1. Merging Neltharion into MoP realm Frostwolf

    Lately Cataclysm realm activity has been at an all time low, total players online as I write this post - http://prntscr.com/a6gl4c , and the numbers just keep dropping, unfortunately , I cannot see any way to revive Neltharion on Warmane. This forum post is to find out the opinions of Frostwolf and Neltharion community members as well as get the attention of GMs. Before you type anything in the comments, please read the full post, I will do my best to make you understand my point of view on the situation.

    So, as most of the Nelth/Frostwolf community knows, a few weeks ago GMs suggested merging Neltharion and Frostwolf, but that received a lot of hate and they decided not to go through with the merge which is understandable as at first I myself didn't want to hear about a MoP merge since I enjoy playing Cata the most, I have lots of characters there and lots of time put in to getting gear, transmogs, mounts, etc. However, after thinking about what the merge would actually mean I realized that this might be best for the Warmane community as a whole. In my opinion the merge is inevitable and will happen regardless as it is just a matter of time.

    Most people were quick to dismiss the merge, because of what it meant to their characters, coins, time wasted on Cataclysm, but if the merge were to happen I am sure that we would be able to transfer at least a few of our Cataclysm characters with their inventories. Think about what is better - having a character on a realm that is dying out and is not showing any hope of ever being as it once was , or having your character on a realm that receives a lot of attention from developers and continuing to better your character ? GMs have also notified us that if the merge happened we would receive some form of compensation or a refund for our gear and I believe that would be sufficient to motivate people to play. The proud Cataclysm players just have to accept that Neltharion is very inactive, I even feel that it is too inactive to have much fun playing it, but if Neltharion and Frostwolf were to merge, the PvP scene would be thriving with a huge increase in the 2s ladder as well as rated BGs and most likely 3s queues as well. Not to mention the fact that Cataclysm has gotten very dull as nothing new ever happens, but MoP just released a new patch and I am sure new raids, gear will follow. Overall , the merge would be the best thing that can happen to the community as a whole. Instead of one dead realm and one semi active realm we would get a much more fun realm with more activity in every aspect. GMs, when you offered to merge these realms you dismissed the idea too quickly, without asking what Frostwolf players think and without letting Neltharion players think about it for longer so I want to ask you to make a poll in the forum sections of these realms and decide then. I've seen the devlog of the Cataclysm update, but I doubt that fixing quests will help the overall Neltharion population. All suggestions to GMs or to Neltharion, Frostwolf players are welcome in the comments and I look forward what players of these realms think.

    Forgot to mention that this would also boost Warsong population as people that really despise MoP would switch to Warsong.
    Edited: February 22, 2016 Reason: Extra paragraph

  2. It's been already decided to keep Cataclysm realms considering community's input after possible merge proposition. Most Cataclysm community members were against it hence we decided to resume Cataclysm development. We already got a new developer who will work on Cataclysm.

    Those who play on Cataclysm are still there because they like Cataclysm - not WOTLK, not MoP but Cataclysm.

  3. Cataclysm is my favourite expansion, and of my friends too.

    The lack of population is down to lack of support and development, nothing else.
    But as Agramon said there is a new Cata Dev who will hopefully bring some spark back to our precious realm.

  4. Cataclysm is my favourite expansion, and of my friends too.

    The lack of population is down to lack of support and development, nothing else.
    But as Agramon said there is a new Cata Dev who will hopefully bring some spark back to our precious realm.
    Perhaps because of it, but Cataclysm is actually almost bug free, not much left to fix, upcoming devlog of cata is for qeusts, what is that going to change?

  5. It's been already decided to keep Cataclysm realms considering community's input after possible merge proposition. Most Cataclysm community members were against it hence we decided to resume Cataclysm development. We already got a new developer who will work on Cataclysm.

    Those who play on Cataclysm are still there because they like Cataclysm - not WOTLK, not MoP but Cataclysm.
    So you won't even consider making a poll for people to vote and instead will just trust people hating on the idea in the comment section the first time it was brought up ?

  6. the reason why cata is going down is because of various reasons:
    first PvE: Dragon Soul sucks, it's a non challenging and not enjoyable raid. Warmane can't change anything about that, and fixing low lvl stuff won't make the high end PvE-stuff any better.

    PvP: Devestated by the mmr-system and the amount of pve. There is nothing to aim for. Improvement? What for? 2.2k is unachievable, you can't go for elite set, and getting the elite weapon is also un-needed since everyone has gurth,nokaled etc etc.

    ever since we went to 4.3.4 and changed our mmr-system the population of cata-realms vanished slowly. no one even bothers to play 3s, hell i got some title with 1750 rating. I would love to see a comeback of 4.0.6, which had better pvp, more balanced and less pve dominated. Also were aiming for 2.2k in 3s to get elite stuff cause that actually made a little difference.

    4.0.6 gogogogogogo :)

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