Tabard of the Lightbringer ---> 5coins words
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Tabard of the Lightbringer ---> 5coins words
A tabard,its a damn Tabard.
yo i have a there gonna be any item at all with VP?do i keep my points or just use them on some of other realms?
So far it is said there will not be any votepoint shop on lordaeron.
It would be nice if Recipes for professions could be added to the shop for coins, but perhaps this has already been suggested?
If only there was such info in an official thread
oh wait
23 coins for a lvl 60 epic item while on Ragnaros the same item goes for 6 coins..... At least lower the lvl 60 / 70 item costs for twinks :3
(Might of Menethil)
I just bought the character recustomization and it doesn't work...... "Could not cusomize character"
i would also suggest to make a new section for the store with Vanity Items such as disguises or just funitems for example Muradin's Favor which can only be obtained from the chest the lich king drops when someone got shadowmourne. But also many of the other items are very interesting because they are often easy to get but annoying to farm^^ I would totally donate for those and not only on Lord. Just search for vanity or fun items wotlk and you will find many lists
Will the prices get adjusted with the more content that is released? That is, gradually lowering prices on low-tier items so that we don't reach a point where ICC25 items cost 250-300 coins and so that low-tier items are still worth buying with T9 available. I'm talking about the distant future, of course.
Why would they add items like Glorenzelg to coin shop? So you would ruin the game to everyone by skipping farming those raids everyone does and getting items ahead of everyone else, in like 7-30 or more days of game play?
If this realm end up getting coin shop like Ragnaros and the rest, you'll have same problem. You would end up with people running around with end game items and know nothing about raiding.
If you want that, you have other realms.
In my opinion, this is a good start for this realm, with coin shop working like in opening post. Maybe, like people said before, adding mounts and items that do not impact game play much, or at all. And point shop needs reworking as well, not adding items like weapons or armor. More like adding some quest items, mounts like in coin shop, name changes atc. Because this way we have no particular reason to vote.