1. I would just like to put emphasis on two points that are already written in the original post:

    **It is much appreciated, if future posts of kills include date and preferably a screenshot of the actual kill. Refrain from posting a screenshot of the achievement itself. Such submissions will henceforth be ignored (3rd of February 2016). Also, keep the thread drama-free. Do not respond to half-witted advances, and do not stir up any drama. At all. Thank you in advance.**
    I have added the progress of the last two guilds who made submissions: BIZZNO and Agony. These will be the final two cases that will be excused. As previously mentioned, a mere screenshot of an achievement will no longer be enough Thanks in advance, and best of luck to all guilds!

    Question is, was it with our without "non player buffs"???
    You could do with reading the second part of the aforementioned. Thanks!
    Edited: February 8, 2016

  2. [H]<The Company> Cleared Naxx25 (and 10) and EoE 10.

    I know you said you do not accept screenshots of the achievement page but we are late joiners on this post so it is impossible to go back in time. So it is up to you wether you want to accept these entries or not.

    Naxx25: http://i.imgur.com/KP3Oz4h.png + http://i.imgur.com/oVstSvo.png
    Naxx10 + EoE: http://i.imgur.com/2Yw21WP.png

    Thanks for your time.


  3. [A]<Tranquil>
    KT25 and Malygos25 - all (normal) Content cleared

  4. [A]<Tranquil>
    KT25 and Malygos25 - all (normal) Content cleared
    Big congrats to my kind friends in Tranquil!

    I have not forgotten anyone, your progress WILL be added - this also goes to all the kind people who sent me private messages. Do not worry! Thank you for the continued support. Once again, do not forget to post pictures of the actual kill, and not just the achievement!

    Kindest regards,

  5. Swede stack - cleared Naxx10/25, EoE 10/25 and Sarth 3d 25

  6. [H]<Zeal> Cleared EoE 25 (10 man aswell don't have any proof though expect an achievment

    25: EoE http://puu.sh/n4DnE/5eee941199.jpg

  7. I have posted all new eligible progress. Those who have posted their progress with screenshots of achievements from the 3rd of February or before will still be added, as the new rules were not in effect until then.
    Edited: February 13, 2016

  8. Swapping around two posts. I prefer that this one is seen, rather than one stating that I have updated additional progress.

    I don't think this thread has been met with as much interest before from the guild that has previously called threads of the kind "useless" and "without meaning".

    HOWEVER, I don't feel entitled to discredit any progression, so long as it has not been discredited officially. Yes, I have received links to the thread that was authored by a member of Clarity, but as he had stated himself, he is without power in the guild. I know this is probably frustrating for Paradox, who feel that they are the true holders of the rights to claim realm first on the achievement in question, but - in reality - what can I do? If there has been no consequences, or if higher powers have not stated their opinions regarding the matter, then the standings are intact - and this I say completely objectively.

    If you have any concerns, please direct them to me in form of a private message on the forums (I will not respond to it here); keep the thread drama-free, as I have previously pleaded for. I also kindly ask of the person from Paradox, amoung other people, who became impatient with me updating the post, to (as mentioned in another reply in this very thread) understand that I can not keep the thread updated at your will, as I have other commitments to attend to, and that this is something I do voluntarily - when I have extra time for it - because I care dearly for a healthy, competitive raiding environment. :-)

    A minor addendum: I just want to thank everyone who has given me kind words and support. I'm happy that people are content with the work I'm doing.

    The most kind regards,
    Edited: February 13, 2016

  9. This is not a thread for discussing exploiting or guild drama. Further posts about it will result in your posting privileges being revoked. This is your only warning. You know who you are.

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