1. Alliance was not never the dominant side mate,not here until we came here and surely not on Sargeras.Did you forgot all the qq of how alliance sucked?Your faction sucked until certain guilds came here,you had no good pvp guilds,ones that que rateds in plain light not at 4 am then they qq that no one plays them or to fully defend your cities.Until the transfer,Horde dominated everything:rateds,world pvp ,premades. It will always be unbalenced because of things like this.You were getting camped in every pvp bracket before those certain guilds came here, I would be thankful if I were you.

  2. Alliance was not never the dominant side mate,not here until we came here and surely not on Sargeras.Did you forgot all the qq of how alliance sucked?Your faction sucked until certain guilds came here,you had no good pvp guilds,ones that que rateds in plain light not at 4 am then they qq that no one plays them or to fully defend your cities.Until the transfer,Horde dominated everything:rateds,world pvp ,premades. It will always be unbalenced because of things like this.You were getting camped in every pvp bracket before those certain guilds came here, I would be thankful if I were you.
    As I remember, alliance started to dominate in this realm some weeks before the opening of Lordaeron. Alliance also dominated in the first weeks of FW-MOP, but then began to waver for a long time.

    There was also a time in which it was 50-50 (A least for random bgs).

    Now the win ratio for alliance is highter than 80%.
    Edited: November 23, 2015

  3. lol
    you sure you are on the right forum?

  4. Alliance was not never the dominant side mate,not here until we came here and surely not on Sargeras.Did you forgot all the qq of how alliance sucked?
    and surely not on Sargeras.Did you forgot all the qq of how alliance sucked?
    I am afraid that is a blatant lie. Alliance was so dominant on Sargeras that we could take down the shrine with just 12 people and hold it like that for hours. Also I don't remember QQ back then about Alliance being weak, I do remember Horde QQing though that we always brought too many people.

    Less than a month after that video the free transfers opened to Frostwolf and the only people left on Sargeras were inactive people or farmers that wanted to farm with barely any competition. Sargeras went down being Alliance dominated. Or do you think running 5 man premades all day means that your faction is dominant?

  5. You were getting camped in every pvp bracket before those certain guilds came here
    Do arenas not count as a PvP bracket now, or are we all missing something?

    There is only one player that came from Horde worth mentioning on the ladder right now, and that would be Yupperino (who isn't even top 25 btw).

    But its ok, these "PvP guilds" don't actually play arenas, I forgot about that.

    As for Rated BGs, the reality is, Alliance didn't exactly tryhard in them. When I started tryharding in them, you guys lost 4 in a row, and stopped queueing after each loss for the whole weekend, so we managed to do 4 BGs in a month. After the last loss, suddenly SR fell apart and you guys ended up on Alliance.

    But lets ignore Rated BGs and laugh at this once more...

    You were getting camped in every pvp bracket before those certain guilds came here

  6. ^ what exactly you wanna point out? your 6 guildies in ladder or?

  7. ^ what exactly you wanna point out? your 6 guildies in ladder or?
    Great of you to join this excellent thread as well, please follow along.

    The argument here is Alliance vs. Horde.

    It was pointed out that horde dominated all PvP brackets (direct quote above)

    I pointed out the number of Alliance players.

    I believe the rest is self-explanatory? If not, please do let me know.

  8. I am afraid that is a blatant lie. Alliance was so dominant on Sargeras that we could take down the shrine with just 12 people and hold it like that for hours. Also I don't remember QQ back then about Alliance being weak, I do remember Horde QQing though that we always brought too many people.

    Less than a month after that video the free transfers opened to Frostwolf and the only people left on Sargeras were inactive people or farmers that wanted to farm with barely any competition. Sargeras went down being Alliance dominated. Or do you think running 5 man premades all day means that your faction is dominant?
    Good job you managed to do in that video what we do everyday since we arrived here and what we've done ever since our guild started on this server.THe only guild that had balls to que against us were doing that at 3 am,so in terms of world pvp,bg premades and rateds,you would be nothing without the certain guilds that transfered. Arenas never dependent on what faction is better on the realm,they are in their own category.

  9. As for Rated BGs, the reality is, Alliance didn't exactly tryhard in them. When I started tryharding in them, you guys lost 4 in a row, and stopped queueing after each loss for the whole weekend, so we managed to do 4 BGs in a month. After the last loss, suddenly SR fell apart and you guys ended up on Alliance.

    You gotta be kidding on this ,getting 4 wins out of 100 of matches doesn't mean anything mate. I told you before stealthed rogues fell because of a different reason, the rated bg one would be the last reason we'd ever disband for, as you know you have been dominated by most pvp guilds that que'd rated,even pokemonz did better than you on both arguing and actual game.

  10. Arenas never dependent on what faction is better on the realm,they are in their own category.
    What in the world are you on about mate?

