1. That has a lot to do with the actual emulation project. You need to realize that MoP as an emulation project is very new, very fresh and a lot of things that are placed in the core are 'hacky' and barely work. This makes development a bit harder than what the average person thinks it is.

    The patch that's coming soon brings more support to what we want to do with the realm. It enables us to script some things. The current patch that Frostwolf is on doesn't have server-side support for some things we're looking to implement and it's absolutely necessary.

    Also the ETAs that were provided were from a developer's standpoint and issues can always pop up. For instance, you put a turkey in the oven and you think it'll be done in an hour and then the oven blows up and you have to re-bake it. In our desire to keep you informed, ETAs will remain what they are and that is ESTIMATED time of arrival and therefore not exactly correct and possible fluctuations will exist.

    Now about the additions that the patch will provide, it will give us more support to implement older raids, and do it without writing things from scratch.

    We're also present on the global channel from time to time and speak with the community in hope of keeping everyone informed, do keep in mind that there's a section of community managers, if you want a Community Manager to shed some spotlight PM any of the members of the group and ask questions.
    I understand your point of view. But I feel like the problem is not in ETAs, but the lack of information. I personally think tha YES you should give us ETAs, but if something goes wrong it's better to just say that you have problems that poped up and this will delay the release with at least two weeks, than to keep us in the dark. That way we understand what is going on and we would not expect any release for the next two weeks. Otherwise we would stay in the dark without any information and think "Are they even working on what they said ?" You see for me it is ok that you delay the releases for understandable reasons. I think we all get it that problems pop up, which makes the work harder, what we do not get is why we have to read 11 posts about Lordaeron and there is not 1 post saying the release on Frostwolf is going to be delayed because of unexpected problems.

  2. I understand your point of view. But I feel like the problem is not in ETAs, but the lack of information. I personally think tha YES you should give us ETAs, but if something goes wrong it's better to just say that you have problems that poped up and this will delay the release with at least two weeks, than to keep us in the dark. That way we understand what is going on and we would not expect any release for the next two weeks. Otherwise we would stay in the dark without any information and think "Are they even working on what they said ?" You see for me it is ok that you delay the releases for understandable reasons. I think we all get it that problems pop up, which makes the work harder, what we do not get is why we have to read 11 posts about Lordaeron and there is not 1 post saying the release on Frostwolf is going to be delayed because of unexpected problems.
    I understand your frustration and we'll be improving overall communication for Frostwolf, if not on the mainpage, it'll be here at least in the section or on the realm itself.

  3. I understand your frustration and we'll be improving overall communication for Frostwolf, if not on the mainpage, it'll be here at least in the section or on the realm itself.
    Not trying to be a complete pessimist, but I want you to understand the gravity of this statement. We've been told this now for the third time. First we were told this after moltdown. Then we were told this by Mercy when she made the top 5 bugs thread. I hope this time you guys will actually act on what you claim, because you are losing the community's trust very far.

    I hope it will be different this time though :)

  4. I understand your frustration and we'll be improving overall communication for Frostwolf, if not on the mainpage, it'll be here at least in the section or on the realm itself.
    I have suggestion for you proterean,u can open some section on forum like questions and answers. When you answer on questions on global you can't answer them all and then ppl spam to much on global also,i mean they spam anyway but then it is just more spam .

  5. Also the ETAs that were provided were from a developer's standpoint and issues can always pop up. For instance, you put a turkey in the oven and you think it'll be done in an hour and then the oven blows up and you have to re-bake it. In our desire to keep you informed, ETAs will remain what they are and that is ESTIMATED time of arrival and therefore not exactly correct and possible fluctuations will exist.
    Only Warmane could bake a turkey and blow the oven :D
    Edited: December 4, 2015

  6. Only Warmane could bake a turkey and blow the oven :D
    Warmane's development in a nutshell.

  7. Meh I dont get it. Either no staff talk for half a year or they all talk at the same time for a short amount of time.
    When people say there is a communication issue...
    Now I dont really read them anymore TBH. Chat time is over. What we want is action.
    Going offline for another month or two.

