I can provide free TS3 Servers, which u can use for ur Guild. No Advertising, no Restriction.

Slot Limit: 75 ( if u need more, explain to me why)
ServerName: will be the name of ur Guild
ServerAdmin: should be ur Guildlead or at least a person who can Manage it

The Server is managed by me due WebInterface.

You will get full SSA on this Server, for making Channels or Sub-Channels, adding Users or create Tokens.
The Server runs on a 500mbit Connection which means the Bandwitch is high enough to run many Servers. I will not be Admin their, but if u need help u can create an SSA Token for me, so i can help you. The Server is fully monitored and a backup will be created at least 1 Time per day.

If u want it u can message me here in the Forum per Private Message. Feel free to contact me. It takes 5min to create it. Please stop spamming this Thread with useless Pictures or comments on my spelling. If u dont want it, its ur choice, but stop QQ in here.

And sure everybody can create an unlicensed TS3 Server with 32 slot on a hoster with Advertising, or u can buy a Server with a NonProfitLicense on a Hoster which is mining data like Google and sells NPL, it is ur choice. If u dont want it pass the thread, without any Spamming

Kind Regards Me