1. my suspicion is, that they will make sure to have the previous expansions completely fixed, after lordaeron is fixed, they may go to a full cata fix and then mop and then wod

    step by step progressively
    In that case - Shut down Frostwolf. There is no need to have a live realm, when 70% of the content is unavaliable or bugged in some way... and there is no hope to get fixes "in the near future".
    If we are going for progressive "completely fixed" expansions, then leave Lordaeron only -> Fix Cataclysm -> Launch cata realm - > Fix MoP -> Lounch MoP Realm.
    As it is right now, it's like we are playing on PTRs for Lordaerons future updates and expansions.

  2. id rather give money for a expansion that i like to play on free will then to pay for something i dont like. ive been playing retail from 2.1 to 6.1. wod is a disaster as is Legion too.

  3. did ya ever consider that they plan to eventually shut down non wotlk realms? the site is dedicated to wotlk now. everything is going towards wotlk. perhaps they're only trying to stall to keep the rest of us here long enough to attempt to convert us over to wotlk :P

  4. did ya ever consider that they plan to eventually shut down non wotlk realms? the site is dedicated to wotlk now. everything is going towards wotlk. perhaps they're only trying to stall to keep the rest of us here long enough to attempt to convert us over to wotlk :P
    I know this is a joke, but maby.....^^
    Only thing Warmane has to offer is the Community with a big Playerbase. But Summer is comming, and even now if we not play in peak times we are low on Players. Had 20min Arena que (2s!) time and 25min BG que time today. And it took me 50min to fill a grp for a RDF hc.......Played 2 Hours done 5 Arena, 1 BG and 1 RDF HC rest was waiting in que and watching Orange is the new Black.^^

  5. did ya ever consider that they plan to eventually shut down non wotlk realms? the site is dedicated to wotlk now. everything is going towards wotlk. perhaps they're only trying to stall to keep the rest of us here long enough to attempt to convert us over to wotlk :P
    it would be a lot easier to post a site announcement that sounds like this "we are planning to close down X expansion, and give whoever is willing to migrate to a lord clone 2 lvl 60 characters with x tier gear to maintain progress. The database for the closed realms will remain available to us so that you will have your characters the way you left them when we will be able to work @ & release the expansion"

    im sure people would understand. For instance, id love to play lord but i dont have the time to redo everything ive done so far.
    anyway...im not here to manage their business

  6. after the staged moltdown in order to merge with AT
    For when you come back, make even a hint of an attempt at spreading that kind of bull**** again and you won't be gone just temporarily.

  7. my suspicion is, that they will make sure to have the previous expansions completely fixed, after lordaeron is fixed, they may go to a full cata fix and then mop and then wod

    step by step progressively
    We have stated it many, many, many times, to the point of getting tired to repeat :/

  8. We have stated it many, many, many times, to the point of getting tired to repeat :/
    Telling people to not expect any updates in the near future isn't very comforting. Is the plan really to just ask the community to wait until some day of legend when Lord will be completed and you will move to MoP?
    I find that to be a very disappointing response. Why even keep an MoP realm if you can't work on it? Hire more devs to keep updates going, make it a contract job for 6 months. They get good experience and we get to update both the realms. I'm sure donations on FW will pick up enough if you have content coming out to pay the devs. Just telling a big portion of your community to wait for some other realm to be done is a terrible business plan.

  9. If only some of the older bugs would be fixed, like argent tournament final quest was reported and confirmed 7 months ago on bugtracker, 7 months without fixing it is just insane

  10. If only some of the older bugs would be fixed, like argent tournament final quest was reported and confirmed 7 months ago on bugtracker, 7 months without fixing it is just insane
    Who care about that we need real class fixes, new bgs and working pve content...

  11. Who care about that we need real class fixes, new bgs and working pve content...
    Its too late for PVE, every good guild as left for retail. We all got fed up with no content, the content that was released that was "tested" was just a complete joke.

  12. We have stated it many, many, many times, to the point of getting tired to repeat :/

    Still, leaving the other xpacs in a halt waiting for the older expansions to be -completely fixed- doesn't seem like a good idea.

  13. The amount of f...pardon,damns given about a random quitting is just beyond capability of explanation.
    Let's all start spamming the forum full of random ''Hai my name is X and i am quitting''
    Unless you are a porn star IRL or someone who actually matters,don't worry,it never changed.

  14. We have stated it many, many, many times, to the point of getting tired to repeat :/
    Heeehh hey let stop here... copy atleast 5 times, were you said it. Or you left players to thinking about this verse? I remember once 1 month, when Molten came back from data purge, all know about it.....anyway. I am talking about the stream, which was "very popular" there was 2 or 3 famous staff members of Warmane aka Molten, including Kaer with Dev, sorry I don't remember good. You stated just one thing and here I will end with. "MOP will get till end of summer a relase of more PvE content, including old content from previous expansions, we already have some done, they will come in next update". Back in past 6 months, I won't count how many changelogs and hot fixes had done. I hear maybe more then 10 times, you working, fixing, testing what else, keep the hope of players, which all you know after Moltendown, they come back and start over again and keep feed you. So at the end now is December, what you give to MOP and Cata? Let me answer you "Ruin", you will be more respected if just end it and fill it out, just said to community "We are focusing only WOTLK, nothing more" you will be more respected, then just give a words and do not care of em.

    Donations now award between 20% and 30% increased coins until December 31, 2015. - We all know this kind of game by you. Be a humans and said the truth to the community, which still are with you....
    Edited: December 18, 2015

  15. I got a better ideea about closing realms..close all of them but Lordaeron and Frostwolf!

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