1. Wintergrasp

    You plan to keep wintergrasp 100% uptime horde sided while u dont release it full scripted?

    Because ATM its 100% on horde side and i dont know how in the world u feel like that is fair...
    Atleast make it back like it is on ragnaros/deathwing , everytime the timers runs out it changes to the other faction.

  2. You win 9 out of 10 bgs and you're complaining that you miss out on 20k weekly honor?

  3. You win 9 out of 10 bgs and you're complaining that you miss out on 20k weekly honor?
    wot? i think he means just that they own it.. and assume you can buy the **** from the people specific to wintergrasp (not should/helm chants)

  4. if u lose 9 out of 10 bgs its not my fault is completly your's that you cant carry out a bg alone

    also, while winning a bg is completly on the hands of the players playing it

    wintergrasp is atm "scripted" in a way that horde posses it 24/7 making it impossible for playings to fight for it in any given way , so basicly Warmane is picking a side and making it better and easier to play on.

  5. CRAP thread ! they got to fix PVE bugs on priority ! as its 'Hardcore' realm in terms of PVE.

    Are you a PVP addict ? Help yourself over 'Blackrock'

  6. gtfo i played long enough on blackrock and it is dead, if they kept it As arena tournament it maybe wouldnt be as dead as it is and it would be fun. when they opened this they didnt say it was a random normal pve server they say it was the most complete, most complete means COMPLETE

    Im asking for a way to have it switching between both sides like existed before they change it to horde only

    1 more thing, The main spell fixes should be the class fixes not raid fixes, cuz who cares about raiding when ur own spells are bugged rly, so yeh **** you and ur random theory

    just for your info, wow is directed to pve and still 56% of the players are PVP focused if wow was free that ammount would simply pass to 90% in a blink of an eye, there's a small chunk of pve addicts
    every or almost every casual likes to pvp as much or more than they enjoy pve
    Edited: December 30, 2015

  7. gtfo

    so yeh **** you and ur random theory
    What a co-incidence ! mutual feelings mate !

  8. wot? i think he means just that they own it.. and assume you can buy the **** from the people specific to wintergrasp (not should/helm chants)
    and no you cant buy ****, the only thing u can buy are the enchants, everything else is only horde sided, since the npcs spawned are horde only.

  9. What a co-incidence ! mutual feelings mate !
    than gtfo im not talking to you im wondering if any GM is gona see this and do something about it.

  10. This topic brings a legit point, one side is clearly being favored here, deliberately or not, it shouldn't happen.

  11. I agree with the topic creator. While not a problem any more, for the fishing daily that requires you to go there it can be a bit of a pain if you don't have a flying mount. As soon as you zone in through the portal you are attacked by a bunch of elites.

  12. This server will become PvE oriented like many other WOTLK servers.

    Imho if you came here for hardcore PvP... YOU MADE A MISTAKE.

    EDIT: Horde might have Wintergrasp as you said, but they have no buff.

  13. Imo, FIrst, **** you and you'r theory, because there's more than 1k AT players here, not even talking about the ammount of pvp guilds that are permanently spamming the Global recruiting members, cuz there are 5 or more on the alliance side filled with molteneres , so you'r theory doesnt only suck its ridiculous, all they have to do is fix the spells and pvp will be as good as it is on AT

    About wintergrasp, Horde can buy Recipes and Gems and we cant, how the **** is that fair? my Blue slots are empty waiting for wintergrasp to be alliance side.
    Edited: December 30, 2015

  14. This server will become PvE oriented like many other WOTLK servers.

    Imho if you came here for hardcore PvP... YOU MADE A MISTAKE.

    EDIT: Horde might have Wintergrasp as you said, but they have no buff.
    Some ppl are here to play complete game,and dont care about your PVE or PVP focus.

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