1. @Tetra
    1. Tetra, arent you that guy that pretended to be Eroos on AT?
    2. Im a paladin no kick acripts available to us sadly.
    3. WTB Dev reply on what the plans for pvp are, would really appreciate it.

  2. nah i am the guy who farmed ur LSP and made you quit the qualification on tournament, coz you, zenarra and freezy were too bad for it.

  3. sry tetra ive seen your stream and you play like an chimp ******

    alessia would easily take r1 in 3s

  4. MR PVP-ers why so mad on a pve realm? Go to raid and shut up. Blackrock was too hard for some ppl.

  5. I seriously don't understand how the WoW PvP community has always been so hostile to eachother. Take almost any other multiplayer game, and teams actually show respect to eachother (and no, raging in some matchmaking games doesn't have anything to do with this). But seriously though, when I played another multiplayer game which was highly competetive, we wouldn't run around **** talking eachother after we won some meaningless, or a meaningful match. And seriously though, this game is just WoW, it is nowhere near to being as competetive as many other games out there.

  6. I seriously don't understand how the WoW PvP community has always been so hostile to eachother.
    Arena PvP community*

    Buncha win trading man children. Been there done that, always the same cheaters using every dirty exploit / script.

    plenty of decent human beings in BGs

  7. Quality thread bumped by quality post.

    töööööööööööööööööööööööö� �öööööööööööööööööööööööö� �öööööööööööööööööööööööö� �öööööööt

  8. no you couldnt, i could easily farm you all day long
    How can you even state something like this? I would like to know what you would be playing in 3s because i bet Alessia would any time beat you even if you played a counter comp. Never heard of you and i guess i never will.

  9. No answers for the topic only Alessias fangirls stating their affection. Btw there is several pro players from AT who are more than capable of beating him , however who would find the joy to play arenas at their current state? Farming 3 point from srubs whole day and make 7000-1 score (much wow, very skill, not time wasted at all) or either play one team over and over again. And i am not even talking about how buggy some classes are atm and even arenas like dalaran (warriors hitting through boxes) + count delay into it and waiting in que.

    summary : mods know nothing - 0 answers
    pvp in arena - max 10 games per week for points and praying for better tomorrow
    pvp in bgs - licking AV 24/7

    Maybe something will change in s6 #prayforpvp

  10. I kind of felt, that there are gonna be changes and decisions made a bit faster. It feels like they kind of rushed through TBC phase and for some unknown reason they tried to fix stuff like BT, SWP and other TBC things instead of focusing for wrath, that everyone was waiting for. To be honest - who would care that some things are bugged in TBC contend, and who appreciates those fixes right now? I feel like overall there were human resources, that got wasted by fixing wrong things that nowdays no1 even notices. In addition, wotlk content and season was kind of "rushed" by decision, that they open it 1 month after start of TBC - to be honest, people might be a bit upset about it, but if you waited a bit more time with wotlk, it wouldnt cause too much problems in the end effect, compared to profits that you would have right now. And yes ofc, season being opened 1 week after wotlk content being opened, where during that week only biggest tryhards leveled up fast enough to get arena points cap. I feel like many people are still leveling, and they might be potential arena players, but since season got that kind of rushed aswell, we will probably notice them in the end of season, or probably in next season.

    In my opinion, there should be season extension by 1-2 months, considering all those lags, bugs and so on, that were happening and pretty much screwing up pvp experience.

  11. I kind of felt, that there are gonna be changes and decisions made a bit faster. It feels like they kind of rushed through TBC phase and for some unknown reason they tried to fix stuff like BT, SWP and other TBC things instead of focusing for wrath, that everyone was waiting for. To be honest - who would care that some things are bugged in TBC contend, and who appreciates those fixes right now? I feel like overall there were human resources, that got wasted by fixing wrong things that nowdays no1 even notices. In addition, wotlk content and season was kind of "rushed" by decision, that they open it 1 month after start of TBC - to be honest, people might be a bit upset about it, but if you waited a bit more time with wotlk, it wouldnt cause too much problems in the end effect, compared to profits that you would have right now. And yes ofc, season being opened 1 week after wotlk content being opened, where during that week only biggest tryhards leveled up fast enough to get arena points cap. I feel like many people are still leveling, and they might be potential arena players, but since season got that kind of rushed aswell, we will probably notice them in the end of season, or probably in next season.

    In my opinion, there should be season extension by 1-2 months, considering all those lags, bugs and so on, that were happening and pretty much screwing up pvp experience.
    I agree with this. This is especially true when you consider the fact that wotlk released shortly before the holiday season (when some people have more free time than others, while some people are traveling)

  12. I kind of felt, that there are gonna be changes and decisions made a bit faster. It feels like they kind of rushed through TBC phase and for some unknown reason they tried to fix stuff like BT, SWP and other TBC things instead of focusing for wrath, that everyone was waiting for. To be honest - who would care that some things are bugged in TBC contend, and who appreciates those fixes right now? I feel like overall there were human resources, that got wasted by fixing wrong things that nowdays no1 even notices. In addition, wotlk content and season was kind of "rushed" by decision, that they open it 1 month after start of TBC - to be honest, people might be a bit upset about it, but if you waited a bit more time with wotlk, it wouldnt cause too much problems in the end effect, compared to profits that you would have right now. And yes ofc, season being opened 1 week after wotlk content being opened, where during that week only biggest tryhards leveled up fast enough to get arena points cap. I feel like many people are still leveling, and they might be potential arena players, but since season got that kind of rushed aswell, we will probably notice them in the end of season, or probably in next season.

    In my opinion, there should be season extension by 1-2 months, considering all those lags, bugs and so on, that were happening and pretty much screwing up pvp experience.
    10/10 post, agree with everything especially with the part about extending the arena season. Please make it happen.

  13. You could be queuing into actual people, instead of playing whenever noone "good" plays? lol Alessias fanboys you gotta be kidding with me your E-penus just grew a little congratz -.-

  14. my class is bugged and im the only affected bla bla life is unfair, just relax, play the game n enjooy the movie

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