1. LoD #126

    so ****

    Loot: Mithrios + Bsurge. Invincible: Yean

    Submit your application @ our website: http://proud-deathwing.enjin.com.

  2. LoD #127 (1-shot)

    pls world stop dcing people

    Loot: Terenas + Bsurge. Invincible: Bumshot

    Submit your application @ our website: http://proud-deathwing.enjin.com.

  3. LoD #128

    Loot: Dagger + Archus. Invincible: Incambush

    Submit your application @ our website: http://proud-deathwing.enjin.com.

  4. LoD #129

    Loot: Dagger + Havocs. Invincible: Emmalyn

    Submit your application @ our website: http://proud-deathwing.enjin.com.

  5. Ubad carry truck is real

  6. Halion #97 + #98 + #99

    forgot 2nd run

    Submit your application @ our website: http://proud-deathwing.enjin.com.
    Edited: January 18, 2016

  7. LoD #130 (1-shot)

    Loot: Bsurge + Terenas. Invincible: Fatbullshift

    Submit your application @ our website: http://proud-deathwing.enjin.com.

  8. LoD #131 (1-shot)

    dcs dcs dcs dcs laglalgag dc dcdc lag

    Loot: Bsurge + Terenas. Invincible: Mimenceto

    Submit your application @ our website: http://proud-deathwing.enjin.com.

  9. LoD #132

    Loot: Bsurge + Oath. Invincible: Vilya

    Submit your application @ our website: http://proud-deathwing.enjin.com.

  10. I see Judgment Of Justice debuff still on LK on many of ur screenshots from the Lod kills , does it still slow down the movement speed of Lk? And isnt it banable yet or its considered legal? We'd like to see some videos from your Lod kills where Lk went to enrage, just curious to see how do you handle that.

  11. I see Judgment Of Justice debuff still on LK on many of ur screenshots from the Lod kills , does it still slow down the movement speed of Lk? And isnt it banable yet or its considered legal? We'd like to see some videos from your Lod kills where Lk went to enrage, just curious to see how do you handle that.
    Open a ticket and ask a GM if using JoJ is against the rules. While you're at it, you should also ask if killing your Raging Spirits abusing Necrotic Plague during the first transition phase isn't bannable too.
    Edited: January 21, 2016

  12. I'd like the Judgement of Justice issue cleared up too, since I have a hard time fathoming how using an ability that renders a BOSS slowed to a speed where a tank could theoretically infinitely kite him without taking a single hit is something GM's are totally cool with. If they are then great, no more having to rely on semi-braindead hunters to kite LK properly.

  13. Considering its most commonly used not to exploit mechanics or kite lk indefinitely, but to counteract a scripting issue (ie lk enraging from non fm deaths) it would be silly for gm's to find it a bannable offence.

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