1. No, I didn't think it was anything on me, but you're complaining about "devs not giving a ****" and all that, when it's not the case and you just didn't even fully read a thread were what happened and how it would be dealt with was posted. Just don't get on the "dev bashing" train, there are way too many taking that easy route already.
    I cut that bit out of the post. Im not trying to bash the Devs.

    In fact they are doing a fantastic job. DDoS mitigated in a matter of minutes as opposed to hours like other realms. Quest fixes on the fly. Dungeon and Raid fixes that are fast. Questing and dungeons that were broken on Deathwing that are fixed here. All of these are a sign that the devs arent being lazy In fact, there was a Dev that came to the DK starting area and helped a ton of us by spawning the interrogator guy (which when you summon like 30 mobs with aoe knockback in a basement = roflmao) and it was awesome.

    Its just frustrating to be unable to play a HUGE part of the game because of 1 c*ckblock. I know the devs care, and that statement was made from frustration.

  2. So you guys got wrath released, hit 10k users, and man that is great. Things are pretty great. But your crafting community is dying here. At off peak Outlands is dead mostly. Doing full circuits of Hellfire, Terrokkar, and Nagrand is yielding nothing. Still. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix this. Over a month since the Fel Iron bugtracker was made, 127 upvotes, and its still UNCONFIRMED. What more do we have to do?
    I am the poster of that bug about fel iron.
    I asked about it here and I got warning from an admin.

  3. I am the poster of that bug about fel iron.
    I asked about it here and I got warning from an admin.
    The main bugtracker was started by johnnybgood89. I dont see one started by you. Maybe got deleted or moved? Admin don't usually discipline, or warn us unless we break the forum rules. You must have done something that broke the rules? I found out the hard way that posting the bugtracker link and asking for upvotes is a no no.

  4. The main bugtracker was started by johnnybgood89. I dont see one started by you. Maybe got deleted or moved? Admin don't usually discipline, or warn us unless we break the forum rules. You must have done something that broke the rules? I found out the hard way that posting the bugtracker link and asking for upvotes is a no no.
    Its my second account. Im playing on Lordaeron from that account. (I can write something here if you need proof)

  5. Its my second account. Im playing on Lordaeron from that account. (I can write something here if you need proof)
    Oh, no man. Wasnt giving you a hard time. Was just pondering maybe your bugtracker got deleted or merged.

  6. Oh, no man. Wasnt giving you a hard time. Was just pondering maybe your bugtracker got deleted or merged.
    I didnt put that report via toniplavna account Im using this for reporting bugs. In game name Antonio

  7. I remember a GM saying at first "there are like 100+ miners, that's why you don't find" and then "we know this issue and we're looking to fix it" some weeks ago. Only a word comes to my head: "soon".

  8. So when are they going to fix this?
    My mining skill is stuck at 304 and I cant find a single fel iron.

  9. Maybe devs should forget about all the other things now cause THIS is the most annoying bug right now...

  10. Maybe devs should forget about all the other things now cause THIS is the most annoying bug right now...
    To be honest i rather have quest/class/raid fixes over this since you can just buy yourself through it :P

  11. To be honest i rather have quest/class/raid fixes over this since you can just buy yourself through it :P
    Point is that many of us HAVE bought our way as far as we can. im flat broke from buying ore. We made someone else who played the market and jacked the price way up rich, while we have gone broke. If you craft, farming your own mats is part of how the game works. The goal is to make money crafting. Being forced to buy all the mats is really really bad.

  12. I have also noticed that there is a lack of mineral veins in Outland, which is a huge difference coming from Azeroth (Eastern Kingdoms + Kalimdor). I do engineering and am stuck at like 340 out of 375 and need at least 350 to start crafting WotLK stuff. It's pretty unpleasant and inefficient having to spend hours flying around looking for minerals and the prices on the AH are just unreasonable for me.

    Additionally, if you are stuck on your mining skill in Outland. You could try killing mobs who's corpses are minable as it increases your skill. This method will help you a lot.
    Edited: December 18, 2015

  13. I have also noticed that there is a lack of mineral veins in Outland, which is a huge difference coming from Azeroth (Eastern Kingdoms + Kalimdor). I do engineering and am stuck at like 340 out of 375 and need at least 350 to start crafting WotLK stuff. It's pretty unpleasant and inefficient having to spend hours flying around looking for minerals and the prices on the AH are just unreasonable for me.

    Additionally, if you are stuck on your mining skill in Outland. You could try killing mobs who's corpses are minable as it increases your skill. This method will help you a lot.
    You need 325 for giants, so still you need some fel iron ores.

  14. You can skill high enough on rich thoriums to mine the elite giants in Hellfire, which will get you to the rock elementals in Nagrand which will get you to Cobalt. However, none of these give you fel iron which is the real issue.

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