1. This hurts my little DK's heart :(.
    aw so sorry bro.. i think u must be a skilled dk :-D

  2. This hurts my little DK's heart :(.
    aw sorry bro..but i think u must be a skilled dk cuz u play it even thou it isnt viable atm

  3. aw sorry bro..but i think u must be a skilled dk cuz u play it even thou it isnt viable atm
    IKR... RiP in Pepperoni MoP DKs

  4. tl dr...all i read is QQ from girls

  5. look at warlock's Chaos Bolt , if you trinket + Chaos bolt you can it for 200k easily and it has no cooldown lol so yeah compared to other classes its really not all that OP

  6. It also requires a shard... so its not spammable, has an insane long cast time too.

  7. yep...the girls keep the QQ going

  8. I think now its feral's turn. Bleeds dmg is off the roof atm...

  9. yea lets qq about bleeds now...ferals, warriors, rogues...prepare the planet uranus
    either that or you lowbie pvp wannabe girls can simply learn a damn class and stop going period berserk whenever a skilled guy facerolls over you

    much love, ty

  10. a mage just hit me with 50k plus arcane 3 time in a row.

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