1. PAY to PLAY - literally

    i've missed my guild raids now several times in the last 2 weeks because of queues. today i'm in a 2238 queue and i know i'll lose my spot again - and at this rate i'll be kicked from the guild that i really enjoy being in because of it.

    i play this game to raid, and it's become impossible for me to do so because of the queues.

    this morning i read this:

    January 17, 2016
    Lordaeron AFK kick timer has been reduced as we continue monitoring realm's performanceas further performance optimizations are scheduled for the upcoming update. Additionally, players that donated to the realm will no longer have to wait in queue for a period of 30 days. This added benefit is retroactive and applies to community members that had made a contribution to Lordaeron since its launch.

    i HAVE donated - about a month ago. so apparently that doesn't work. that being said they've now made it abundantly clear that you literally have to PAY TO PLAY if you want to play on lordaeron. furthermore, when i do the calculations of their minimum forced "donation", it's just a little higher than what i would pay for retail.

    i don't mind donating - they need to be paid for their time, their server, etc. but if this is how they're going to go about it, they might as well just set up a monthly payment schedule and provide a service that is playable.

  2. i HAVE donated - about a month ago. so apparently that doesn't work. that being said they've now made it abundantly clear that you literally have to PAY TO PLAY if you want to play on lordaeron.
    No. That only means that if you do donate, you get to skip the que. However, you are not forced to donate, but will instead have to wait for the que. At the same time, in order to play on retail you have to pay monthly subscription and you still can get into a que.

  3. You have the option of playing without paying ergo you don't have to pay to play.
    Not complex logic, is it?

  4. Warmane needs to realise people came here to play for free. If they have to pay, back to retail they'll go (or the servers that will pop up after Lordaeron on other servers - making people leave Lordaeron and warmane staff).

  5. Warmane needs to realise people came here to play for free. If they have to pay, back to retail they'll go (or the servers that will pop up after Lordaeron on other servers - making people leave Lordaeron and warmane staff).
    You need realize you are posting bull****. Nothing is free. If people stop donating server will simple die.

    People come play here, because they like woltk better then WoD. Simple as that.

  6. Warmane needs to realise people came here to play for free. If they have to pay, back to retail they'll go (or the servers that will pop up after Lordaeron on other servers - making people leave Lordaeron and warmane staff).
    Retail doesn't have WotLK.
    There are no better WotLK servers.
    All other WotLK servers have the same model warmane uses on Rag/DW, or, even worse, legendaries are not obtainable in-game (like it was some time ago on molten).

  7. Yes, but why you want us to pay for beeing able to skip the que 1 month? - It´s like playin on retail. The donation and skip que model on Rag/DW was absolutly okay. but most of the player will not accept that "ABO". In the End the only thing that will happen is that player will leave. OFC this is a benefit for all the ppl sitting in que. but this shouldnt be the case a privateserver should aim for? So warmane decides to lose player for earning more money. rly srs business.

    I recognized now, that the Lordaeron realm wasn´t the idea to give a community a hardcore wotlk pve adventure. it should be the hardcore money adventure for lordaeron. Thats a litte bit sad guys :)

  8. they might as well just set up a monthly payment schedule and provide a service that is playable.
    They can't set up a monthly payment for legal reasons. Such private servers are quickly shut down by Blizzard.

  9. Yes, but why you want us to pay for beeing able to skip the que 1 month? - It´s like playin on retail. T
    Because if it was permanent people would complain it's permanent.

  10. This is pretty much why staff stay as quiet as possible on things, for as long as possible. Anything on the server can be subject to change, for the most part players haven't been donating for Lordaeron for whatever reason(s) but at the same time are complaining about this and that while the costs are still there/increase, in other words taking but not giving.

    Now players that have donated for Lordaeron get to skip queues for about 30 days which to me is a decent reward for players supporting the server in spite of decreased purchasing power (I'm not sure if players that donate after the fact get the same effect). The players that donated for Lordaeron with little to no previous incentive are a special kind of supporter and now they are getting temporary "thank you".

    --+-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+--

    Paying-to-win/pay-to-play, really? If queue skipping applies only to "since launch donators" how is it pay-to-win or pay-to-play, those people are being rewarded pretty much for being selfless.

  11. I don't like the idea of donators skipping queue, but it's kinda fair, they're the ones supporting lordaeron. As long as it doesn't give them any literal advantage in game it's fine.

  12. So, what's the minimum amount of $ i have to donate to skip que ?
    Anyone ?

    Let's all donate and make que of donators.

  13. My question is is there a minimum donation to skip que and when is it active? If i donate say 5 min from now will i be skipping the que

  14. Just donated 20 euros to skip queue

    Does it work? I still seem to be stuck In the queue, although the only way I've tried was to open a new wow tab and dc myself only to be thrown into the same position. Do I have to leave queue entirely then relog for me to bypass the wait?

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