1. My theory (honestly I'm drunk right now xD ) is they want to get lord done so they can work on rest of realms. I play on deathwing and neth so we haven't got Jack yet either but unfortunately they are smaller team trying to do alot. I will join xpac once patch come in. Unfortunately til they can truly fix core I think your stuck with what you got.

  2. My theory (honestly I'm drunk right now xD ) is they want to get lord done so they can work on rest of realms. I play on deathwing and neth so we haven't got Jack yet either but unfortunately they are smaller team trying to do alot. I will join xpac once patch come in. Unfortunately til they can truly fix core I think your stuck with what you got.
    They make MoP over than year and what we have? Any.
    Now they start to make new server, how time will take it?

  3. regardless of what Hermes did, actually we never know who did what to be honest, Hermes seem to do a better job on every realm, i mean life was great wasn't it, everybody got what they wanted, holiday was great, gift was great, vote point was great, tranmogs was great, etc..., seem to be better then the current situation.
    like him or hate him but for sure he did a great job.
    Agreed, back then, I thought that nutjob of a guild member in my friend's guild was just bashing him, and trying to report the guy only lead to a slew of problems. Long story short.

    If MoP never existed, we would've been ranting to begin with. I personally like MoP for an unknown reason, but it is keeping me away from my original home realm, Neltharion, for a while now I haven't touched cata because of MoP because it has that spark to it that makes me log on here. But lack of content is killing my drive to log in sometimes, we need this content, new bgs, fixed quests, etc to be released, let alone, some form of acknowledgement of when this will be implanted.

    But I am going to quote BlueAO back in the day, it is impossible to bring wotlk code into cata and mop because the cores are different. This is most likely true, however, they can work with mop code, see some similarities and try to see if they can port some quests and other items in.
    Deadmines normal is prime example of a Cata to MoP port.

    ALSO skybro, please, bring back Pet Battles ;_;

  4. Lets say 95% of Frostwolf is bored. I got all classes fully tyranical geared and some griev pieces with a few of them off spec geared also. Not sure if i whanna damage my nerves more by doing arena to have them all in full griev gear also. And i consider myself a PVE player but i quit that because PVE guilds are mostly dead or just log in once per week so i just solo que bg's.
    I am a pure pve player and im in one of the biggest pve/pvp guilds but it's mostoy for bulgarians we have raids every day of the week (TheSanctuary) only few of our members are not bulgarians if you want to talk more find me in game Sentrion/Lockcheto/Pyhkavelko

  5. tfw you're bored of Frostwolf 'cause PvE is at this point absolute ****e
    tfw you decide to try Warmane's Only Son for a change
    tfw not only this but the lag and aeons in queue to login turn you off harder than goatse

    These guys should hold a lecture on how to **** up every project you're handling at the same time. I mean, ok, you decided half your population is worth **** and to focus on an artificially hardcore experience that makes no sense whatsover in some cases (no RDF 'cause **** leveling with DFs, buffed boss dmg to artificially extend the time needed to clear years-old raids and so on), at least do THAT in a competent manner. It's funny to log in and see people QQing even on Lordaeron forums, at this point.

    Oh well. As a PvE player I'll play something else and wait I guess. Hopefully we'll get something in 2016.

  6. tfw you're bored of Frostwolf 'cause PvE is at this point absolute ****e
    tfw you decide to try Warmane's Only Son for a change
    tfw not only this but the lag and aeons in queue to login turn you off harder than goatse

    These guys should hold a lecture on how to **** up every project you're handling at the same time. I mean, ok, you decided half your population is worth **** and to focus on an artificially hardcore experience that makes no sense whatsover in some cases (no RDF 'cause **** leveling with DFs, buffed boss dmg to artificially extend the time needed to clear years-old raids and so on), at least do THAT in a competent manner. It's funny to log in and see people QQing even on Lordaeron forums, at this point.

    Oh well. As a PvE player I'll play something else and wait I guess. Hopefully we'll get something in 2016.
    Lmao. All hope is lost.

  7. guys its simple .. .just leave i mean what are u waiting for ? honestly they are just kidding you.
    There should be a devlog released 2 weeks ago hello ? Lol honestly fck that im so ****ing bored of that **** they dont care at all and i guess in the next few months there will nothing happen.

  8. I left this realm 1 month ago but still check forums to see how much **** you guys can take :D it's hilarious

  9. go farm achievements if you're bored , i got over 2500 in the last month ...

  10. i have most of achivs which i can have so what to do then?

  11. i have most of achivs which i can have so what to do then?
    Dance in front of Stormwind/Orgrimar Bank or duel your life away.

  12. I left this realm 1 month ago but still check forums to see how much **** you guys can take :D it's hilarious
    I'm right there with you, lol

    if one good thing came from my brother getting his azs banned multiple times for all the warmane hating, is that he found a really really nice mop server (ofc i'm not gonna tell you the name) that is actually doing with mop what wm is doing with wrath. they only cater mop so they can just focus on one expansion

    and seeing it from that perspective, i get it. wrath people love wrath, and wm is giving them that experience. 'coz this is the typical wrath dude attitude

    So I've been wondering if it's possible to simply "copy-paste" Lordaeron server and make another one exactly the same with different name? IMO it'd be better to have two perfect WOTLK servers like Lordaeron and get rid of buggy ones like MoP's Frostwolf.
    as it's been stated multiple times, warmane = wrath.

    that's their strategy, that's their choice, and everyone can QQ for all eternity for all they care

    you can either keep QQing, or do something about it.

    i still have a 510ish monk i wanna get to 522, so i log in every day for a bonus BG round while the other server restarts to apply fixes. and ofc i still check out the forums, warmane was my home for some time and it's kinda hard to leave when i have so much invested here.

    if they ever retake mop and make it a viable choice, i'll see how it stacks up agains the other one. the moltdown taught me that it can be nice to start over again, sometimes... specially when its needed

    it's always nice to have choices, and competition is the mother of all inventions

  13. We won't get any answers. Mods just close this topic now before more ppl get banned.
    Close? Nah... They simply delete them... The forum is full of repression... I made a post about hack punishments, just about that, and it got deleted with no reason...
    That's not moderation, much less "administration", that's just repression.
    There's no point to keep complaining about realms anymore.
    I hope this post gets deleted, to prove my point. It's not needed tho.

  14. Consider yourself updated on the fact that there aren't any updates.

    Come to grips with that and move along like everyone else.


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