1. Can't learn Ice Barrier

    I can't learn it from Mage Trainer at Orgrimmar. What should i do?

  2. Did you learn it from the frost talent tree first? its a talent.

  3. If he had said 'Stormwind' i would have been much happier

  4. If he had said 'Stormwind' i would have been much happier
    hahahahaha win

  5. If he had said 'Stormwind' i would have been much happier
    So true lmao.

  6. Yeah like everyone learned the WoW in their birth.

    I'm sorry for not being a nolifer neckbeard.
    Edited: January 24, 2016

  7. Haha you got it exactly right what i meant xD
    i'm still laughing on my own comment when i read it :D

    Yeah like everyone learned the WoW in their birth.

    I'm sorry for not being a nolifer neckbeard.
    Don't feel offended mate, even i am not a no-lifer. It was just a random Horde joke xD

  8. Yeah like everyone learned the WoW in their birth.

    I'm sorry for not being a nolifer neckbeard.
    wowowow bro wow u are too butthurt - u asked a stupid question - what did u expect? go to google if u dont like it. im sure if u thought about it abit u would find the answer alone so ppl can say what they want now - u could edit ur post and admit the mistake but no - we are now nolifers neckbeards - u will just get more insults with that attitude

  9. wowowow bro wow u are too butthurt - u asked a stupid question - what did u expect? go to google if u dont like it. im sure if u thought about it abit u would find the answer alone so ppl can say what they want now - u could edit ur post and admit the mistake but no - we are now nolifers neckbeards - u will just get more insults
    Be easy on him :) he just got mad by my joke :)

  10. Y'all need a life lol.
    Really in no mood to treat you with all the sarcasm which i hold back on Warmane forums just because i am not another essay writer !
    so please if someone is being nice, go along !

  11. Any game in world ain't getting rid of, lets call, newbies. Is it normal? Hmm, yes, it is )

    As long as they play on horde side, I'm all ok with that


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