1. Too bad no one wants PVE we all want pvp ffs but nothing has been done for anything

  2. Look at your facebook poll @Warmane, most people voted up Frostwolf. http://strawpoll.me/6133579/r

  3. Well guys it's been fun but it seems my friends and I are going retail. Wish you all the best and I really hope they realize the mistakes they have made. Hopefully one day the things around here will change and we may start playing again. Until then good luck to you all, and all the best, both in life and in game. :)

  4. Restart the server the lag is awesome..

  5. I've lost patience, going to retail. Have fun.

  6. rip frostwolf, low content, people are fed up with the constant lag, the server gets no attention whatsoever, and the staff talk down to us on the forums, ggwp warmane, ggwp.

  7. Well guys it's been fun but it seems my friends and I are going retail. Wish you all the best and I really hope they realize the mistakes they have made. Hopefully one day the things around here will change and we may start playing again. Until then good luck to you all, and all the best, both in life and in game. :)
    Me and my guys are also thinking of resubing. Hope to see you and all you friends back here again, someday. Best of luck to you as well mate.

  8. You can say everything, but 3000-4200 players will be here always. People are stupid and play on server where I don't have anything to do...

  9. People are stupid and play on server where I don't have anything to do...
    Emphasis on 'I'.

  10. You can say everything, but 3000-4200 players will be here always. People are stupid and play on server where I don't have anything to do...
    That's the card they are playing, and that's why they manage to make fool of everyone for such a long time. No matter how many experienced and smart players we have, there will always be huge number of *****s who will believe this is the best they can get. Not only that, they will actually for God knows what reason kiss *** of the developers and mods by making stupid posts of how grateful they are and how amazing job developers are doing. FACEPALM!
    Indeed they might have one of the best WOTLK servers out there, but they also have BY FAR the worse MoP server ever released. And what hurts the most is that year ago MoP population was way bigger than WOTLK, but that didn't matter one bit.

  11. If MoP was getting as much attention as Lordaeron is getting now, I guarentee you we will have 2 servers with 7k+ population each. Maybe even more.

  12. If MoP was getting as much attention as Lordaeron is getting now, I guarentee you we will have 2 servers with 7k+ population each. Maybe even more.
    +1 It's really hard to script some new bg's/old dungeons and raids for achiv, some quests and arenas for examle?

  13. Well from what I understand, the Lordaeron Core is going to be transferred to other expansions. (More or less) So more old content? Yay? But I guess, they want to get lordaeron back up to full speed before doing it...just takes time guys....so wait a bit...

  14. Well from what I understand, the Lordaeron Core is going to be transferred to other expansions. (More or less) So more old content? Yay? But I guess, they want to get lordaeron back up to full speed before doing it...just takes time guys....so wait a bit...
    Exactly as I said in my previous post... You just proved my point.

    First of all, no core can be transferred. They only stated they will port SOME content to newer expansions. But they've been saying that for months. We are waiting for year and half for smth. significant to happen and they couldn't even fix lag issue yet. I'm not even going to touch class fixes and bug reports that are opened for 8 months and longer. And how about getting all BGs and Arenas? Did we deserve at least that by now? A single developer alone could script all of them within a week. Most of them just need to be ported here, but NO - it's like we are asking too much.

    So tell me... Is your definition of "bit" same as their definition of soon?

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