    So now arenas aren't a PvP bracket? Or are they irrelevant when talking about factions? Did it occur to you that most people that like to play competitive PvP prefer to play arenas over other brackets? How can you just ignore the very environment around which this games PvP is balanced is beyond me, given that you pride yourself being a PvP guild...

    I give up on this thread. I'm just wasting my time here.

    You gotta be kidding on this ,getting 4 wins out of 100 of matches doesn't mean anything mate. I told you before stealthed rogues fell because of a different reason, the rated bg one would be the last reason we'd ever disband for, as you know you have been dominated by most pvp guilds that que'd rated,even pokemonz did better than you on both arguing and actual game.
    Imagine calling yourself a PvP guild. Then losing to a social guild with clickers and alts in the opposite team. Then rage quitting for the whole weekend.

    Back when I was leading MC, if we lost to a social guild, we would atleast queue again to try and win, not call it a day after a loss. But I guess standards fell rapidly when MoP came out.
    Edited: November 23, 2015

  11. I haven't said they aren't a pvp bracket I just said they are not dependent on what faction dominates the server,if you still wanna argue at least read the entire comment ,not just bits you wanna hear. Those wins are the only every achievements you got with your guild?What if I start bragging about the other tens of wins we have against?About the other tens of times you raged and called it a day after being gv farmed?For you not to get gv camped would still count as a victory.
    Edited: November 23, 2015

  12. Alliance always had a upper hand in arenas no wonder why. i still dont mind going horde if alliance makes sure they make rated each and every day. i repeat each and every day! cause i know most of them quit after one lose or so, so its pointless. and about this thread i dont know why ppl are still crying over here! lets just wait for Wargames and we'll see.

  13. Good job you managed to do in that video what we do everyday since we arrived here and what we've done ever since our guild started on this server.THe only guild that had balls to que against us were doing that at 3 am,so in terms of world pvp,bg premades and rateds,you would be nothing without the certain guilds that transfered. Arenas never dependent on what faction is better on the realm,they are in their own category.
    This was daily reality on Sargeras as well. We stopped those attacks because they got really boring after a while. It's good that you still enjoy them must be refreshing to actually attack the city instead of hiding inside the auction house or bank for you guys ^_^. Also faction balance was perfectly fine I rather have you guys go back to Horde so I have fast bg queues again. Also you cant say that rated bg matters but rated arena doesn't for faction balance. Either they both matter or they don't.

    Also premades don't matter faction wise. You can go full tryhard premade in either faction and end up winning most bgs. I don't get your hype about rated bgs either. Tryhard whole season and spending over 1 million gold to get people to queue and reach 1.1k rating in the end isn't really competitive, it's borderline wintrading.

    If you wanna proof your dominance either do it by dominating the pvp ladder in 2s or 3s or do it by actually dominating the world pvp scene instead of gettin smoked out of the Goldshire inn by random people.

  14. I wanted to get a last word before going back to work.

    The reason you got so many victories against us is because we never quit after a loss. We always played to the maximum amount of time we had, and not a single person on the team ever rage quit. We were playing to have fun, and we achieved that, win or not.

    However, certain members of the guild eventually started being more active, and we started making stronger teams. It also helped that many of the top players from another guild (not naming who) joined us, and they also wanted to participate.

    So, our team started getting stronger, and the result you know well. What saddens me is that, every single time after SR lost, you guys stopped queueing. So sure, you had a great win/loss (mind you, it was nowhere near where you are exaggerating it to be, it was near 60/40, CCC did better than you guys) but that's only because you quit as soon as the odds weren't in your favor.

    You ask me what a PvP guild would do? They would keep fighting, not be sore losers and quit after a loss. Like I said, I led MC with that attitude, and you can ask your friend, Wellsqt all about what MC was like. If you think you dominated anything here, then you are mistaken, losing to clickers in a social guild is far from dominating anything. Being irrelevant on arenas is just more salt on the wounds. The reason I didn't lead a PvP guild on MoP is because I know exactly how many people with a high ego you have to deal with (which fyi, both you and Nyknicks have proven). I do enjoy annoying people with egos, and won't lie, enjoyed trolling you both very much, but now its just getting tiring and is really getting in the work I get paid for (although it was a very welcome distraction <3).

    If you want to be taken seriously, the first step is to prove your worth in arenas. The next step is to not quit after losing a game. Because its a ****ing game, and you need to learn that losing is just an opportunity to improve, not rage quit. And don't give me **** like you guys didn't rage quit. Each time Dreamyz told me who was rage quitting, because me and Dreamyz spoke regularly.

  15. Alliance always had a upper hand in arenas no wonder why. i still dont mind going horde if alliance makes sure they make rated each and every day. i repeat each and every day! cause i know most of them quit after one lose or so, so its pointless. and about this thread i dont know why ppl are still crying over here! lets just wait for Wargames and we'll see.
    Don't lie Smexy. Me and you both know we never quit after 1 loss.

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