  8. I understand your frustration and we'll be improving overall communication for Frostwolf, if not on the mainpage, it'll be here at least in the section or on the realm itself.
    For which I thank you.

  9. I understand your frustration and we'll be improving overall communication for Frostwolf, if not on the mainpage, it'll be here at least in the section or on the realm itself.
    Thank you so much. This is what the community wants.

  10. "Chat time is over. What we want is action."

    Absolutely agree.Month afrer month ,nothing changes.

  11. Also the ETAs that were provided were from a developer's standpoint and issues can always pop up. For instance, you put a turkey in the oven and you think it'll be done in an hour and then the oven blows up and you have to re-bake it. In our desire to keep you informed, ETAs will remain what they are and that is ESTIMATED time of arrival and therefore not exactly correct and possible fluctuations will exist.
    Even though it's really nice to finally have some answers from your side, I find this answer quite amusing. If you brake your ETAs only for few days, you wouldn't have this many unsatisfied ppl. You constantly fail to deliver things that are promised and than act like it's not a big deal at all. Even worse, you don't feel any obligation to speak to your community and that lead you to where we are right now.
    If for example I as Java developer don't deliver my project before deadline, I can probably start looking for another employer. It's obvious that if I agreed to do smth., I'll take all possible delays in consideration and only if I'm certain I can deliver on time, I'll take the job. Deadline is just last possible date when I can deliver my project, but most of the time, it's finished days before that. Now, if you constantly fail to deliver, there could be only two possible reasons: Either you don't put enough focus and effort, or your developers need to be re-evaluated. I'm sorry, but it's simple as that.
    And all those stories about new core/old core are just stories. Core it self can't be the reason why you haven't scripted at least some basic things you're lacking. Specially BGs, where most of them just need to be ported and adapted to work here.

  12. Tbh, there should be a twitch towards these issues.

  13. Even though it's really nice to finally have some answers from your side, I find this answer quite amusing. If you brake your ETAs only for few days, you wouldn't have this many unsatisfied ppl. You constantly fail to deliver things that are promised and than act like it's not a big deal at all. Even worse, you don't feel any obligation to speak to your community and that lead you to where we are right now.
    If for example I as Java developer don't deliver my project before deadline, I can probably start looking for another employer. It's obvious that if I agreed to do smth., I'll take all possible delays in consideration and only if I'm certain I can deliver on time, I'll take the job. Deadline is just last possible date when I can deliver my project, but most of the time, it's finished days before that. Now, if you constantly fail to deliver, there could be only two possible reasons: Either you don't put enough focus and effort, or your developers need to be re-evaluated. I'm sorry, but it's simple as that.
    And all those stories about new core/old core are just stories. Core it self can't be the reason why you haven't scripted at least some basic things you're lacking. Specially BGs, where most of them just need to be ported and adapted to work here.
    yo chill out..

  14. I know your feel. The problem is, it is stressful to give ETAs and read insults if the date isn't respected. You say "we" but you are speaking for yourself. In another situation, another user said "better not give any dates if you're going to delay" or worse yet "going to lie";

    i would really like to know what do you people do in real life and do you know the meaning of the word deadline. I know complications may occure SOMETIMES, remember that word -sometimes- but in moltens case it's EVERYTIME. and after all of these years, all the updates, all the expansions, patches... you want to tell me and i am supposed to believe you can't give a normal eta... lol pure lol

    Now about the additions that the patch will provide, it will give us more support to implement older raids, and do it without writing things from scratch.
    yea lol

    We're also present on the global channel from time to time and speak with the community in hope of keeping everyone informed, do keep in mind that there's a section of community managers, if you want a Community Manager to shed some spotlight PM any of the members of the group and ask questions.
    Please don't make us laugh, every time you joined global you discusses some pointless topics "how did some random guy got banned during a bg when he didnt hack" "starting zone bugs" and so on and so on... please people correct me and write here the "usefull" information you got from GM's over global chat.

    I understand your frustration and we'll be improving overall communication for Frostwolf, if not on the mainpage, it'll be here at least in the section or on the realm itself.

