1. Merging Warsong into Neltharion

    Heyo Warsong players o/

    I'm from Neltharion and I've talked with one GM and they're thinking about this merge between Warsong and Neltharion.
    In my point of view I think its the best think to do and will improve the PvP on neltharion and to be honest, we really need it.

    I know that will create few problems with names, gear and gold but its something that people should be preapred.

    What is your personal opinion about this?

  2. In my opinion i can agree but they really need to balance the PVP and those HC pve items that are bugged gonna be extreame even in 3s which is more balanced than 2v2 merging with nelth will couse lots of problems and rly few good things like: in wsg we dont use HC gear and pve still dominate over skill ex. Bonelink, Windward, Gurth... and many more.... also if we merge with nelth will we have spectate and soloQ and tmog npc? cuz i bet a lot of us wants soloQ and tmog npc even spectate and if we dont get that its gonna be like you merged only 50 ppl in nelth if we get everything fixed, balanced, and those npcs that i mentioned like spectate soloQ and Tmog npc like AT had they are MUST HAVE! or Warsong will die... i hope devs spend more time listening to this community cuz only this community can bring a lot of Players in Warsong realm...

  3. I actually agree with the specate NPC, its something that they should bring to neltharion :D

  4. What is your personal opinion about this?
    a part of me died by reading what you wrote

  5. a part of me died by reading what you wrote
    Well, I told you, its something that we should be prepared :D

  6. Really bad idea for the ppl on warsong since we dont want the hc gear like cunning/vial/gurth. Keep warsong a pvp strict server or otherwise the ppl doing arenas on warsong will have to find another server. My opinion, dont shoot. Btw gonna die waiting that at core.

  7. Put a script that u cannot use above 397 ilvl in arena.

    Also, at script won't happen. Just forget about it.
    Edited: February 9, 2016

  8. Put a script that u cannot use above 397 ilvl in arena.

    Also, at script won't happen. Just forget about it.
    Good idea but then inc the PvE rats carried by gear QQing about it, probably trying to use the 'This is not blizz-like' trash they do. Or the ****ters that bought their carry and demand a refund

  9. Why merging the two servers. I hate SO MUCH neltharion. If I play warsong and only warsong, that's because you can pvp with characters you get instant lvl 85 and great gear to farm 403 gears. I would definitly stop playing on warmane if they merge these two servers.

  10. This merge won't happen at all. Cool, a GM stated that they are thinking about it but what kind of power does that GM hold in the staff team to make sure the merge goes through? Who knows, but honestly just delete warsong :)

  11. Dude, to revive warsong, they would just need to put AT core in it and then done. But they keep thinking of smth else when their answer is just in front of them. I hope Warsong will live forever and stay cata. Not the other bs extansions.

  12. Dude, to revive warsong, they would just need to put AT core in it and then done. But they keep thinking of smth else when their answer is just in front of them. I hope Warsong will live forever and stay cata. Not the other bs extansions.
    AT Core won't save Warsong. I mean look at what happened to AT Cata before the merge...

  13. Actually, i don't know at what state was AT before the merge. If so much players left warsong, it's because they can't do anything besides pvp and the fact you could hang around with friends kept loads if people on the server. Now warsong is completly unbalanced, even dev and gms don't know what they will do. This realm is half pve half pvp and that's a pretty terrible state that no one wants to play. I quited Warsong cause of this, the lack of enjoyment that was previously given to players. For example pve things like quests and other...

  14. I have a better idea, how about we just add AT core

  15. I have a better idea, how about we just add AT core
    i bet my gf if AT core will be implemented, we will have more players then nelth, because so many people will comeback and start again to play + the pvp community on nelth will come here.

    if you remember the tourney with players from warsong and nelth, you can see how bs nelth pvp is and what ******s dominating the ladders who never would reach 2k on AT.

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