1. The issue is basically that they only have one reverse engineer - Skybro, nobody else can work on the 5.4.8 core (packet structures and opcodes) and thats the reason why it's delayed.

  2. The issue is basically that they only have one reverse engineer - Skybro, nobody else can work on the 5.4.8 core (packet structures and opcodes) and thats the reason why it's delayed.
    With the amount of money they earned by now and the amount they earned from Lordareon they could add at least 10 more people.
    I just cant understand their logic i just cant. They always made bad decisions. If they had 2 wotlk realms that are mostly fixed and cata and mop realm which need a lot of fixing . Why in the **** would they open another wotlk realm just why ? NO LOGIC AT ALL !
    I hate the replies like we have to many realms and not enough staff , no one asked you for ****in Lordareon or made you open it .
    Its your fault you did it and your ****y decision that you wanted to focus one realm one. MOP realm could have been so great but its left untacked just like Hermes did before..

  3. The issue is basically that they only have one reverse engineer - Skybro, nobody else can work on the 5.4.8 core (packet structures and opcodes) and thats the reason why it's delayed.
    There are **** ton of leaked 5.4.8 core source codes out there with majority of opcodes and packet strucutures already found and implemented. I even sent them to one of the Q/A guys here months ago. To be precise it was August the 30th.

  4. Yep simple get more Devs if you have not enough to update your Servers. You know there are also ppl who script for FREE, and do a perfect Job with this.
    Of course they know! Do you really believe they wrote their emulators from scratch? LoL! Those used to be open source xD Well, those projects still exist, but molten "forked" that open source code and made their own, hell, they are still getting code from those proyects (really complete open-source emulator projects).
    That's the only way Molten could have launched Lordaeron (3.3.5)

    Can they just admit they don't give a **** about the other realms? So we atleast know what we got....
    Looking forward to see the death of the realm, and have the data merged (or lost) with a 3.3.5a realm xDD I lost everything (used to be a really hardcore player just before #moltdown) once.

    5.4.8 will eventually come, don't worry, when everyone uninstalled the game or simply moved. And I bet my ugly *** that old content will remain closed for ever, even after 5.4.8.
    In my humble opinion, Molten used to be good back in 2009-2010.5
    But yeah, that's just, like, my opinion, man.
    Edited: December 16, 2015

  5. To answer shortly, this new 'cookie' will enable us to finish the other cookies easier. There's a reason why we're re-writing raids on Lordaeron, there's a reason why we put so much effort in TBC instances and it's a WoTLK server. We're trying to unify the content and make it easier to port from one expansion to another. It's an easier thing to do something if you have good foundation.

    We could just open the instances on Frostwolf, they would work half-half and everyone could get transmog items and the quality of it wouldn't be even that bad but the performance would suffer, new crashes would appear due to some code that's ancient in those instances and so on and on. Battlegrounds as well, SoTA is not open right now on Lordaeron because we're writing it so it has a good foundation and can be moved from one expansion to another. Our dream, as wild it is, is to have an unified core so any work we ever do is applied 3 times on all expansions.

    Unfortunately that dream can't become a reality, not anytime soon that is. The reason why a lot of questions are answered with 5.4.8 is because it's the truth and we can't do anything without it. 5.4.2 doesn't have the support for some of the SoO bosses and we need additional systems that only one of our developers is really capable of making and he's been working on them for a while.

    Lordaeron will be a good thing for all expansions we have in long-term but unfortunately short-term it is consuming any time we have to dedicate to other expansions. We are not lying about our development focus, we're upfront about it and we tell you ETAs to our best ability. What bothers us, from the backstage perspective is how people say that we don't communicate. You, the community, know the obstacles in front of us, know the feats we must commit, know the ideas we're behind and know our future as much as we do. There isn't a single thing that you don't know that we do.

    Questions like "when is #spell fixed?" are honestly useless. Nobody can provide an answer to that, not even the developer assigned to it. Fixing issues is not putting dishes in the microwave and waiting for 1-2 minutes for it to ding. It's fixed when it's fixed, time can only be estimated and we're withdrawing ourselves from saying that because people assume it's the definite exact time and don't count in the compile errors, the issues and mistakes in building, breaking other things and overall development obstacles.

    That's why Blizzard as a development company invented 'Soon TM' and that's why they often use the expression "code has to be baked". Because code is something you put in the oven and you from time to time take out and try and see if it's good until the case appears that is good and then you serve it.

    We're not sure how many comparisons and metaphors we can use to elaborate this even simpler but the general idea is this. This is what we're working on, it will come, we are not sitting on our asses idling and we're doing our best. It is up to you to judge, constructively whether we're communicating and working or not.

