1. Just curious about population what not.

    I see that the server has up to 10000 people on it sometimes, but I also hear rumors about the numbers being faked. Is the population that good, truly? Is this server worth sinking the hours into?

  2. Hey I'm anonymous, and I can write whatever I want on internet. Nice to meet you.
    On a serious note. You can log in and check for yourself.
    And your question on "is it worth it", it fully depends on your definition of worth.
    Then again, I don't think there would be as many people if it wasn't "worth it".

  3. Not sure if there is a way to be 100% sure, but I do believe the server to be extremely well populated, every area during leveling has other people there and if you want proof, go around trying to quest in STV.

    Obviously the server is new, but there are tons of raids going on and still people leveling, so that should indicate something imho.

    Since there is no way to prove it, just assume it is I guess, neither really affect you, its not like they have 500 players and they say 10k, AH/raids/leveling all is populated at all stages, so if its 8k or 10k, does it really matter?

  4. I also dont belive to that "10k"
    Go to Dalaran then, and look how much people is just there. If you ever saw more populated Dalaran, make a screenshot and show me. I never saw dalaran that populated on private server. NEW server where many players are still leveling.

    I know its just one city, but it tells you much abouth server population.

  5. Thanks for the replies everyone. I just wanted to be sure before I committed to this server. I am really looking for home, a place where I can make friends again, like back in the day.

  6. Thanks for the replies everyone. I just wanted to be sure before I committed to this server. I am really looking for home, a place where I can make friends again, like back in the day.
    Oh yea even if by some disaster this goes to 5k population or even 3k, its still a very well populated server, and it won't be going down to those numbers anytime soon.

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