1. Lmao, this turned into a real ****fest

  2. I've read most of these comments and I quite can't understand why people is bashing guilds... Killwithme just asked for nice pvp and out came the haters bashing him and VM... What would ally have been at this moment without VM and what would horde be without Warbringers? Just stop the bashing and do some damn premades. Most are probably a bunch of children who gets bullied at school. I remember prewipe when we (puff puff pass) did premades vs Rudolfs... it was sp much fun. It would've probably been boring weren't they there. Once I went horde I did some premades with Rudolfs and only PPP gave us trouble. Horde needs good pvp guilds and so does ally. Stop debating on who is best and just have fun!

    Peace out (from your lovely pala - Smous)
    Have fun, enjoy the game and stop the bashing. It is just a game, it's supposed to be fun....

  3. +1
    Have fun, enjoy the game and stop the bashing. It is just a game, it's supposed to be fun....
    Well from perception of PvPer, WoW is more like some kind of sport for me, u know compete in Arenas, BGs... so little sparks are welcome, but not insulting.

  4. Mad cuz bad

    hate us cause they ain't us

  5. If only this was a game and none of it mattered...

  6. I've read most of these comments and I quite can't understand why people is bashing guilds... Killwithme just asked for nice pvp and out came the haters bashing him and VM... What would ally have been at this moment without VM and what would horde be without Warbringers? Just stop the bashing and do some damn premades. Most are probably a bunch of children who gets bullied at school. I remember prewipe when we (puff puff pass) did premades vs Rudolfs... it was sp much fun. It would've probably been boring weren't they there. Once I went horde I did some premades with Rudolfs and only PPP gave us trouble. Horde needs good pvp guilds and so does ally. Stop debating on who is best and just have fun!

    Peace out (from your lovely pala - Smous)
    In part, this has happened because Killwithme already opened a similar thread months ago, some users responded with jokes (not mocking him, or at least I didn't understand it that way) but he took offence and kept biting the bait for pages and pages and pages... So when the same thread was opened again, the same users did the same silly jokes.

    That and the accusations of dodging have made an amusing thread out of this. And being amused is, after all, the reason we all play games...

  7. Meh just think twice before you post a comment. If you take this game as a sport then at least show good sportsmanship. Take a loss like a man and take a win with dignity and not rubbing it in the face of the team who lost. A good loser is x10 better than a bad winner. After all its just a game.

  8. yeah well people tend to get sick of fanboys of these guilds that are supposed to be pro and like to help them descend down to earth occasionally
    especially when those same people like bashing others on forums, its instant karma sorta

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