1. Rateds are the best way to test which guild is better than the other.About your world pvp argument-I don't think you are even playing on the same server as we do.You can have a guild full of 2.3+ which won't do anything as whole:raids,premades,rateds;that is the purpouse of a damn guild,not 2 individuals that face the same team 20 times.The guild isn't composed on only those 2 guys that are high in bracket,but of those people that are always active to help the realm in pvp.

  2. I wanted to get a last word before going back to work.

    The reason you got so many victories against us is because we never quit after a loss. We always played to the maximum amount of time we had, and not a single person on the team ever rage quit. We were playing to have fun, and we achieved that, win or not.

    However, certain members of the guild eventually started being more active, and we started making stronger teams. It also helped that many of the top players from another guild (not naming who) joined us, and they also wanted to participate.

    So, our team started getting stronger, and the result you know well. What saddens me is that, every single time after SR lost, you guys stopped queueing. So sure, you had a great win/loss (mind you, it was nowhere near where you are exaggerating it to be, it was near 60/40, CCC did better than you guys) but that's only because you quit as soon as the odds weren't in your favor.

    You ask me what a PvP guild would do? They would keep fighting, not be sore losers and quit after a loss. Like I said, I led MC with that attitude, and you can ask your friend, Wellsqt all about what MC was like. If you think you dominated anything here, then you are mistaken, losing to clickers in a social guild is far from dominating anything. Being irrelevant on arenas is just more salt on the wounds. The reason I didn't lead a PvP guild on MoP is because I know exactly how many people with a high ego you have to deal with (which fyi, both you and Nyknicks have proven). I do enjoy annoying people with egos, and won't lie, enjoyed trolling you both very much, but now its just getting tiring and is really getting in the work I get paid for (although it was a very welcome distraction <3).

    If you want to be taken seriously, the first step is to prove your worth in arenas. The next step is to not quit after losing a game. Because its a ****ing game, and you need to learn that losing is just an opportunity to improve, not rage quit. And don't give me **** like you guys didn't rage quit. Each time Dreamyz told me who was rage quitting, because me and Dreamyz spoke regularly.
    And Dreamyz is such a trusthworty guy?You can never know the true reason we stop quing after a loss until you were there,but overall we both know that you raged quited the most out of all rated participants.

  3. we both know that you raged quited the most out of all rated participants.
    Guess we're just going to lie now uh?

    You're telling me, you won 100 games against us, yet we rage quit after each. That means we had to have lost just 1 per rated bg session, correct?

    So then it follows that we would have had to play rateds over 100 days.
    Like you said, we only played on weekends.
    Now get this everyone!
    In order for us to play rated bg's over 100 weekends, WE HAVE ACTUALLY INVENTED TIME TRAVEL!


    But wait theres more! (like every tv offer ever)
    We also happened to lose 100 games to CCC! AND GUESS WHAT EVERYONE! We rage quit after them too!

    No really, when lying, be careful to contradict yourself, because otherwise people like me make you look like a ******.
    Get your facts right, then post.

  4. You spoke so much **** and now you start to belive it,you start to be exactly as the pokemonz leader.From what I heard he ended up well too.Also learn to read the whole comment and the adjectives that are used in it.I never said you quit AFTER EACH 1 WIN.That 100 is just an estimate ,it doesn't really matter since you know that you lost dozens more in comparison to us,so you know which guild did better overall.
    Edited: November 23, 2015

  5. lol you lost rated against pugs and u didnt que next rated for weeks.
    You lie here and non-stop writing stupid no sense facts that cant be wronger.
    I can't wait your next post. It rly makes me laugh