    This is like the 10th time you people promiss the same thing, it was one of your leading lines after the moltdown like "Hermes didn't let us give infromation, all of that will change now... bla bla bla" yeaaaa it SOOO CHANGED.. omg i can't handle ALL THE INFROMATION...
    every time we want info... there is a procedure: you start with few qq comments, then you open a thread, few people post in it. then it gets closed then we start opening more threads, then ban hammer hits and after you get god knows how many threads and posts THEEEN one of you almighty "information givers" decide to spend your precious 4 minutes of time to write 3 lines. And you have the courtesy to write about overall community communication.

    Only Warmane could bake a turkey and blow the oven :D
    LOL sooo true

    look i really don't want to get banned again which i probably will, because it looks like sooo many things have changed since Hermeses "dictatorship".
    I'm sure there is a HUGE portion of people that will agree on my words.

    I play on molten since 2011-2012 im here from the start of cataclysm i got to know alot of people here and no matter how ****ty the times were i never even considered going away from it. you guys had something awsome i can't really describe it in words, but when you would summ everything up, population, community, developing team, things were buggy always but we would cope with them...
    I myself am a player that would buy full gear on almost every tier release, would spend 6,7 hours online per day, would level and gear up each class, attend every raid every day, spend countless hours just afking/chatting/dueling and this has been going for years... but this last year, or more specific last 5,6 months. you guys are completly lost. things went to **** after that AT merge. i dont want to offend those guys cause they are in the same crapper as we are.
    but i just have a feeling that everyone is overstreaching to please one another and it's getting you nowhere, AT people hate it (or at least they do judging by their posts) rest of us hates the state (you can see all of our posts)

    Well i could write how i feel about this alot. short thing... idk guys and after this post idc what you do, i'm just looking at myself from person who would spent hours and hours online everyday even in periods like 4.3 cata launch, where we had NOTHING to do for months prelaunch and especially after launch, i remember only dungeon was zul gurub and it was the only one for months... endless jp farms... mop release... same thing... but this situation now... it's just not working at all. i dont remember last time i logged and played here.

    and mercy dont ban me again, it's really starting to be annoying.

    i hope i didn't offend anyone, it wasnt my intention i just had to say out the obvious.
    Edited: December 5, 2015

  15. Please don't make us laugh, every time you joined global you discusses some pointless topics "how did some random guy got banned during a bg when he didnt hack" "starting zone bugs" and so on and so on... please people correct me and write here the "usefull" information you got from GM's over global chat.
    We always answer what the people ask for, if they ask about starting zones, we answer about starting zones. If people ask about rules, we answer about rules. Apart from that we always announce any related ETAs in server-wide announcements and answer nearly all questions in the chat. So far 90% of the players we have encountered this way found out something new and were thankful for it.

    Keep in mind of the "garbage in - garbage out" principle. If you provide garbage questions, garbage theme, you'll get that back. Especially with disrespect. Respect is not a thing you're entitled for, it is earned in all spheres of life, including anywhere you interact with people, such as the global channel.

    This is like the 10th time you people promiss the same thing, it was one of your leading lines after the moltdown like "Hermes didn't let us give infromation, all of that will change now... bla bla bla" yeaaaa it SOOO CHANGED.. omg i can't handle ALL THE INFROMATION...
    every time we want info... there is a procedure: you start with few qq comments, then you open a thread, few people post in it. then it gets closed then we start opening more threads, then ban hammer hits and after you get god knows how many threads and posts THEEEN one of you almighty "information givers" decide to spend your precious 4 minutes of time to write 3 lines. And you have the courtesy to write about overall community communication.
    We do live Q&A very often. Maybe what's needed is a schedule for those live Q&As so people don't miss it. Next one on Frostwolf will be most likely on Monday or Tuesday, server-time will be included and posted prior to that and the Q&A will be done in a separate channel. We will answer all and any questions you have and when we say ALL, we mean all. We will tell you anything that you want to know. (this will be done in-game)

    Also, I want to remind people that ETA = estimated time of arrival. Estimated is the keyword, it is what's estimated at the time of the announcement, not an exact date. That means it can be changed and it's just at time-frame that should give you an idea on how much work needs to be invested in it.
    Edited: December 5, 2015

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