1. Well it's quite obvious the best way to classify a "good" player would be to queue 3s however 3s is almost dead either has win traders or queues can take 1+ hours. As I said if someone is going to brag about "rating" they may as well either have a gladiator or challenger title, rival dosent mean much as anyone who wants it and takes the time to queue 3s can get it. 2s is a joke and is imbalanced, duels are imbalanced, 5s is mainly for Subwars no one takes 5s seriously and random bgs is boring and dosent take much to win with a roflstomped pre. Rated bgs actually takes skill as it requires more than just CC this target and LoS while I put on dots it takes much more than that, as a healer in rated bgs you cannot hide behind a pillar, your true skill shows on how you perform on the field protecting not only yourself but your entire team while your team has to take down the enemy team with either AoE, dotting. Target switching w/e the case may be. It also requires more communication and cooperation than 2s.

    Unless you are a glad, challenger or can actually be successful at RBGs you just aren't that good.

    again using your logic rbgs take the same amount of skill as 2s but in your eyes 2s takes no skill, still cant see why you dont have the 2.2k achiv then, it makes me wonder. rbgs = get a bunch of boomkins with some bis holy paladins and rofl stomp with pve gear. gg

  2. @raichxoxo lmao I faced your garbage shaman in that AV on my holy warrior earlier today. You were basically standing in 1 spot behind 30 ppl and spamming chain lightning which isn't a problem anyway since any other ele shaman would do the same, however what shocked me the most was when I charged you you just kept backpedaling and spamming chain lighting like a total scrub without actually trying to kite or even juke me, which made wonder whether you were a bot or just mentally challenged, but then I told myself this guy must be a ****ing bot, no one could be that ******ed.

  3. Listen here nasty, go f*ck off to whatever rat hole you came from you pleb no one cares about your irrelevant and non existent "gf" and no one cares about the fact you get raped brutally hard by horde premades. So do us a favor and go die in a fire .. Twice.

    Your mentioning rating which is non existent. 2.2k does not classify you as a good player especially on a private server, at most the "challenger" or "gladiator" title mean most.

    Rated BGs mean more than most 2s as they take good cooperation, team work, and communication among 10 people as opposed to who can CC lock who the longest and burst down 1 target while LoS when possible.
    wowwwwwwwwwwwwww hahaha, someone's hostile lmao. i'm almost flattered. though, if you wanna insult someone, use something a little more insulting then pleb.. such a silly little trendy word. and i never stated 2.2k makes you good, or glad for that matter. or to put it out there now, having no rating at all, doesn't mean you're bad either. and rated bg's don't mean more. it depends. if say guild 1 beat guild 2, in rbg. it doesn't mean every player, or even any player, is better then all or any player from guild 2, not even in rbg's. it means their TEAM is better [at least that particular day/week/month/whatever], and even then there's still possibility. not to mention, individuals in rbg's get carried all the time. whether cuz they're well liked, a girl, fill a certain needed role that is otherwise unavailable, or w/e other reason.

    so far, only a few premade players got their panties all twisted up. glad to see the majority of you have more maturity, though that's hardly fair too. it could just be an off day and i happened to strike someone's nerve at a bad moment. yall would know more then i would since i'm newly returned. and to clarify one last thing, i admit my current presumption of events is that majority of these 24/7 premaders are likely bad [although i did offer to help, and that's still available, really it is].. i'm also not so naive to assume that ALL of them are bad, and any presumptions on individual players [not to be named, and i'm referring to game, not forums] could also be changed.

    it's more about getting to know the players here. to sorta quote something someone said in a previous recent thread, i kinda just wanna see who the toxic players are. being good or bad is irrelevant to me. but certain personality traits make some ppl not worth the effort to.. well.. do much of anything. i'm much diff in game and rl then here on forums. but speaking like this let's me understand others' personalities better. irl i have mostly female friends. it's easier to tell who's a ***** and who's not. and the guy friends they're close to, i can 9x outta 10 trust the girls' judgment [on their friends, not bf's lawl]. but here it's not so easy. i have no desire to deal with people who drag their rl stress online and vent, or are just naturally *******s. even the people who been rude so far, my opinion of them isn't fully formed either. not that they necessarily care, or even should. but many many many many people get offended by neutrality, as it seems to sound a bit harsh, or that the person thinks they're better then everyone else. i can see why ppl get that idea though, so can't hold it against anyone if i unintentionally offend them.

  4. #dodged

    again using your logic rbgs take the same amount of skill as 2s but in your eyes 2s takes no skill, still cant see why you dont have the 2.2k achiv then, it makes me wonder. rbgs = get a bunch of boomkins with some bis holy paladins and rofl stomp with pve gear. gg
    lets see

    no glad title - check

    no challenger title - check

    no rbg wins - check

    who are you again? oh thats right your that dk with the vangaurd comp that lost to a clicker while they "brag" about their 2.2k achieve when the minimum potential of a vangaurd comp is 2.5k

    a feral druid healing more than a ret? wut m8?
    Edited: February 5, 2016

  5. here is my bg guide

    step 1: roll boomkin

    step 2: figure out what gear you need (pic below)

    these are the essentials, all other items pretty much are completely useless an only weigh us down

    step 3: set up your action bars for maximum efficiency (pic below)

    this set up will make sure that you have all the spells necesarry to succeed in random battlegrounds

    step 4: basic strategy

    what your going to want to do is press 1 (starfall) at the first sight of anyone

    then your going to want to moonfire someone
    and then your going to want to hit him with another moonfire
    and then the rest of our rotation looks something like this


    your welcome for teaching you how to succeed in random bgs nasty - cyo
    Edited: February 5, 2016

  6. It's funny because Tdot thinks he's good for "beating"(he only went 3-2 against us LOL) someone who has played ret for like 1-2weeks, with an item level of like 390 lol. Tdotgarbage.

