1. :) I don't know why is this bad mannered guy still able to write on the forums. Not only he doesn't write anything related to the thread, but he comes and insults people left and right.
    Try fixing your attitude shallow man and then we'll talk what's the meaning of good and bad players.

    P.S. If I recall correctly last time I played versus you and Hoodrlch you were the one getting farmed . :*
    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA really ? you are this mage who stucks on 2.3 ? rofl ye hoodrlch went afk midgame and died in a bomb while he had every cd ready congratz you beat me once in 2vs2. Well im done, you rekt yourself now.

  2. Frostwolf 3's bracket titles and rewards will be distributed tomorrow.
    No, when we said all expansions, we meant all expansions. Rest of the devlog is still being written, we just pushed out what we had at the time and are working on the rest, but as you might know even Warmane staff needs sleep. On top of that change-logs are being written which can be also very time-consuming but important as well.

    You can expect it to be done in a few hours, once it's properly written and thought through.
    So we can expect them to be given in more than a weeks time?

  3. Can someone tell me why weren't the conquest points reseted ?
    Because there is no new gear. It would be pointless.

  4. Yes but many of us are full griev and when pridefull gear will be available, what they will reset then ?
    So is useless to do anything and farm conquest !
    Edited: December 21, 2015

  5. Dear Gms or devs could u remove that seasonglads from all guys who get seasonglad in 2s ... fireplebx and naturehit still have that seasonglads from 2s ty :)

  6. I like how you still want to come out cool when you fell down miserably and got banned .. AGAIN. Spam and cry all you want this is amusing to watch ,so pathetic , you are one sad angry man I feel sorry for you. Oh yea ,I may be stuck on "2.3k" ,but at least I'm not stuck on the ban list unlike you :))).

  7. Nah im not mad or bad , i dont want that fking dodgers in 2s and alt f4 pro gamers when they met someone to **** them that they get seasonglad for 2s .. And seasonglad for 2s is rly stupid kills 3s bracket as well :)

  8. because there is no point if new gear didn't come out because its either you need gear or you don't

  9. your posts are not relevant or necessary please stop commenting useless opinions that don't help anyone and that are off topic
    My comments are not off topic shup up plz

    Missing titles is a fact,maybe they fixed it
    Achievements are not working- fact
    Broken classes-fact
    Titles from 2nd season should be deleted-fact

    now get get lost kid

  10. Where are the Rival titles from the 3s bracket ????????????? Why do you announce titles from 10-20th place on the ladder and then don't give them out(or give them in 2s :D:D:D:D:D) ? Last season you didn't give them and now too ....this is just unfair , for a second season I receive nothing among others like me .
    Better give out titles to dodgers ddosers wintraders hahaha Gegeeeezzz ..

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