    If at the end of the day, you go through this thread, our Q&A sessions and all in all you conclude that we are not communicating, then that's where our opinions will be different.
    Okay, little question why aren't answers like this posted in devlogs? Or front page?
    Cause when I look at those two you're sending a pretty clear message, Lord above everything. Simply giving a more detailed explanation about things on the front page would calm people down. Specially since right now it looks like you focus on Lord and **** the other servers wich, if what you're saying is the truth, would be a false statement.

    Also as for the Q&A (I did not watch it), it might help if you give a little more specific answers like: "When will BG or dungeon XYZ be released?" as question and instead of saying "Soon" or "within a few weeks" say: Right now we're doing our best to make the dungeon work on Lord and make sure that the scripts we've put in are usable on the other servers, this will take a lot of time and a lot of focus but once we've completed this we can port all our work from lord to the other servers".

    (AND POST THIS **** ON THE FRONT PAGE OR DEVLOG INSTEAD OF HIDDEN ON THE FORUMS!!!!!!! There are thousands of people on this place, no one is going to bother looking trough allthe hundreds of topics and thousands of posts to see if something is being done....)

    Edit: @Warmane Staff Right now it's like you guys try to shout above a huge crowd of people shouting while ignoring a tekst board that everyone can see easy. And when you do not ignore it its unclear, small and mostly about lordearan.
    Edited: December 16, 2015

  6. There are **** ton of leaked 5.4.8 core source codes out there with majority of opcodes and packet strucutures already found and implemented. I even sent them to one of the Q/A guys here months ago. To be precise it was August the 30th.
    **** ton does not equal necessity.

    You can have all the opcodes in the world along with the appropriate packet structure, but if you miss things like walking, item equipping or flying.. You're in a world of hurt. And most of these 'leaked' source codes do not have the necessary ones available to provide a genuine enjoying experience.

  7. I am glad that I moved to retail,Warmane still giving empty promises.
    5.4.8 gonna be released "SOON"

  8. Warmane will become good server...

    Spoiler: Show

    Edit: Hh I'm so sorry, I meant decent. Good is way too far ahead. Impossible kind of far.
    Edited: December 16, 2015

  9. When they say all servers => Lordaeron, the one server .

  10. I am glad that I moved to retail,Warmane still giving empty promises.
    5.4.8 gonna be released "SOON"
    Exactly bruhhh, going retail was such a good idea. Don't know why I waited for content on Warmane when I could have just gone retail and enjoyed myself, well hopefully stuff really does get released SOON.

  11. **** ton does not equal necessity.

    You can have all the opcodes in the world along with the appropriate packet structure, but if you miss things like walking, item equipping or flying.. You're in a world of hurt. And most of these 'leaked' source codes do not have the necessary ones available to provide a genuine enjoying experience.
    It's the source code from another MoP server that is currently on 5.4.8 patch. The MoP core that Warmane users are enjoying right now is also a leak from the same before mentioned private servers, just an older version, but that really doesn't matter that much. I was just hinting that a part of the job ,if nothing else , was already done 4 months ago. Guess that even with all those resources available, with only one developer that is really capable of implementing core systems the whole process can't really go any faster. And btw walking around and flying isn't that hard to implement to the people who posses the required skill set of course. There are already Legion Alpha emulators with minimalistic features like that, that are able to get you into the world to explore around.

    But yeah in the end nothing beats retail. When I first started playing here there was no way in hell I could afford it and was really still a kid. If it wasn't for Molten/Warmane I wouldn't be able to experience the game at all and for that I am grateful. Nowadays I don't really get to play that much at all, but felt like the retail is really affordable for the quality it offers. Heck even those couple of hours I spent on retail doing low level dungeons I never got to play here was more fun than I had on Frostwolf for months. So yeah instead of complaining and demanding things from something that is basically a free service, break your piggy banks and put 20 euros into retail, after that you can grind your way for free game time and complain all you want about stuff you aren't satisfied with on official forums. :)

  12. I gave up, split my gold to guildies and started playing on server with 95% working content, after playing for 10 hours i realised how much content i didn't see here and i'm just lvl 22 there

  13. Hi, why we have still no devlog? I mean a eta of giving an eta takes even 3x longer then you said.
    So if in the Devlog is then: "We patch 5.4.8 in a few Weeks" it also takes 3x longer and real it will be a few Months not Weeks?

  14. No, when we said all expansions, we meant all expansions. Rest of the devlog is still being written, we just pushed out what we had at the time and are working on the rest, but as you might know even Warmane staff needs sleep. On top of that change-logs are being written which can be also very time-consuming but important as well.

    You can expect it to be done in a few hours, once it's properly written and thought through.
    Do you really will write any for other realms in devolg? A few hours ? Now this is a few days.

  15. maybe mop devlog will have more pages :D :D

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