1. Awesome! I'd love to test and use this one!

  2. This is amazing. I wanna try it out too and help you find bugs and such.
    Thanks for doing such an awesome work!

  3. but GUYS what about the communication after that ?! OMGGGG! there will be so much less "LF something" in global ! no more social! LFG helped me creating 500 friends so far , i dont know what i will do
    to the dumb ppl (there are always some) : sarcasm off

  4. it seems like a nice project, but there is already one from blizz implemented
    There is one for raids. Not for dungeons.

  5. Since I will never understand how spamming ****ing global channel is an improvement over Dungeon Finder - or at least the pre-retail group finder where you can enlist yourself - I wholeheartedly welcome the project. Mindlessly reading walls of useless text when I am looking for a particular instance adds nothing to my immersion about game.

    Thumbs up, please continue.

  6. Please just add already a download link for us to test it out.

  7. i'm very anti-dungeon finder, however YOUR idea sounds great.

    i've always hated the guy who sits back and waits for everyone else to get to the instance to summon him. he's usually the same guy who doesn't run back after a wipe - just sits and waits for a rez. he's the same guy that doesn't bring food or water to an instance because there might be a mage who will make him some. dungeon finder was made for him to help him with this hefty burden.

    your system sounds great - just aids in finding a dungeon and we get to bypass the prepubescent garbage in global chat.

  8. i'm very anti-dungeon finder, however YOUR idea sounds great.

    i've always hated the guy who sits back and waits for everyone else to get to the instance to summon him. he's usually the same guy who doesn't run back after a wipe - just sits and waits for a rez. he's the same guy that doesn't bring food or water to an instance because there might be a mage who will make him some. dungeon finder was made for him to help him with this hefty burden.

    your system sounds great - just aids in finding a dungeon and we get to bypass the prepubescent garbage in global chat.
    yes but u still will have that guy in group probably and he wont fly either (the addon wont teleport u to the dungeon) so why bring the subject? :D

  9. For me its a useless addon. I still have to talk to ppl... The only thing i loved about the Dungeon finder was that i never ever had to say anything to those in my party.

  10. Amazing!

    Will you host it on Github and allow for external contributions?

  11. I'm definitely interested in this. We might not get RDF but this is certainly better than 'LFG LFG LFG LFG LFG LFG LFG' in global.

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