1. why are you fkers always have to complain about everything, its not like you scrubs would ever hit 1.8k on at so enjoy this
    Ahahah x)

  2. I have played every version of wow and i can say while it might not be the most balanced cata i had the most fun playing, a lot of people complain about the current core although all the other servers i played on were much worse, i'd just hate to see the last decent one go

  3. #savecata

    I played cata a lot when it was on the AT Core, that was the fun times for me, because the community at the time held it together and were fun to talk to, there were little to no bugs, and soloq was fun.

    Then it merged... Then for some reason they used Warsong as a base to build the server on, when AT Core was way better. Then there were loads of bugs for the first few months, then people complained and wanted the AT Core back (it makes no sense to me why they dont have the old serv files from back when it was the AT serv), then they finally said they would go to AT Core last year around august time, and then kept delaying it for over 2 months until Malaco just said some BS about the guy doing the serv is on holiday and he wont finish it until he gets back. That was the last update. Then now they want to close it down.

    1. How long can this guy be on holiday for? Tell us the truth. He isn't on holiday, you guys just don't have the resources/ don't care. (which is fine, but the community deserves the truth)
    2. Stop closing threads when people tell the truth, its not flaming, you can't take criticism.
    3. People bought VIP just for Cata, people were invested into that server. Warmane ****s it up and then act like nothing happened. Then on top of that act like the community doesn't exist. If you don't have the resources to build the cata serv, say so. If you don't want to, say so. Don't lie. Don't make a thread (malaco) and put up that you are going to remake the whole serv and then delay it for 2 months. People were anticipating this.

    This is the problem. These guys don't know they are dealing with PEOPLE. People that invested time and money in donations into the server. Yes you are doing this for little to no money, but that doesn't allow you to treat the community like this, by giving hardly any information unless pestered to do so and delay things to a point where you have people on the serv at midnight waiting for "AT CORE RELEASE AUGUST 29TH"... Surely you WANT people to play on the serv?

    You can't close the cata serv because the population is low because that doesn't detail how many people would come back if you actually put some effort into the serv. I myself (and I know a lot of people who are the same) go on the serv once ever 1-2 months, go on the threads sometimes, see if anything has changed, if it hasn't then we don't log. Simple. Make a change and the population will go up. There was hardly any maintenance on the AT serv and on top of that, hardly any complaints (compared to now). If anything release the source code for the AT serv so someone else can do it. Same way AT gave away their TBC serv. If the serv was good people would play on it. Simple.
    Edited: February 7, 2016

  4. I played cata a lot when it was on the AT Core, that was the fun times for me, because the community at the time held it together and were fun to talk to, there were little to no bugs, and soloq was fun.

    Then it merged... Then for some reason they used Warsong as a base to build the server on, when AT Core was way better. Then there were loads of bugs for the first few months, then people complained and wanted the AT Core back (it makes no sense to me why they dont have the old serv files from back when it was the AT serv), then they finally said they would go to AT Core last year around august time, and then kept delaying it for over 2 months until Malaco just said some BS about the guy doing the serv is on holiday and he wont finish it until he gets back. That was the last update. Then now they want to close it down.

    1. How long can this guy be on holiday for? Tell us the truth. He isn't on holiday, you guys just don't have the resources/ don't care. (which is fine, but the community deserves the truth)
    2. Stop closing threads when people tell the truth, its not flaming, you can't take criticism.
    3. People bought VIP just for Cata, people were invested into that server. Warmane ****s it up and then act like nothing happened. Then on top of that act like the community doesn't exist. If you don't have the resources to build the cata serv, say so. If you don't want to, say so. Don't lie. Don't make a thread (malaco) and put up that you are going to remake the whole serv and then delay it for 2 months. People were anticipating this.

