1. Really?

    Not only that i had to collect my vote points for over 40 days, but all heroic version of items on marketplace are available only for coins. Only way to get it is to donate 20 euros...

  2. you can use the trademarket to sell ingame gold for coins :) you could try that

  3. The lack of mounts since the update is what makes me sad. That update really was bad for point system users.

  4. if u want the truth, actually its rly ******ed system, why cataclysm heroic items costs so much points? if its gonna be used only for mog?... and the items ~200ilvl, is like double less points and also gonna be used for xmog..

    the truth - all mog gear should be the same price of points, cuz now some ugly mogs costs alot of points, some decent and really nice mogs only few points.. so wtf?

  5. you can use the trademarket to sell ingame gold for coins :) you could try that
    Jup try this. Its very easy to get 10 Coins for xyz Mog with ingame Gold. ( and this will take you total work of maby 30min ingame and the AH. )

    Keep your Points for Race/Fraction change,

  6. 20k gold = 1 coin, so for my transmog i need 16 coins or 320k gold

  7. Well its normal 12k Gold=1Coin, i always get my coins for this price.
    This is not even 200k Gold for 16 coins.....just try a little with the AH ( first you need some start Gold ofc ), ( on both sides! ) use Tanaris AH to transfer items, resell, buyout at peaktimes and sell higher etc. Watch global for the Guy who need some Gold fast.
    This is just a little work ( maby 20-30 min to buyout and put your items ) and gives you tons of Gold.
    Lvl up some professions on all chars you have, just for my login each day i earn around 10k for this.

    And now i tell you 1 of the best ways i done lately. ( i have enough gold now and maby for the next 2 years ;D )
    Watch what you get cheap for Coins and can resell on high price on the AH. I done this with: teebus-blazing-longsword
    it cost 2 Coins
    i sold it on the AH for 75k Gold total 17 times now. Only this item got me this way over 800k Gold with near 0 work in the last 6 weeks. ( =72 Coins )
    24k to buy it and you can resell it for 312% the price you buyed it.
    And there are other Items like this, i dont tell more or ppl may start hate me ;D

    And at last learn to wait, if you dont get the price you want today. Just wait and sell it the next day.

  8. Not only is it heroic gear for coins, some blues from regular (not scripted in game) 5 man dungeons are only available for coins. Aburd....

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