1. What are the gifts, are they coins to donors, and if so how is the amount worked out?

  2. as an active farmer I enjoyed the 6 hours I was killing snowmen while clashing against the other faction in epic battles that crashed the server (?) twice, I wish I could have gone to the cow level but apparently you need to be very well geared for that since they were asking for 6k+ gs for it on global (or maybe it was global being global)

    It's 5 AM and I haven't slept a second, I'm starting t think these "bugs" werren't mere coincidence, imagine how many more wouldn't get to sleep until Jan 2nd hahahaha

  3. I miss farming snowman, is it a bug or are you guys bring them back?

  4. Can you give us any information about the events are they comming back or anything so at least we know?


  5. tryed cow event at frostwolf... Died and ressed at westfall with a beautifull ress sickness =/
    will you be able to fix these bugs anytime soon?

  6. can you give us some information about what is going on in ragnaros? srsly we are waiting too long with 0 answer

  7. can you give us some information about what is going on in ragnaros? srsly we are waiting too long with 0 answer
    same in deathwing.

  8. Those figs at snowman farm 40vs40 groups were epic 10/10 plus some extra eof, eot not bad most funn event ever.

  9. no event for you guys too?

  10. what the purpose of this event when low lvl cant do it ? And i Thought they say all instance will be working and open.? And a friend told me only MoP instance he say that there was only 1 new open on HC. ?????????!!!

  11. Let's have some information about the gifts, are you giving previous donors free coins as you have done the last few years? I think considering the year we have had, losing all our characters, we deserve it more now than ever!

  12. Have to spear some time in the near future to check out some of these events :)

    As for the people that are whining and complaining,
    I don't expect you to behave, or to know some manners, but I'll just leave this here.
    There's a saying in Hungarian which goes something like: "You don't look at the "gifted horse's" teeths", means you APPRECIATE your gifts, not complain about them. If you even fail at that, you've failed at being a human, but I believe you already have.

    Happy holidays everyone!

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