1. Warlock pets - Resilience formula

    Does anybody else noticed how easily warlock pets go down right now in pvp? It leaves me wondering if the resilience formula is right, remember (Patch 3.3.0 12/09/2009 - CLASSES: GENERAL: Pet Resilience: All player pets now get 100% of their master’s resilience.) Does anybody test it yet? Maybe its the low healthpool of starter seasons tho, but cmon prot palys hitting my succ(11.5k hp) for 7k and mages can pretty much 1shot it in one shatter. Everyone is going for pets right now in 2s so i have to spam funnel all day. Faced high rated ret/mm yday, after feldom pet by the time i have my global cd for soulink back pet was already dead again =D

  2. Yeah they die insanely fast, but they get resi from the player. I thought it's early gear's fault.

  3. pets are paper now

    anyway, due to major class bugs and some mechanic arena is far away from being balanced and interesting

  4. Its enough any melee to look at them and thats it...even with my healer and funnel on it. I find myself playing with imp most ot the times against warriors...thats sad.

  5. its not only lock, its hunter too, my crab has 13k hp instead of 17k

    with 800 resil my pet dies in +-2.5 seconds vs warrior

  6. Warmane has problems with pets since very beginning.

    Required some really huge report with calculations, proper links and million screenshots/videos to help administration fix this problem.
    Any1 up for this ?

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