
    This is also a lie. There are quite a lot of 522 PvP items which are flat-out better than their 522 PvE counterparts without upgrades (and you won't be spending 500 VP on an item while gearing up, esp. not on an offpiece for the first few months).
    Edited: November 17, 2015

  9. You are completely wrong.

    Ignoring honor bonuses from first win, temple, the actual honor you get for killing people and getting objectives, really?
    Also, 15 minutes average for a BG is pushing it. Esp. if it's one-sided in any way.

    MSP doesn't give 300 JP.

    You shouldn't keep pvp and pve separate, there is no need to.

    Also, it's funny how you "calculate" having a guildgroup for dungeons while not having guildgroup for a BG (which means they will win pretty much every BG quite fast).

    This is also a lie. There are quite a lot of 522 PvP items which are flat-out better than their 522 PvE counterparts without upgrades (and you won't be spending 500 VP on an item while gearing up, esp. not on an offpiece for the first few months).
    From what I read, you are from Ally side, who get quick and easy wins in solo q BGs thanks to the imbalance of PVP populations. Dw, we are working on this. Soon BGs are going to be balanced.

    15 min on Average per bg is still valid. Test it or google it. You'll know the fact to be true.

    I have updated the first win to PVP and corrected JP drop to 84 per boss instead of 100. The gap still looks huge.
    I cant add Temple to my calculations since there is a chance u get the bg and then there is a chance you actually win it. There are too many variables to add it to the equation. In any case i am already taking the best case scenario for PVP that you win ALL bgs no matter what, which approximates for this. At 450 ilvl i doubt you get a large amount of kills. Sure you get some honor from objectives, but its a variable as well. If you win, you get 60 honor for 3 flag caps and if u loose u dont get any. Therefore all it will do is make the bandwidth of max to min farm time (3.5 to 7hrs) wider by a little. The realistic average will still stay the same.

    Guild groups? Cant you read the "Premade" word mentioned? there is a reason i say 3.5 to 7 hours for PVP per item. 3.5 h if u win every game thru premades.

    OP is asking about pre-raid gear, you can mix and match items when u have 522 based on ur stats requirement. Please read carefully what the OP actually requires.
    Edited: November 17, 2015

  10. From what I read, you are from Ally side,
    I shouldn't even address the rest of your post, this alone shows how "valid" any of your observations are.

    You do something really wrong if you need 15 minutes to win a premade BG. (free jab at your 1570 rating in full 522 pvp gear)

    If 522 PvP can be better than 522 PvE, 496 PvP can also be better than 496 PvE. Also, I wrote 522 because YOU specified ToT.

  11. Gearing up via PvP is just better than PvE. You can get 500 iLvl (full tyran + few girevous items) pretty quickly, then, you buy Relic + JP trink and you're good to go in pve...

  12. I shouldn't even address the rest of your post, this alone shows how "valid" any of your observations are.

    You do something really wrong if you need 15 minutes to win a premade BG. (free jab at your 1570 rating in full 522 pvp gear)

    If 522 PvP can be better than 522 PvE, 496 PvP can also be better than 496 PvE. Also, I wrote 522 because YOU specified ToT.
    LOL last resort of a defeated person is to start targeting the opponent outside the scope of the argument. Even tho i don't need to justify anything to you, 1570 rating is because i don't do arenas at all (learn to check match history as well) until 5.4.8 comes in. If you still have doubts about my experience on the game AND my skill, then feel free to meet me in game in durotar to duel / compare achievement points if you will.

    You must be new to the game if you think that 496 ilvl PVE is equalent to 496 ilvl in PVP. Google gear scaling and read. Its not a myth, its a fact.. Also, while you are at it, google the word "average" or better still take a quick tutorial on basic statistics. I said average 15 mins.

    Dw, i am not going to start searching your in game name to insult you, like u just did... I really dont care..

    PS. Why did u feel insulted when i called you an ally?? I just said you must be an ally since you seem to be winning every game in solo q
    Edited: November 17, 2015

  13. LOL last resort of a defeated person is to start targeting the opponent outside the scope of the argument. Even tho i don't need to justify anything to you, 1570 rating is because i don't do arenas at all (learn to check match history as well) until 5.4.8 comes in. If you still have doubts about my experience on the game AND my skill, then feel free to meet me in game in durotar to duel / compare achievement points if you will.

    You must be new to the game if you think that 496 ilvl PVE is equalent to 496 ilvl in PVP. Google gear scaling and read. Its not a myth, its a fact.. Also, while you are at it, google the word "average" or better still take a quick tutorial on basic statistics. I said average 15 mins.

    Dw, i am not going to start searching your in game name to insult you, like u just did... I really dont care..

    PS. Why did u feel insulted when i called you an ally?? I just said you must be an ally since you seem to be winning every game in solo q
    How am I defeated when everyone but you agrees that PvP is the fastest way? You are delusional.
    You played around 40 games the last 2 weeks in 2v2 alone (and lost about half of them). I wouldn't call it "not at all". Also shows your experience and skill well enough. Same goes for you wanting to duel in a game where PvP is balanced around 3v3.

    I am anything but new to the game. 8 years doesn't count as new, I fear. There ARE 496 pvp items which are better than pve items of the same ilvl. This is a fact. I claim it as a pve player (who kinda got every warmane first kill on this exp), while you only have MSV normal as your mop pve experience.

    You suck major balls if you need on average 15 minutes to win a BG in a premade.
    And thank you, I am competent enough when it comes to pretty much every single area of mathematics. (what was that about targetting the opponent outside of the scope of the argument?). Also, you not having the necessary skills to quickly and efficiently win in any form of PvP has a LOT to do with the question at hand, since it directly impacts the speed at which you can farm honor.

    Yet, you claim me to be alliance (and flop terribly).

    I didn't feel insulted. I felt baffled that you would make random (and false) assumptions on something that would take about 3 clicks and a maximum of 30 seconds to check.

  14. PVE?

    You are pve and have the audacity to call my rating bad? really? I am really really tempted to know what pvp experience you have now LOL. You are not the one who is queuing BGs to carry the low geared. I am. I work on improving PVP side of horde, while your opinions and suggestions are clearly against the work me and my guildies are trying to do. Hollow words from a person who doesnt even know what condition horde PVP is in.

    You say 496 ilvl PVP items are better than 496 PVE? Got any examples?
    To me personally, This clearly gives better stats than this

    My experience on MOP pve is 0 or around that (with a game experience of 8 years since deathwing server wotlk however). I have a 500 ilvl Warlock PVE (search Weburn on armory) which i havent logged into since last 4 months cuz of SOO not being available. I consciously decided to not give a fk about PVE on MOP.
    But i do speak for people who are sick and tired of low geared PVE folks who just join to farm honor instead of PVP seriously. And, I do thank "experienced" (self proclaimed) PVE'ers like you for advising them to do so, instead of just doing what blizzard intended the game to be, farm JP and then raid..

    You people keep crying about "give us new content, more dungeons, more raids" and all you do is advice people to gear using BGs. We haven't had a new BG since Obama became president, but we don't cry that much.

    About "3 clicks and max 30 seconds to check" your profile, dude, really now, no matter how much you try to "personalize" your arguments to insult me instead of proving me wrong, i really really cant give a fk about checking your profile..

    Sorry. In any case, i said what i had to in the first post i made. I wont be commenting on this thread anymore...
    Edited: November 17, 2015

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