1. i just wanted to know why with my post... when i read some replys i want to cry, just dafuq
    Not your fault mate, you could've literally asked "what's the best pizza you've ever tried?" and people would find a reason to ****post and turn this topic into a mess.

  2. Not your fault mate, you could've literally asked "what's the best pizza you've ever tried?" and people would find a reason to ****post and turn this topic into a mess.
    guess you're right, but still feeling bad for the mod :X

  3. To the rest of you people freaking out about the 10th vs the 12th, I myself had vacation days to burn so I decided to use a few for wrath on the 10th. Since its not to be, I will still be enjoying my 5 day weekend. Go outside or something, and let them unleash wrath when it is as ready as it can be.
    Got yourself a couple days to prepare to no-life wrath when it's launched on the 12th in that case. :P
    Well, the job of a moderator is to moderate the discussion. A mod should have a rather neutral position and only intervene in the discussion when somebody hurts the forum rules.

    The problem is that u have often no neutral standpoint in discussions. Im not talking about this thread here, rather when it comes to topics like for example multiboxing or a pve server. When u share ur personal opinions in such topics then u are posting as a player and not as a mod. In this case u should consider to post on a different forum account.
    It looks kinda unprofessional to see a mod that is often deffending his own standpoint and not the standpoint of the Warmane staff.
    God, it's almost as though they're passionate about their co-workers and the project they work on! Holy ****! Who would've thought?!
    Sorry to say, but you don't get to go up to a man, call his wife butt-***-ugly right in front of his face, and expect to walk away like nothing happened. You clearly have no clue what sort of restraint is required for a customer service role whatsoever, much less one where the employees are passionate about their job.
    no idea what u mean by neutral, he just support warmane. its not blizzard here, and he got no need to be "politically correct" here. if some1 speaks against warmane's course of action, why shouldnt he defend it and explain the reasoning? and well if they got ban its coz they cant keep it clean i mean i didnt agree on some issues too (alot off ppl do), but its either u end up given a good reason for the problem or just leave the subject coz that how it is, some ppl just have to continue on and on till they just start bashing every1.
    and btw obnoxious comment here the most so i guess his presence here is the greatest, means that he bans more ppl ofc, simple as that.
    ^ boom. What he said.
    You need to chill a little bit, Moderators. Getting a little too upset imo. Not that you don't have enough reasons to be, which you do. But as Moderators you really shouldn't feed the people complaining 'cause no matter what you say, most will keep complaining and talking ****. Just ignore the thread for a while and calm your **** a bit.
    I fail to understand. From what I've seen, they are pretty calm. They haven't insulted anyone. The ones who need to calm down are the ones trash talking earlier in the thread.

    People *****ing about a 2 day delay seriously need to get their **** together.

  4. Lynae. I like you, when do we meet in rl? :P :)

  5. I'm gonna ride the "I took the wrong day off now" train.... Choo choo!

  6. War,Hunt skill 2.4.3 bg lol,go quickly 3.3.5.

  7. ok I will make it simple for you... Are there any NEW updates on this... *Rolls Eyes*

  8. Obviously not. What sort of updates are you wanting? If there's confirmation or delay?

  9. ok I will make it simple for you... Are there any NEW updates on this... *Rolls Eyes*
    This better?

  10. Not really.. Nice try tho!
    i guess he means update about the exact time tomorrow, but who knows , he thinks we can read minds , and its very hard to state his request properly - would be so much shorter to just ask the full question

  11. i guess he means update about the exact time tomorrow, but who knows , he thinks we can read minds , and its very hard to state his request properly - would be so much shorter to just ask the full question
    I'm quite confident Radvo understood that perfectly, and his point was just showing that there is no new information, and where it would be if there was any.

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