1. Personally I'm against having 10 man drop valor emblems, but the sad thing is that 10 man gear is harder to obtain than the 25 man.
    well then we better talk about nerfing 10man raid.

  2. well then we better talk about nerfing 10man raid.

    How about no ? Ever thought this was a way to encourage people have have 15 more guys in their guild ?

  3. Hi, i am playing with an IRL guild with about 16 members, 10 level 80.
    We just started raiding Naxx 10man and i love that it is hard and not the cake walk it was in retail.
    The thing I'm struggling with is that the reward for downing these quite hard bosses for a casual guild is not worth the effort it takes. Since the HC and Heroism items have the same ilvl there are just a few items that will make you feel more powerful in the 10 man content. So for Guilds who dont have the people to do 25man it would be nice to atleast get some Emblems of Valor of the bosses so you can get some 213 ivl pieces more quickly then one in every 20-30 days. I dont know if this has been brought up before but thats just an idea for the guilds with lesser playerbase.
    So you like the extra difficulty, but aren't in for the ride, but for gains? That's contradictory, but that aside, if you are only doing content for what you can get out of it and simple enjoyment and fun at being able to do it isn't enough, just do other content, I guess? The content was buffed to make it a challenge people can struggle to come out of victorious, not as an excuse to push equipment not meant to be rewarded there.

  4. If you are talking about reward...Back in TBC before nerfs and everything Shattered Halls Heroic (5 man dungeon for those who don't know and you needed to DO it for attunement otherwise no SSC / The eye) was harder than most bosses in Karazhan, so basicly it's the same thing now, how can a 5 man give less rewards than a 10 man ? It's the challenge, period.
    This is bad design, obviously, and should not be repeated.

    So you like the extra difficulty, but aren't in for the ride, but for gains? That's contradictory, but that aside, if you are only doing content for what you can get out of it and simple enjoyment and fun at being able to do it isn't enough, just do other content, I guess? The content was buffed to make it a challenge people can struggle to come out of victorious, not as an excuse to push equipment not meant to be rewarded there.
    So, just to be clear - increasing the challenge of 10-man is OK, but increasing the rewards structure commensurate with the increase in challenge is not? Why? Don't say "it's not meant to be there" - your tuning changes are "not meant to be" either.

  5. So, just to be clear - increasing the challenge of 10-man is OK, but increasing the rewards structure commensurate with the increase in challenge is not? Why? Don't say "it's not meant to be there" - your tuning changes are "not meant to be" either.
    I don't understand what you're trying to say here. Should Naxx 10 be dropping Naxx 25 loot? No, it most definitely should not be. The difficulty of the content does not always correlate to the rewards, either. We are open to suggestions, but it's far more likely for content to get nerfed than to have their rewards enhanced. If you have suggestions for content difficulty tuning, please, go ahead. However, the changes set for emblems and other loot are on specific parameters and are not subject for change. With that being said, I believe this topic can be closed. Thank you for your time.

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