  7. Also tdot did less dps then his partner thus indicating major carry and also Tdot is a duel dodger top kek.

  8. Cyonide's Pro Balance guide is 20/10 that guide is sure to ensure 2.5k arena rating and glad title and also he forgot one thing backpedal

  9. I have a bis boomkin, if i wanted to solo que all it would take was a few competent players and not a giant faecroll premde on the other side. I premade because i enjoy talking to my friends while i bg, otherwise the graveyard camps would be boring. I don't need to premade at all, but i really really really like when my fun comes at the expense of people like you having fun.
    much better post :) js

    ur right on all of it. but.. i talk to friends on skype in calls while i bg, even ones that don't play wow. or in raidcall when i was on frostwolf. and yea, you can respond, i like playing with my friends too but then.. gy camping isn't really playing is it? which leads back to a suggestion i made before, i even seen star suggest it before when i was in a bg with her. why not lower ur gear in the bg if ur not facing a premade? if u don't have lower gear, just take some pieces off. if say, some geared person on the other team keeps targeting u and it annoys u, yea.. put all ur gear back on for a moment and "rape his face". then go back to what u was doing lol. and hell, it don't even matter if you lose or not, since ur actually playing the game, and talking to ur friends. my intention was never to tell yall to stop joining bg's in groups. just offering an alternative method so that u can do more then just sit outside of a gy ya know?

    however what shocked me the most was when I charged you you just kept backpedaling and spamming chain lighting like a total scrub without actually trying to kite or even juke me, which made wonder whether you were a bot or just mentally challenged, but then I told myself this guy must be a ****ing bot, no one could be that ******ed.
    not about the person ur talking to.. but lmaoooooooooooo.. i seen this sooooo many times with various classes. never made the presumption of them being mentally challenged, more like wished xfaction chatting was available so i could offer a suggestion :P i do it in arena all the time when capping [ofc only when vs same faction]

    Unless you are a glad, challenger or can actually be successful at RBGs you just aren't that good.
    i half agree with majority of your post. but on retail, there's some terrible players with high rbg ratings. you can get high ratings in rbg with good pve skill [not your entire team ofc], and limited pvp skill. it's more about leadership skills then individual player skills.

  10. i thought that was to be assumed, if you bakpedal you can see your enemies better while also gaining a positional advantage from moving away from them

  11. It's funny because Tdot thinks he's good for "beating"(he only went 3-2 against us LOL) someone who has played ret for like 1-2weeks, with an item level of like 390 lol. Tdotgarbage.



    ilvl dosent mean sh*t you are just bad
    Edited: February 5, 2016

  12. Nasty you're telling us to remove some gear, right? But what if we want to get kills fast and easy, helping us achieve our goal faster? The better gear, the more damage, the more HK's... It just seems like a waste of time to me.

  13. ok imma respond twoeasy just cuz it might actually help you out, and this reply from you is actually legit :) as you mentioned earlier you're after the hk title, i understand a bit more now. but.. i've seen many games where your team just sits outside gy doing not much of anything, not even doing objectives. so if you're dragging a game on, where 9/10 of the ppl are either afraid, or just see it as pointless, to leave the gy, you're not getting as many hk's as you could have.

    alliance right now, often have instant queues, and horde, i usually have to sit and wait. i'm assuming, it's because of all those horde premades, that not as many alliance want to even queue.

    so with this said, aren't you just waiting in queue lines, to score opening bg kills, and then killing only whatever unfortunate person is dumb enough to jump [or fall lol] out of the gy?

    since you don't need a kb to get an hk, lowering your gear, all of you in your group, would possibly net higher hk's per time spent, since there would be less gy camping. [this would need to be tested ofc, as it's just a theory]. and if you also ignored a couple of the alliance doing objectives, and instead going after the infinite amount of ppl who don't, alliance would win a bit more often, making more alliance repeat queue, shortening your queue times.

    EDIT: right now, i actually have wait time on alliance, and instant q on horde. hmmm. i dunno now :D
    Edited: February 5, 2016

  14. ok imma respond twoeasy just cuz it might actually help you out, and this reply from you is actually legit :) as you mentioned earlier you're after the hk title, i understand a bit more now. but.. i've seen many games where your team just sits outside gy doing not much of anything, not even doing objectives. so if you're dragging a game on, where 9/10 of the ppl are either afraid, or just see it as pointless, to leave the gy, you're not getting as many hk's as you could have.

    alliance right now, often have instant queues, and horde, i usually have to sit and wait. i'm assuming, it's because of all those horde premades, that not as many alliance want to even queue.

    so with this said, aren't you just waiting in queue lines, to score opening bg kills, and then killing only whatever unfortunate person is dumb enough to jump [or fall lol] out of the gy?

    since you don't need a kb to get an hk, lowering your gear, all of you in your group, would possibly net higher hk's per time spent, since there would be less gy camping. [this would need to be tested ofc, as it's just a theory]. and if you also ignored a couple of the alliance doing objectives, and instead going after the infinite amount of ppl who don't, alliance would win a bit more often, making more alliance repeat queue, shortening your queue times.
    but if you lower your gear you cant ****ing rekt the enemy as hard

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