1. You are one of the people farmed daily in our raids, I can get your anger and this "message" of yours is the same as the first one.If you don't wanna get camped just fly away or make a defense raid. It's world pvp ,we are not going to inspect each individual player and decide if we kill him or not. Vendors will eventually get aggro'd and will keep us in combat bug ,not our fault they aren't fixed yet. We are not your Bloodlust or other tryhards to want to bug your vendors,we go there to kill people and have some world pvp since playing the same 5 bgs for 5 months gets boring and no one ques rated where guilds can really show their metal and skill.

  2. Wanna talk about the other tens of rateds you lost before too?You had a few wins on us GJ.Don't delude yourself into thinking these couple wins of yours against the tens we have against you is the reason I left for alliance. We had a problem on a completely different theme. Your merit as a pvp guild could also be questionable too since you afk day and night in SW without doing anything.

  3. Fine, if killing shieldless vendors and low players mean that much to u , go ahead do it....seems less content did hit the wrong spot fr FW players after reaching full 522 gears....

  4. Your merit as a pvp guild could also be questionable too since you afk day and night in SW without doing anything.
    We don't claim to be a PvP guild, nor do we want to be one. All these "PvP guilds" tend to die out at a very fast pace (or seem to need to leave their faction) and have little to do. Of course, that's the truly sad part. That you guys lost to a social guild, and after losing each game, stopped queueing for the whole weekend, culminating in a faction change (albeit, for reasons you claim to be different)

    I don't afk in Stormwind day and night. I work 10 hours a day, and when I get home, i play Fallout 4. Please get your facts right :)

    I just find it ironic that you're complaining about the lack of Rated BG teams on horde, when you are the ones who left that faction...
    Edited: November 20, 2015

  5. Trust me ,waiting for you to que at 3 am in the morning when no one plays or wait weeks for a proper game, is not pleasant and as I said I didn't counted on horde collapsing after 2 guilds left.

  6. Trust me ,waiting for you to que at 3 am in the morning when no one plays or wait weeks for a proper game, is not pleasant and as I said I didn't counted on horde collapsing after 2 guilds left.
    I know right! Imagine people living in a different time zone and having to work! The horror!

    In terms of weeks, not sure what you mean. Like I said, we tried to play every weekend, but all we got was one game if you lost, after which you wouldn't queue for the remaining weekend.

    Either way, there isn't much to be done now, since Same Faction Rated's won't be fixed. Realm is pretty much doomed from a PvP point of view.

  7. I know right! Imagine people living in a different time zone and having to work! The horror!

    In terms of weeks, not sure what you mean. Like I said, we tried to play every weekend, but all we got was one game if you lost, after which you wouldn't queue for the remaining weekend.

    Either way, there isn't much to be done now, since Same Faction Rated's won't be fixed. Realm is pretty much doomed from a PvP point of view.
    If same faction rbgs came out u still wouldnt be doing rbgs..... maybe on weekends a few times but other than that u wont be

  8. If same faction rbgs came out u still wouldnt be doing rbgs..... maybe on weekends a few times but other than that u wont be
    You're absolutely right, I would be at work during the day, like most normal people.

    With that said, CCC would continue informing us that "we don't have enough people" on weekends.

  9. u always qq about ccc, fact is we dont give a **** about vv because they will always do the same ****, we play when we have 10 online or more always, its why we had 80+ wins last season... and 20+ people with titles, u call out every other guild but fail to see the flaws in yours please **** off cuz u always have somthing to say about us or relax bro when ur never online doing anything

  10. u always qq about ccc, fact is we dont give a **** about vv because they will always do the same ****, we play when we have 10 online or more always, its why we had 80+ wins last season... and 20+ people with titles, u call out every other guild but fail to see the flaws in yours please **** off cuz u always have somthing to say about us or relax bro when ur never online doing anything
    I would write a response, but in the end, its pointless. Nothing is going to change.

    You guys decided to move to ally, don't complain about the lack of Rated BGs now.

    I do find it contradictory that you had 80+ wins (so clearly, you played atleast 80 games) and yet you're saying allies did no Rated BGs, but whatever, live with the consequences.

  11. people from ur own guild would agree with me, guilds that we played like pokemonz, silence, brb wife aggro and others including pugs either stopped queing over all or disbanded, and at the end of last season, we couldn't get a single rated bg so ye we went ally cuz no ally guilds were gonna que rated including urs,
    Edited: November 20, 2015

  12. people from ur own guild would agree with me, guilds that we played like pokemonz, silence, brb wife aggro and others including pugs either stopped queing over all or disbanded, and at the end of last season, we couldn't get a single rated bg so ye we went ally cuz no ally guilds were gonna que rated including urs
    Well you had a shot for rateds on weekends, but now you don't even have that, so hope it was worth it :)

  13. in the long run it will cuz we have plans on who to play but gl doing nothing as usual

  14. in the long run it will cuz we have plans on who to play but gl doing nothing as usual
    Apart from having a life of course ;)

    You'll just end up having to trade queues with both VV and Relax Bros. So I disagree that in the long run it will be worth it.

    Anyways, this thread is going nowhere. I wish you luck on not losing anymore members.

    Have fun being bored everyone! Boredom for all, woo hoo!

  15. we dont have to worry about u guys, u never que, and we dont mind relax bro' cuz they dont talk **** allday long on these posts, ofc u work allday but on this forum, and never talk ingame gratz

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