  6. Rateds are the best way to test which guild is better than the other.About your world pvp argument-I don't think you are even playing on the same server as we do.You can have a guild full of 2.3+ which won't do anything as whole:raids,premades,rateds;that is the purpouse of a damn guild,not 2 individuals that face the same team 20 times.The guild isn't composed on only those 2 guys that are high in bracket,but of those people that are always active to help the realm in pvp.
    You really lost connection with reality. Seriously man. Even if you won rated BGs more (which I doubt) it proves nothing. Rated BGs are so rare, and it depends on those few ppl in que. I assure you that we have tons of ppl who are amazing at wow (on both sides) and they don't rank high in any ladder, but can still take on every opponent in that same ladder. It was long time ago since I was on college and had time to play all day long, now I play for fun and only when I have time. I'm not part of any guild and many of my friends are not neither. Still, when we manage to play, specially when we play together, we pretty much wipe the floor with anyone. It's not magic, it's just years of experience.
    Now, why am I saying this? To try to make you understand that your rated BG, or your premades counts for nothing. You can make a premade and win all day, but it doesn't mean your fraction is stronger. What counts is that solo que, cause if you are joining random ques and wining most of the matches, it means, that side is stronger. I told ya already, I play when I have time, so very often I solo que, and on all my alts, I always had positive score. And when I say positive, I mean above 70%. Lately it's close to 100%. So please.. Get your facts right. Ally was always stronger side, and all of you changed side cause you were constantly loosing, unless you made premades all the time. Even if I'm wrong, you lost your credibility when you switched and no1 can believe you anymore.

  7. You are another mad pug that resulted as being one of the casualties we made while being horde.As I said times before that we transfered here due to beating everyone in the alliance side.You had no good pvp guild before certain 2 guilds came here.And joining as a random pug in a bg you have the chance to also join with a premade,so if that happens,you won't count the bg as a normal one from the ratio,please go back to your bench and be more mad.

  8. You are another mad pug that resulted as being one of the casualties we made while being horde.As I said times before that we transfered here due to beating everyone in the alliance side.You had no good pvp guild before certain 2 guilds came here.And joining as a random pug in a bg you have the chance to also join with a premade,so if that happens,you won't count the bg as a normal one from the ratio,please go back to your bench and be more mad.
    hahahahahahaha.... yeah... that's why I want you to go back to horde... Dude, makes no sense what you're saying... It's pathetic how you sound.... Here are some facts for you: when I solo qued, we won 7-8 out 10-11 games. When I did premade, we won 19 out of 20... I never did rated BG, tried few times with my friends, but no1 qued on your side... Oh, and being part of a guild means nothing... I don't even know what guilds we had before, nor I know what guilds we have now. I find guilds annoying and needy, and usually means you have to carry less experienced players which I don't have time or will to do so anymore... That's why I haven't joined a guild for years. I know lots of really good players that are not part of a guild, or just make some small inactive one.

    Anyways... I tried to open your eyes and explain some things to you, but it's pointless... You don't have potential to understand.... I'm not gonna lower myself to your level any more.. you're welcome to believe what ever you want... peace out...
    Edited: November 23, 2015

  9. I don't have time nor crayons to explain you how pvp competiton works. The alliance had no worthy pvp guilds that is the ****ing reason I came here, not the guild,relax bro isn't stealthed rogues. Some members followed me ofc. You as Noto only pick the sentence you want to hear about from the whole argument ,go horde if want to prove to us how bad we are,you had the chance to do so when we were horde ,no one did and we came here.
    Edited: November 23, 2015

  10. Hello everyone i wish for this guild all the best. But i must say few things,in this guild there is no "the silence" , some ex The Silence are inside. That dosent mean we made this guild with other horde guilds. All of us are on Lordaeron. (20 of us)
    P.S i said this cuz i heard many people think that. Didint read 1000 replays. Good luck, kind regards from Knezqq

  11. i went ally for personal reasons [not 'mainly' cuz of my guild], and i don't really have friends in the guild lol. yet i still been playing horde more. i don't know what u all are talking about really. i win majority of my matches on both factions, on any class i'm playing [i have every class full, except my pala that i'm working on], without premades, unless on my pala lol. with premades, i've lost maybe 2-3 times ever [i don't recall this happening, but it's possible so who knows, my memory is fail]. i'm not saying i carry people in bg's, which is possible, but also possible i just have bad luck when i actually need honor :D

    also.. saying ur a social guild, is irrelevant. as if 90% of these pvp guilds are even really pvp guilds. they don't do much of anything outside of premades [correction: unorganized premades] and occasional other crap. they're ALLLLLL social guilds, regardless of what they call themselves. i can say i'm the king of stormwind, doesn't make it so (i am though, as of right now).

    anyway, this thread i'm guessing by the title, is an announcement of the re-emerging of a guild. g'luck with ur guild :) i'm relaxed lol

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