1. Are you dying?

    So, I'm getting sick of WotLK, I wanted to try something new, so I went to MoP. It was a bugfest and I tried to play on WotLK again.

    The only reason I'm not playing on Cata is because of the population, is it gonna die soon or I something gonna happen? Since, there is not much hope from my perspective. Ragnaros and DW are low on population, but they will get merged.

    Unfortunately, there is nothing Cata to merge with.

    What are your opinions on this? Should I download the Cata client and try it out, or wait for something?

  2. You should download cata. Low population? Well, that is why we need people to give it a chance :D

  3. We have low population compared to other servers, but we have still some guilds and people that likes and wants to play...so download Cata and find a guild with whom you can play with :D

  4. Low pop ?

    2s queues are instant
    BGs are 1-5 mins ( on retail it was something like that for me )
    Many valor runs in global
    Many pug raids

    We are around 1k7 at peak time its verry cool, its not overpopulated. 2k5 would be perfect and we could reach it if Warmane staff would pay more attention to us...

  5. [QUOTE=Mesrinex;2630031]Low pop ?

    2s queues are instant

    Maybe for backpeddling 1.5k players, but I sit 20min 2s queues and 5hour 3s queues.

  6. [QUOTE=dwallinn;2630125]
    Low pop ?

    2s queues are instant

    Maybe for backpeddling 1.5k players, but I sit 20min 2s queues and 5hour 3s queues.
    That is hilarious...20 min queue in 2s?!?

  7. [QUOTE=k0777ka13;2630141]

    That is hilarious...20 min queue in 2s?!?
    Yes , not even at that high MMR, sometimes at 2.1k I have 10min queue +, at 2.6k+ 20min.

  8. That is hilarious...20 min queue in 2s?!?
    He wasn't even kiding :D

  9. The only reason cata is still up is because of us (Both pvp and pve players) that likes cata , yep we complain about updates/low pop but still we are here trying to have fun with the few things we have avaible but waiting for a better future that will probaly never come. xD

  10. Sounds like a lot of fun
    Depends of what you call fun :D For me, fun its when I'm doing some arenas agaisnt good players that can actually bring so challenge :p

    The only reason cata is still up is because of us (Both pvp and pve players) that likes cata , yep we complain about updates/low pop but still we are here trying to have fun with the few things we have avaible but waiting for a better future that will probaly never come. xD
    this ^
    Edited: February 18, 2016

  11. [QUOTE=dwallinn;2630205]

    Yes , not even at that high MMR, sometimes at 2.1k I have 10min queue +, at 2.6k+ 20min.
    I feel you Dwallin, I got to 2.6k mmr this season as well and my partner just refuses to log in now. It's either "ques are too long" or "I can't get on" so yeah...ques dry up fast past 2k atm.

  12. No one wanna queue and face 2x rets in 2vs2 comp in which both censure dots tick 100k each over 5k+ resil.... Or rogue/hunt comps equipped with no'khaleds and bone-link fetishes...

  13. All this makes me get pretty upset about a great expansion.

    I miss 4.0.6, where you got everywhere bases on skill not who could donate the most. Even if you donated back then it would be to get your Vicious T2 weapon and maybe a trinket depending (HOR for Warr/DK/Pala, Teralions for FroMage, Elesham).

    Can we either restrict PvE gear to PvE and WPVP, and let the arena players only play with PvP gear and up to 1 PVE Item (Like VOS (only... no BLF) for Rogues, Kiril for Ferals, Val for Hunter, Gurth for Melee etc)
    That would make it semi fair.

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