    This is the problem. These guys don't know they are dealing with PEOPLE. People that invested time and money in donations into the server. Yes you are doing this for little to no money, but that doesn't allow you to treat the community like this, by giving hardly any information unless pestered to do so and delay things to a point where you have people on the serv at midnight waiting for "AT CORE RELEASE AUGUST 29TH"... Surely you WANT people to play on the serv?

    You can't close the cata serv because the population is low because that doesn't detail how many people would come back if you actually put some effort into the serv. I myself (and I know a lot of people who are the same) go on the serv once ever 1-2 months, go on the threads sometimes, see if anything has changed, if it hasn't then we don't log. Simple. Make a change and the population will go up. There was hardly any maintenance on the AT serv and on top of that, hardly any complaints (compared to now). If anything release the source code for the AT serv so someone else can do it. Same way AT gave away their TBC serv. If the serv was good people would play on it. Simple.
    Get triggered. You're dumb enough to support this realm by buying pixels so ur toon will look cool so u can afk on ur spectral tiger in the hope people will inspect u and see ur 1600 rating

  5. You can't close the cata serv because the population is low because that doesn't detail how many people would come back if you actually put some effort into the serv. I myself (and I know a lot of people who are the same) go on the serv once ever 1-2 months, go on the threads sometimes, see if anything has changed, if it hasn't then we don't log. Simple. Make a change and the population will go up. There was hardly any maintenance on the AT serv and on top of that, hardly any complaints (compared to now). If anything release the source code for the AT serv so someone else can do it. Same way AT gave away their TBC serv. If the serv was good people would play on it. Simple.
    this exactly my opinion!

  6. Get triggered. You're dumb enough to support this realm by buying pixels so ur toon will look cool so u can afk on ur spectral tiger in the hope people will inspect u and see ur 1600 rating
    I've never paid for this priv serv doe, I used it as an example for people who did invest in to the game. It's cute doe, because buying pixels for you is so much money anyway, what is it like 40 euro's? who bought your pc your mum? And if you think I am triggered then you really haven't read much on the internet/ ever. Bye.

  7. I applied to be a developer for the Warsong realm. I'd love to finish the AT conversion and get AT's features implemented into Warsong. I'm a Microsoft software engineer, an ex-AT developer, and I offered to work for free. Warmane staff has literally no reason to deny me. So far the application experience has been far from optimal, but I'll keep you guys up-to-date on what happens.

  8. I applied to be a developer for the Warsong realm. I'd love to finish the AT conversion and get AT's features implemented into Warsong. I'm a Microsoft software engineer, an ex-AT developer, and I offered to work for free. Warmane staff has literally no reason to deny me. So far the application experience has been far from optimal, but I'll keep you guys up-to-date on what happens.
    did you see this? http://forum.warmane.com/showthread....mane-is-hiring
    Anyway I do not think we will ever see AT Core on Warsong...
    happy to be contradicted

  9. Yup, I applied to the email they linked there. Goods news is I fit all of the requirements and then more. Bad news is that I'm not applying for a Database Developer job.

    Anyway I do not think we will ever see AT Core on Warsong...
    happy to be contradicted
    I'd love to change that.

  10. Yup, I applied to the email they linked there. Goods news is I fit all of the requirements and then more. Bad news is that I'm not applying for a Database Developer job.

    I'd love to change that.
    i cant describe how many hope you gave me with this post... if me or the community can help you in any way, just let us know.

    PS: im okay donating 50€ for getting an working Core


  11. I just love the loss of hope in this expansion. It's really something.

  12. If they stop cata. Goodbye warmane. Wotlk extansion is bs and mop too. Gg warmane for fcking up everything where you could clearly have done somth good.

  13. Again I ask Molten staff to increase server's max capacity.

    Wrath of the Lich King Deathwing
    4500 players 708 queue
    Wrath of the Lich King Ragnaros
    4501 players 1142 queue
    Cataclysm Neltharion
    4001 players 666 queue

    If you want players to come back and play, you need to increase server's capacity more.

    you remember this boys?

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