1. Just finished the maze event, and the Reward Dude is just standing there and watching me burn, but that's alright because I love the way it hurts. Jokes aside, is there supposed to be some reward, or the fact we completed the maze is reward itself? :D

  2. Just finished the maze event, and the Reward Dude is just standing there and watching me burn, but that's alright because I love the way it hurts. Jokes aside, is there supposed to be some reward, or the fact we completed the maze is reward itself? :D
    Well you were able to get a pig as a companion before.

  3. question. did with my guild for fun cow event. all well. hard a little but fun overall. and boss had no drop ? a lad from guild got a picnic basket?
    That's it? :P we were ffa loot. soooooo,basically that was it? xD like. kinda. poor.

    No offence. :P

  4. Reward For Maze Event Is bugged ,please check out.

  5. inb4 spam of companion rewards for events

    Showman event is dope tho'

  6. srsly you guys took that long time to fix nothing?
    awesome great job

  7. So now is 4th time when i do cow event on diferent hero and same **** cow got bugged . really nice job warmane , first i did on druid cow got bugged nothing can do after did on lock no drop , did on hunt cow bugged and now on paladin same thing , why u didnt do like was last year on molten with drop from cows and make this boss who get bugged every fukin time

  8. Stupid question...are the events available on Lord? If yes, where?

  9. Currently the reward dude at both the maze and the stairs event are bugged. Do not expect a reward from finishing either of these instances for now. Thank you for reading and let's hope this gets resolved.

  10. Can u fix this (server down) on ragnaros

  11. New Year 2016 !

    What else to expect from this server in 2016!
    buggs ninjas hackers like always,if this dont stop i think after 5 years on molten it will be time to play official wow.
    Bad time its coming for warmane.. -.-

  12. What else to expect from this server in 2016!
    buggs ninjas hackers like always,if this dont stop i think after 5 years on molten it will be time to play official wow.
    Bad time its coming for warmane.. -.-
    Ninjas-You can report them.
    Hackers-You can record and get them banned.
    Bugs-They are gonna be fixed when they'll put the Lordaeron core into Ragnaros and Deathwing.

    You guys are never pleased,if you don't like it just go and play on another server.

  13. my friend told me he recived 11 coins gift I dont have nothning but i have Lot of DONATES then him

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